
My Perfect Dream

"I know Dad, I know I'll be the heiress of Bridget Group but...but did you ever care for what I wanted", she stated gesturing out her frustration. "Why do you care more about those boys than your company. They don't even know about your existence!!", her father pointed out walking over the couch. "Dad, you d-don't know them then why are you saying all these. I love them, my love for them is more than.......Dad please give me a month, I just need a month to breath, to get to understand my feelings, to think. Dad after a month of trying to g-get over them I will gladly come back to take over", she said with teary eyes in a pleading tone. Kaylee Bridget is known for her beauty, compassion, golden heart, kindness, bravery, stands up against injustice, willingness, and being loved by everyone around her, what so ever name it all. She is the one and only heiress to Bridget Group which comprises of different aspects of business line - Shipping, Fashion, Airports and so on. She has been pampered and given all what her heart desires her whole life except for a thing. Get on the ride and find out what makes the Princess of Bridget Group unhappy ???? _________________________________________ "You stupid girl, you're just like those crazy fans who stalks their idol every single minute" "Yes, now you have nothing to say. I'm deeply disgusted" "Can you like close your mouth, you're drooling stupid" "Tsk, you silly fan. I don't need to explain myself to you. You're not really important stupid girl" "I'm super sure she did something wrong that's why she doesn't have an ambition for her life" *** "CAN YOU JUST STOP IT. STOP IT, I'M FED UP. YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU DON'T ACT LIKE THIS TO YOUR 'BELOVED' FANS SO WHY AM I SO DIFFERENT. IT'S NOT LIKE I'VE MET YOU BEFORE TO GAIN THESE AMOUNT OF HATRED FROM YOU". Jayden Terrence is An Australian and Worldwide Idol, a perfectionist with great looks. He is currently in a boy band called 'TLK' meaning The Last Knights. The band are currently facing an issue with songwriting, deciding for the best to take a break from music. On their smoothly perfect and full proof planned vacation, he encountered TLK's greatest fan who only loved them as a Fan would do but for no ultimate reason he despise her presence. Or are these all a facade to cover up his real and buried feelings. His past have been haunting for quite some time, is it time for all secret to come out of the closet. Who will finally help the group to overcome their problem and Jayden's uncleared past ?????. Let's find out more about the Romance between A Idol and His Fan. Secret will be exposed, who is willing to jump into ride to 'MY PERFECT DREAM'. Author's Note. This story should not be stolen or rewritten and to clarify, I may be a baby writer but I'm here to write my imagination away ~. Love

Kailee_Praise · Teen
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Chapter 11- Tourist Guides

Chapter 11- Tourist Guides


I woke up and ordered for breakfast, enthusiastic about TLK's being my tourists guides.

Last night before I went to sleep, Isabelle informed me that she is going on a break to her hometown and we wouldn't be much in touch with each other.

'Hello Lee, how are you', her familar voice boomed from the phone.

'Hey Izzy. I'm good and you'

'Okay, so I forgot to inform you that I'm traveling to my hometown for a month as a leave since my favorite person in the world isn't around'

I laughed at her coax 'That's nice. No problems Izzy, have a great trip'

'See you in a month, ooh yes and I might not be so in touch with you for a month'

'And why is that?'

'The network in my hometown is terribly bad, we will still be able to talk but not frequently'

'Oh okay. Don't forget to bring a fiance home and I'm rotting for William your childhood friend'

'Ahhhh, stop it Kaylee. He is my friend and nothing else.'

'Really !!! I don't know why I don't seem fully convinced of your words', I teased her earning a groan from her.

I laughed 'See you soon Izzy, Love ya'

'Love you too Lee'.

Decided it was for the best I stood up orderly arranged my clothes in the closet. Picked out a blue crazy short jeans, cute white off shoulder Louis Vuitton top slipping into my white Gucci sneaker.

My makeup is not too much, not too little. It's balanced, I braided my hair into a French styled braid murmuring 'Havana'.

🎵Havana oh na na ...

Half of my heart is in havana oh na na

He took me back to East Atlanta havana oh na na ....

All of my heart is in havana

There's something 'bout his manner

Havana oh na na .....

My phone chimed and a notification popped right on the screen distracting  as I stopped singing and diverted my eyes where I placed it on the drawer towards my bed.

'Kaylee, just want to inform you that we are on our way to pick you' It's from Jason, he requested for my phone number two days.

'Okay, I'm already', I hurriedly messaged back.

'Okay see you soon, and yes Theo created a group chat last night. He is going to add you, you can also your friend if that's fine by you', he asked.

"Of course, that will be great", I quickly sent back sitting on my bed with my leg crossed to the other I picked up my white pillow and placed it on my thigh resting my hand on it.

'Lee..... I sort of wrote a song last night. Do you want to listen to it, I mean later', sent Jason.

"Great, it will be my pleasure", I replied.

'see you soon cupcake'. And that ended our conversation idly sitting on my bed.

Five minutes later, I heard the door bell rang having a guess who was at the door I casually walked up to the door and led them inside. TLK entered into our apartment, Theodore wearing a black tee, red jacket on his shoulder, black pants and white cool Gucci sneaker. Justin in a navy blue slightly unbuttoned shirt, black ripped jeans and black sneaker, Ryan putting on an oversized red and blue stripped shirt, blue jeans, a Dion wristwatch and a round glassless specs.

Harvey in a white pressed shirt, funky bright colored pant and white converse. Myles in a brown oversized tee, white ripped jeans and a brown timberlake. Jason wearing a black tee inside and a blue striped black t-shirt worn on it, with a black Nike sneaker. 

Jayden in a black tee, a sliver chain around his neck and a mutli color t-shirts worn his right shoulder, blue baggy jeans and black boot.

Why are they all dressed this way ? They look like they on a date or something and I feel intimated by their Fashion sense, sure they look ravishing !!!!

"Kaylee, you look amazing", Jason flattered leaving me in a blushing mess.

"Yes, you are amazingly beautiful Lee, I love your hairstyle. It suits you perfectly "Justin complimented with a wink, I chuckled at his comment.

"You guys don't make a bad impression yourselves", Damm what did I just blunt out, that's so embarrassing. They all laughed at my comment except Jayden as I carefully studied their outfit and how great they look in them.

"Whatever, can you like close your mouth you're drooling stupid" Jayden just had to open his mouth. Well I'm not going down without a fight.

"It's not really the first time you will insult me but I will let slip cause I don't want you to ruin my day. And yeah, you do have the gut to insult me standing under my roof", I retorted.

"Like I wanted to be here anyway", he scoffed averting his eyes to the other side of the room.

"Then who forced you, the door is right that way. I will love to lead you out douchebag".

"What did you fucking call me", he asked with gritted teeth, clenching his fist, his tighten knuckle turning white slowly.

Why is he getting so angry easily. Well, that show it hurts like a bitch. It's payback time.

I smirked more and pronounce each words carefully "D.o.u.c.h.e.b.a.g!!! What can you do? Will you hit me nah I don't think that's possible", I dared smirking.

"Hey hey, keep it low guys. No fights in here, am I clear?", Ryan demanded both of us.

"He started it", I defended.

"You brainless bird of a girl, I hate you and I'll always hate you. You know what, fuck everyone especially you stupid girl", he yelled furiously.

"And where did that come from?. I surely think you're out of words, why don't you learn some comeback and try to stand in front of me the next time honey", I smiled devilishly as I walked up to him patting his chest smoothly. Looked up to see him fuming in anger, I chuckled in victory and grinned.

Myles laughed and pulled me next to him "Angel, you don't want to see Jayden mad. Do you?".

"Nope, Theo where are we going to?", I asked turning my back to face Theodore.

Theo laughed and reply "The Ocean Road, that is the first place you mentioned".

"Which is fine by me, let's go everyone except you douchebag", everyone laughed and I giggled adding fuel to the fire.

He groaned loudly and suddenly whispered" I don't hate you, I can't hate a TLK's fan I don't just like you. Simple".

"No shit Sherlock, honey", I answered.

"Okay that's enough the both of you, let's go", Jason said pulling my hand towards the door.

We all walked out of my apartment not before locking the doors. I stepped into the van but stopped "Theo, can you please seat next to me. I don't want to sit next to an arrogant jerk".

Jayden groaned and scoffed. 

"Of course pumpkin, and I assure you your arrogant jerk wouldn't be much trouble", he laughed showing his boxy charm emphasizing 'Your'.




The tour to the Great Ocean Road was captivating and exclusive. We also visited The Art Gallery of New South Wales. Ryan recommended a dinner restaurant called 'Chinatown', it's a feast upon Asian meal.

"The meal was so good, Thanks for today guys though someone wasn't well pleased", I announced referring to Jayden. Argh, did he have to be so hot in that damn outfit, I didn't get the time to fully take in his hotness but him sitting next to me keeps erupting deep unknown emotions.

"It was our pleasure cupcakes", Jason replied. We all sat at the large booth enough for the eight of us to seat comfortably.

"Princess and how did you like our tour", Harvey requested sitting next to me.

"It was splendid Harvey, I can't wait for the next", I beamed happily for our next surprisingly tour.

"Yes, after all I'm the greatest tourist guide ever", Theo boasted proudly patting his left shoulder.

"Tell us more about yourself petal", Myles asked ignoring Theo's drama.

"Why Petal?. It's not that I don't like the pet name but why that exactly?", I questioned not understanding the nickname.

"Your heart is the answer", he said  and continued "Your heart is open-minded dear, it's beautiful and also softhearted just like a petal.", he explained not bothered about a single thing in life.

"Good thinking bro", Ryan trailed with his phone sitting next to Myles.

"Isn't that clique enough?", Jayden scowled rolling his eyes.

I scoffed at him without reply, me being me is bored with the members doing whatsoever and decided to play a game. "Okay let's play 20 questions, we will ask each other a question", I suggested as everyone dropped what they were doing. 

"Fine by me pretty", Justin agreed dropping his phone on the table.

"What's with the pet names", Jayden spat angrily.

"Can someone spell Jealousy?", Justin teased almost busting into laughter.

"J. A. Y. D. E. N", Jason mocked, we all  laughed at their childish joke.

Typical Jason !!!!!

"Don't tell me you are jealous, you couldn't give her a  pet name Jayden", Theo teased him, he gestured at Jayden.

He scoffed and reply."In fact I have one for her 'Stupid girl' ", he snorted lifting up his phone playing his favorite video game. How did I know it is his favorite cause I've seen him playing it for a very long time.

"True fact that isn't a pet name, arrogant jerk face"

Ryan laughed and frantically questions Jayden open his mouth for a comeback "I will go first, where are you from?"

"I'm from Canada"

"Woah you flew from Canada to Australia", Justin exclaimed.

"Yep" I said

"Okay, how did you become our fans I have always been curious", Harvey asked.

"I was at thirteen when I heard your debut songs, it captured my heart. My friends became a fan after I introduced TLK to them and I've been your fan for six year now".

"Idiot, he didn't ask how your friends became a fan", he stated nonchalantly playing his game.

"What's your favorite color?", Theodore asked sipping his drink.

"I will say Purple, cause it signifies royalty, ambition and creativity. It's also associated with wealth" I replied truthfully.

I've always like the color Purple because of it's meaning.

"Very good, we have the same favourite color",Theo said giving me an high five.

"Your favorite songs among our songs", Jason required.

"I don't have, your songs are great I can't choose"

"That's fair enough", Myles commented.

"What do you want to become?", he said again.

"It is not really important"

"Why is that?", Harvey asked affectionately like a parent would do.

"My parents have planned my whole life and ambition from the start and sadly I have no say in it", I answered honestly I would say I'm sad but I love my company I just want to find out who am truly is.

"So sad princess", Harvey whispered softly.

"What's your favorite dessert", Justin briskly changed the topic.

"I'm perfectly sure she did something wrong that's why she doesn't have an ambition for her life. What a worthless life she has!" Jayden murmured lowly but we all heard as tear brimmed in my eyes, threatening to fall.

What he said was true, I must have done something bad or wrong in my life. I wouldn't cry to show how weak I am. I might not have an ambition but I have a lovely and great parent who only love and care for me.....

The booth became silent when Jayden muttered under his breath, I didn't utter a word keeping my head low deep in thought.

I was drawn from the trance of my thought by Jason's soothing voice "Lee, it's not true. Don't think hard about what he said okay".

"No no, it's fine", I forced an half smile on my face within my heart was breaking into pieces.

"We need to drop you at your house princess, it is already late. Don't think about it Kaylee, you're perfect and brave I can tell", Harvey cooed.

"Thanks Harvey and everyone for accompanying me", I announced.




We are presently in the van heading to my apartment with Justin, Theo, Jayden and I.

They all tried to break the tension between us in the van but failed awfully.

"Kaylee, how did you meet your friends", Theo asked trying for the last night.

I have to answer not being rude...

"We met at the playground when I was nine", I laughed at the memory of how we met each other.

"I have always been a lone girl, no one to play with always surrounded with guards and maids who were thrice my age. My parents were either traveling for business trips or organising parties, we unexpectedly met at one of my dad's charity party and we hated each other's gut. Irene was more playfully and mischievous, Evelyn was mature and self reserved. I was caught between them when our parents introduced us to one another.

Weeks passes we would always meet at our parent's business party, dinners, and charity event.

A day came I was very bored and rebellious I sneaked out of my full secured house to secretly play at the playground unknowingly my dad's rival hired a kidnapper watching my every move. He got the chance when I sneaked out of my house, at the age of nine I felt a little bit unease with the feeling of someone watching my every moves.

I arrived at the playground meeting Irene and Evelyn there.

It was just like destiny, the kidnapper striked covering my mouth not to scream for help but do you what was more surprising. Irene was the first to jumped on the kidnapper biting off his ear, he screamed in pain having a hell lot of difficulty getting Irene off his back. No one noticed when Evelyn sneaked to the nearest public call booth and informed the police of a kidnapping case.

The police arrived at the scene with three little girls on the kidnapper, Irene was bitting hard on his neck, I was at his feet dragging him down, Eve was with a stick straddling him. We were a huge mess as the police had an hard time dragging us away from the wounded man. We were injured too not matching to the kidnapper's.

I couldn't forget that day, we vowed to protect and stand by each other no matter what", I explained not fully of what happened that day.

As I didn't mention, my parent who grounded me for a month and increased the security of the house from that day onward they became protective especially my dad.

"That's - that's a lot to take in", Justin responded still in trance, laughing nervously. They were all attentively listening to what I was saying even Jayden.

"Yes", I laughed at their faces. We arrived at my penthouse and I waved at them, bidding goodnights.

"Good night everyone" I called out to them before walking to the gate.

Author's Note

Double Updates for you lovelies. Chapter 11 has beem Updated and Edited.

Don't forget to Vote Comment and Follow.

It must have been a lot confusing to you guys, I'm sorry cause on Wattpad they have different styles on writing so this much different than I thought and a lot difficult.

See you next Chapter ❤️, please show love and support if you're enjoying this story.

Love <3
