
My Pen Bleeds

This is a series of poems, about heart break, depression and lonely. I write poem at midnight when my guilt, and anxiety stabs me I try to put them on paper. Hope you guys enjoy it

PUNAM_Pradhan · Teen
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10 Chs

9. Halloween

First day of school,

Saw her pretty face, always in a smirk.

Walking around with two of her friends.

Perfect in every ways.

She had every boy in the town wrapped around her little finger.

She grabbed me by my neck,

And everyone around laughed.

Her apple juice all over my hairs.

Her friend threw my lunch, in the bin.

The time she pushed me in the floor,

And stepped over my leg,

Ouch, it still hurts.

The time she slapped me infront of my crush.

How I wished not to wake up every morning.

How she made me hate the school.

The next halloween party,

She invited me, the biggest mistake of her life .

In the washroom three of you,

Laughing about how you  would bully me .

I didn't realize when two of her friends,

Were stabbed with the knife in my hand.

I saw you pleading, crying in pain.

The same way I was crying.

The fear in your eyes was addicting.

I wanted to see the pain, the screams.

I stabbed her eyes,

She screamed, it was music to my ears .

Her beautiful swan neck,

I painted it with the knife.

After stabbing her multiple times .

The screams stopped.

She was silent,

I wasn't scared anymore.

I felt peace.