
My Pen Bleeds

This is a series of poems, about heart break, depression and lonely. I write poem at midnight when my guilt, and anxiety stabs me I try to put them on paper. Hope you guys enjoy it

PUNAM_Pradhan · Teen
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10 Chs

3.The Day You Left

How happy I was when I saw you after

So long ,

Just for you to say you don't love me now,

I wanted to hug you tight ,

But you pushed me aside .

You said there was somebody else ,

You left me there crying.

Begging for you to come back .

You just went and held her hands ,

You, left me there thinking I was not good enough,

I guess you never loved me at all.

It was a pretty night , the snow from yesterday's storm was shining bright .

The stars were twinkling,

The wind was blowing ,

People in streets are laughing.

Its like nothing changed .

I guess I was too good for you to handle.

I am sure you are are gonna cry ,

On a beautiful night like this ,

alone .

And I will be with someone who

Loves me more .