
My Peaceful Downfall

Crown Princess of Asterine was known as the perfect example of the three nation on how a princess should act. She's full of good words if they would describe her. However, on her case it wasn't easy as they see. Amaya from the present timeline thought she's going insane after setting foot on the museum of the most influential royal family in their history of Elaya. A whispers that she kept on hearing and a nightmares that looks like a memory is hard to escape. Find out the adventure awaits on Amaya along the way and will she able to change the tragic past of the so called 'traitor' in their history books?

LittleSolien · Fantasy
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6 Chs


The icky feeling from my hands made me shiver in disgust. I don't like bloods.

"My goodness, Theo! What have you done? How did you get here? And how are you stabbed?" my question are in 2x speed because of how shocked I am. I time travelled, he time travelled. I got accused, he got stabbed. What more is there we're to face before we could wake up from this dream? I meant get out of this world.

"a fuckin thief" he cursed then groaned from the pain on his lower right abdomen. I started to sweat that turns into panic. What am I supposed to do? Theo is bleeding. What if he loses blood then died right here?

Theo tried to tap my shoulder even though he is enduring the pain, "Relax, I'm okay. I just need a cloth to cover it" his voice is low and calm. His voice was able to calm my self a bit but my worries came first that I can't calm down.

"How? That might get infected, Theo! We need a clean water", the light is too dim because it's far from our cell. There is nothing but just a dark empty cell with a candle next to the door is inside if this dungeon.

The sound of Theo's shirt scratch because he pulled out a just right length cloth from his shirt to wrap it around him. This won't do. We need to get out of here.

"Hello! Mister Guard are out there! Someone is bleeding, help!" I tried my best to make my voice as loud as possible but it won't work. No one came to us.

Theo behind me slightly hit my legs that made looked back. "What?!" my bloods boils that made him laugh more. He should just stay still, I'm trying to get him some help here!

"Don't you get it? It's the coronation day" he said continues on breathing heavily. The coronation day?

"Coronation day is where criminals were tightly locked up?"

It's a rule, as far as I remembered from my grandma, that it makes sure that no one threatens the crown and reduce the chance of crimes. Also some of the guards are at the main palace right now protecting the Princess.

He nodded slowly. This is pointless. How could I forgot the rules. "That's what you get for cutting at history cla—"

Before he could finish his sentence I kicked his I don't see but I think his arms something. He groaned in pain "says the person who don't attend classes at all?" I fired back.

"You definitely doesn't have any conscience, aren't you? Do you want to add my wounds here?"

"It's not my fault you got stabbed! What an idiot even here, hah"

We just continued bickering until I lost my energy to even speak. I'm thirsty! Is the coronation done yet? Is it already evening?

"Is your wounds fine?" I turned to Theo that beside me. He is silent and doesn't even move that me worried.

Theo didn't answer my question. Oh no, I touched his neck then his hands to check if his body temperature is cold. The fear of losing him made walks towards the jail bar again.

"Help please! My friend is losing blood! Can you give him first aid please?! Guards!" I shouted on top of my lungs but no one still came. Dang it! What if he dies here? Wait a minute...how could he die from the past? We don't belong in this world. But what if?

Suddenly a sound of the door can be heard. My shouting for help worked! I quickly stood up to see the guard but I stepped backwards as I saw who it was. Her silhouette are even pretty. The pretty handmaiden beside her is holding the lamp to guide her way on this dark cell.

It's the Princess Royal infront of me. I bowed to make a good impression on her. She is a lot more scarier in person than what she was described on books.

"Lift your head" she commanded.

I'm in trouble. So the coronation day has ended but she came here in person. I thought we will get beheaded tomorrow...phew. What is she doing here at Waven Kingdom anyway? Isn't she not allowed to be here? This princess just really likes to break the rules. Gosh!

"I will be forward to you and I want you to answer me without any more words" she leans forward to look at me at her eyes "Who is your master?"

Ugh! This royals will they stop asking who my master is? I didn't really tried to steal the crown.

"It was a misunderstanding" I glared at her that made the handmaiden step forward but Evelyn stopped her. The lamp made me close my eyes slightly because of how bright it is.

Evelyn was stunned after I opened my blink my eyes to look at her again. My eyebrows frown and took this as an opportunity to ask for help "I didn't stole your crown. Please, my friend is about to lose blood. Help me, my k-ki.... kind princess" the cringiness I'm doing right now is for you Theo! He better repay me if we got back on our world. Kind princess my foot!

It was an awkward silence. Like super awkward. What is she staring at? Oh...there's no way. I'm full of dirt right now and it's dim even the lamp won't be enough for her to see me properly. Aside from that she's a 'full of herself' princess.

"What do I get in return?" her voice shifted from a commanding tone into a low voice like she was expecting something. I couldn't think on what to offer. Money? No, that's a useless offer. What offer would I give to a person like her?

Evelyn's patience is obviously low," Well beheaded—"

"Wai—wait, wait! Ev—I mean Your Royal Highness. Please, help my friend. I can do anything or whatever you uh—pleases," I said begging but the look of her face looked amused.

She with her left eyebrows arched up lean close to me "Anything?". I gulped then nodded reluctantly from the offer I suggested. Her eyes sparkles then motioned the pretty handmaiden to open the lock of the jail then I cheer inside my brain. Finally!