
2.first contract

•••••••newborn world••••••••••

One day I appeared , I knew nothing but silently adorned energy from my surroundings or slowly produce my own.

This continued for a long time until I had my first thought which could mean something like who am I,what am I and hello.

I continued slowly thinking to myself ,until I felt something for the first time bored which made happy.

But because being "bored" was gone I was "sad" which made another feeling leave making me "angry" .

I continued like that until I understand emotions.

I continued questions myself for a long time until I created time or noticed time whichever it was.

Until one day another voice appeared




"How are you"

-"AAAHH what are you"

The newborn world was wearing is emotions on the outside,literally, I can feel the his emotion in the surroundings

-"hello there ,I'm….."

I haven't really decided on a name ,I guess 0 or o but anything that could in anyway represent it like the ouroboros ,a circle and more.

"I'm Zero and someone who could help you"

-"Zero," says the world after a moment

"You are a zero and I am ???…. Zero."

-"hahaha no no no silly zero is my name wait you don't know what a name is .

Let me explain"

" a name is something you can you to identify someone and race is what you type of being you are"

"For example I am a patron named Zero"

"While you are a world with no name at the moment "

Five minutes go bye in silence

-"Why don't I have name?"

-"well it's you have chosen or Ben given one yet"

-"then I am Zero too"

-"noo don't just take my name"

-"why not? »

-"well there are a lot of reason like how will people differentiate between us »

-« But we are alone »

-"sometimes we won't,2 it would take away from each of our uniqueness and more »

-« But. »

- « you'll understand in due time »

-« what is time ?»

-« wait we start somewhere else »

« Do you know what you are? »

-« you said a world »

-"yes , now what do you think a world is"


-"well yeah but huuuuh ok ,

A world is a place where wait I have an easier idea"

I made a mental contract that states that I will teach him what a world is and give him some beginning help with the creation of the world in exchange for a partial ownership of that world.

With a description of what that in tails.

"There , what do you think"

Huh making a contract is really easy ,I feel like if I wanted to I could batter for years without any problems.


With that I ingraved into knowledge about what a world is in his head.

"Wow that's what I am , what Have I been doing with my life"

-"I'll leave with your own thoughts on ,

Call me when you thought about the kind of world you want"

I went back to my space right after

To be continued….