
My path in DxD

After an unexpected accident, he is presented with the opportunity for a second life. -------------------------------------------------------------- The cover is not mine I found it in San Google. I'm writing this to practice my English, I'm sure there will be spelling mistakes. For the moment I plan to be only the DxD world, as it's my first time writing I don't have a set date for the chapters. The plot will not be 100% canon, I will change some things while adding others. I will try to write some r18 scenes but don't expect too much.

DaoistmgLMSX · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

Before reading I would like to clarify that the pov is point of view of such character, maybe someone doesn't understand it that's why I explain it, if you have any plot comment remember that this won't be 100% canon so don't fuck around. On another point I'm thinking whether to make a time jump and have him remember his past every so often or continue as is.


In a forest where you could appreciate the beautiful sunset if it were not for the different holes in sight of different sizes each one, you could dazzle 2 inert bodies of a man and a woman being the body of the man in the worst state without an arm and with different holes in the body and the woman on one side embracing a baby that is not even a year old.

Pov Roland

When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw were trees passing by, when I turned my head to look up I saw that I was being carried by a beautiful woman with beautiful facial features and beautiful dark green hair.

As I was looking at that beautiful face there was an explosion not far from where we were, as I turned my head I saw a sword blocking a dark hand with sharp fingertips, I heard the man shouting something to the woman who was carrying me as she cried and increased speed.

As we left the forest we came to a field where more of these humanoid creatures that looked like Zagred the Black Clover demon were waiting for us and in the middle of them all was one that looked more human but had the same black eyes with a red iris and black pupil, it had its pair of horns like a goat and white coloured hair.

I could tell by the noise that my mother was screaming at the white haired demon who just laughed and pointed at her, the next moment I saw a shadow pass in front of us. Then I simply heard ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, when I stopped dreaming I saw the armless body of who I assumed was my father fall on his side while my mother screamed at the top of her lungs.

After a couple of seconds, my mother broke into a run, hugging me tightly with one arm and forming a magic circle with the other, which was interrupted by the demons' gunfire. Trying to dodge the explosions, we spun around several times, but an explosion sent us flying through the air.

When she tried to get up, she was bombed again, but this time she managed to create a shield around me as she took the damage. When the smoke cleared, my mother could be seen crawling with me on her arm trying to reach my father's body while mumbling something.

When I was two arms lengths away from reaching my father's limp body he stopped moving and the arm holding me released me, when I turned my head to look at him I could see his lifeless eyes and I could confirm that I was dead, at that moment I felt a lump in my throat I wanted to cry but the sound of footsteps made me look towards the cause of all this as he approached.

I quickly opened the system interface to see what I could do.


[Name: Roland]


Age: 3 months

Level: 0

Hp: 3

Energy: 4

Demonic energy: 0

Fatigue: 1

Strength: 0

Agility: 0

Senses: 3

Intelligence: 5


Shit, when I saw my state I remembered that in the situation I was in I couldn't do anything, I could die from a blow and besides I couldn't even move since I'm not even 6 months old. While I was cursing myself, the white-haired man was already in front of me.

Seeing him looking at me I quickly thought of what skill I could use to get out of this situation and remembered that with my current body I couldn't do anything, but then I remembered a skill that could help me but would only defend me from an attack as the cooldown is too long.

The next moment the white haired man lifted me up while he looked at me and mentioned something that I didn't understand, when he pointed his finger at me and it started to glow he quickly activated Noelle's shield, which is a shiny and transparent shield, after using it I felt like I was falling asleep, I felt my eyelids heavy. Instantly I heard how the shield broke and I saw the white haired man with an astonished face looking at me, I felt like mocking but sleep was winning me and while I closed my eyes I couldn't help but curse in my mind that this was not what I had in mind when I asked to be an orphan, I only thought that I would be left abandoned in an orphanage not that I would witness the death of my parents.

Pov peli white

As I was about to blow the boy's head off I saw a golden shield protecting him, I didn't feel the mana I would have to channel or the spell I would have to cast, it just appeared out of nowhere and I didn't feel anything inside the boy.

Then as such a shield appeared which I never saw, I wanted to test whether it would come out again, but the child fell asleep, and as I watched him sleep I thought it would be a pity to kill him without first studying the cause of such a shield.

So I decided to take it with me and use it for experimentation or use it later as a war dog, I could use it in different ways but the main thing is to study that shield.

Turning around, I looked at everyone before speaking.

We withdraw, clean up, burn the bodies and bring me the head of that man.

That said I formed a portal as I thought about the capabilities of that shield, if I can get it I can use it to stop some bastards from flying through the air next to me. I couldn't help a smile forming on my face as I contemplated the near future.

Pov Roland

When I opened my eyes I felt dizzy as if I was drunk and wanted to vomit when I saw an unknown ceiling and when I turned my head to one side I saw a head without eyes, with a split skull and all full of blood, even I was stained with its blood. I couldn't help but scream, but the only thing that came out of my mouth were baby cries, as I screamed I heard a noise on my other side, as I turned my head I saw the blood stained white haired man moving his mouth, but what surprised me was the brain he had in his hand, at that moment I couldn't help but think shit now how do I escape from this. While I was still listening to the noise coming out of his mouth I checked my state and as I supposed I couldn't do anything at least for a couple of years I saw something that could help me and right now I could dedicate myself to improve it, with the firm determination to survive these years I decided to focus on learning the language and try to raise my sensory stats as much as I could with this baby body.

While I was thinking about my next move, the white-haired man was already in front of me with a dagger in one of his hands while pointing it at me, seeing that I didn't understand what he was saying, he created a dark magic circle while he watched in amazement as his arm was surrounded by a dark ray, he pointed his index finger at my chest and the next moment a ray touched me making me fall unconscious.