
My path in DxD

After an unexpected accident, he is presented with the opportunity for a second life. -------------------------------------------------------------- The cover is not mine I found it in San Google. I'm writing this to practice my English, I'm sure there will be spelling mistakes. For the moment I plan to be only the DxD world, as it's my first time writing I don't have a set date for the chapters. The plot will not be 100% canon, I will change some things while adding others. I will try to write some r18 scenes but don't expect too much.

DaoistmgLMSX · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 1

I want to thank whoever took the trouble to fix my mistake for those who find this fic and wish to read it.


In the middle of a crowd of people, a soul looked at a body covered by a cloth. After a couple of minutes, the environment stopped white while it listened to a deep voice that told it that it was not yet its time. Upon turning around, the soul managed to see a light that illuminated the white room where it was located.

"So I died trying to thwart a robbery," the soul said simply as it stared at the light.

"Although you are not the first to die this way, your act of wanting to help a lady with her baby touched me, Roland," the light said to the soul now known as Roland.

"..." Roland hearing this remembers everything that happened on his way home from college. He remembered that today he stayed up late doing his exams in the laboratory, today was not his lucky day since in his first class he had a surprise exam, he forgot his bill at home and he was left without lunch and to return his teacher told him that Tomorrow the laboratory will be closing for maintenance so he had to stay to advance his final work since his coworkers withdrew and left him alone in the final work. After going out at night, he had to queue for the bus and then he saw that a woman who was holding her baby was being robbed and the people around turned a blind eye so as not to get involved. Upon seeing such a scene, Pinesa could not help but that instead of the lady it was her mother who was taking care of her niece all day. Not being able to stay still, he ran to catch the thief, managing to climb onto his back while doing a key to grab him by the neck to leave him without air, while pressing... I hear a bang! and what happened is what led

"Therefore I will allow you to reincarnate in this same world or in a new one, you decide" the light gave him the option to choose his next step to take.

"..." Roland, upon hearing that an option could allow him to reunite with his family, remained silent thinking about what would be a better option, but at that moment a question arose that he would have to know before making his decision.

"If I choose to reincarnate in my current world, it will be at the same time that I die or it will be in the near future." After hearing that, the light told him that he would reincarnate seventy years in the future since he cannot reincarnate since he has died.

Roland upon hearing this discarded the idea of ​​reincarnating in the world since his loved ones, especially his mother, would no longer be there.

"So I choose a new world, but I would like to ask you to take care of my family, I do not ask you to give them riches or a bright future, just that they do not fall into depression because of my departure. Especially my mother, my family is not a family with a lot of money, we suffered a lot from terrorism, but despite everything, my mother looked for a way to get ahead, I know it was not easy for her, I saw her cry several times looking for a job, even though her bones ached and I know that more than once she thought about ending her life, if possible I would like her to know that I will be fine, that she has my brothers who will be with her supporting her, it is no longer necessary for her to carry everything alone" Roland mentioned to the light as she felt herself smile.

the lugeo soul upon hearing the aforementioned decides to help him little on his new path.

"In which world would you like to be reincarnated, all those animes or movies that you saw or read I can guarantee you that they exist, those who wrote those movies or animes were inspired by their dreams." Roland after hearing that first thought of Marvel movies, but dismissed it because there were stronger villains behind the villains who could destroy half the universe with a snap.

Lugeo thought about the different animes he saw and lugeo remembered one that he liked how bad the main character was that was beta, he thought about the pros and cons that it could present to him. As he thought, he heard the light mention that it would give him a wish to help him on his new path.

Roland asked if that wish had any restrictions.

"I can't make you an Outer God or make you omnipotent, depending on what you choose it will also depend on where you will be born, if you choose an immortal courier you will not be born in a family with magical bloodlines" the soul said to Roland while looking at him, who I was in deep thought.

After thinking about what he could ask for, he remembered what happened to get his characters and weapons in the Genshin Impact game, so he decided to confirm something that might help him.

"I'd like to ask if I can have my inventory and abilities I got from characters in a game called Genshin Impact," Roland asked into the light as he put his thumb and forefinger to his chin.

"You could, but it would have restrictions, like if you were reincarnated into a world with magic you can't use, the powers you would gain would put a charge on your body and abilities like Hu Tao's would give you more fire damage on return. You take damage now it will be there." draining your life energy and other abilities like Xiao's ult which will fill you with cursed energy, the longer you are in the ult the more your body will suffer, you will have to give your body a rest after the ult to recover" the light said to Roland who nodded at her comment.

"Then that would be my wish," Roland said to the light with a determined look.

Seeing that determined look, the light decided to help him not to explode because he did not know his limits.

"I will give you a system that will allow you to see your status and put your stuff in the inventory, the system will not have functions like quests, buy and sell. To access the abilities you will have to select the character, but with practice you will be able to do it mentally to not stand still in a fight, that being said I can't reincarnate you in a good family" the light mentions to Roland who is thinking about something.

"If I ask you to reincarnate me as an orphan with no relatives, could you give me a potential to rise to the top," Roland asked lightly.

"Okay, I will grant you that wish, but how far you go depends on you, you will only have the potential, you will not be strong from the beginning", the light reminded Roland

"Thank you, as for the world I would like to reincarnate in, it would be High School DxD." Roland mentioned the light

"Ready in terms of your appearance, which one would you like, since you don't have a family you can choose your appearance" the light said to Roland who was muttering what he would have to do first.

"I would like Xiao's appearance but make him taller" Roland said without thinking twice but remembering that Xiao was one of the shorter ones.

"Ready and I'll give you the ability to learn languages ​​as a bonus, you won't speak it at first as your mother tongue but with this ability it will be easier for you to learn languages" the light said to Roland who thanked her with a smile.

"Thank you for everything, even though I didn't ask your name I assumed you were God and if so, I'm sorry for not believing in you so much" Roland mentioned with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm just an observer, I'm not your God," the light tells Roland as a portal is created behind him.

"When you cross that portal, your new life will begin," he hears the voice say to Roland as he looks up at the portal.

"Thank you for everything," Roland turns to thank her.

"Good luck," the light tells him when it sees him walk through the portal.