
My Past?

A boy; he wakes up in a strange place with no idea what's happening. Strange things keep happening around him, he meets strange people and the things they do and how they do them don't really make sense... to him anyway [No pics or videos are mine unless I have stated otherwise]

Baby_Brown_xo · Fantasy
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1 Chs

1 Why...

'Don't- don't forget, promise me!'


In a bed of crisp pure white sheets, their lies a young boy that looked around 13 or 14 year's old. The boy was in a room of all white. Everything to the walls, floors, curtains all to the gown the boy himself was wearing.

Even the boy himself, he looked to be as pale as a ghost, and the spaces around his eyes looked dark. His cheeks were sunken in, but even then, the boy still looked beautiful, to the point that one could mistake him for a girl at first glance.

Anyone couldn't help but imagine how stunning he would be if he were healthy. His skin looked as if it was a softest thing you have ever seen. His hair, like it was made of the finest of silks the world had to offer.

But the most eye catching part of this scene, was his pure, snow white hair that lay loosely a-top his head. And although the young boy seemed like he had the fragility of an injured butterfly, he still looked lush and unyielding.

But in this moment, if someone were to look closer at the boy, one could see his eyes rolling around under their delicate lids. The boy tried to opened his eyes but for reasons unknown to him, it felt as if they were glued shut. Only after a while of intense struggling he finally managed to pry them open.

Taking a peek from under his overgrown bangs shielding his face, his lashes fluttering like butterfly wings, he saw an unfamiliar sight. A white ceiling with bright lights that forced him to squeeze his eyes shut with discomfort.

After slowly nudging his eyes open to adjust to the blinding light, he struggled to just turn his head and found himself faced with the fluttering curtains of an open window. It allowing just enough breeze to to slightly tussle the fine hairs a-top his head, at which he now noticed had considerable length.

Breathing in the slight smell something sweet that filtered in through the window. He allowed his mind to slightly drift off from wondering where he was, but was soon interrupted by the sudden sound at the opposite end of the room.

Weekly turning his head in the direction it came he saw a woman who had her back slightly turned to him closing a door behind her. As soon as she turned around to face him her head still slightly looking down. He saw her pushing a small cart that had a multitude of things scattered about.

When the woman finally raised her head to look in the young boys direction she opened her eyes wide in shock and disbelief.

"AH! Wha- how-!" he heard a woman exclaim in surprise, the boy could hear her scrambling for something as she went out of view almost bolting out the door. Even almost making everything on the small cart go crashing to the ground.

The boy still very plainly and utterly confused, now had enough awareness to realize the dull numbing pain running rampant throughout his whole body. He could no longer care enough to pay attention to the woman who came back and started scampering around the room looking to be gathering supplies.

His body felt heavy, as if all his limbs were made of lead. And he felt so utterly weak as if it had never been used before. 'Almost like a newborn' he gathered inside his head, still wondering the source of the numbing sensation of all his limbs.

But his thoughts were soon pulled back due to the insistent and frantic questions the woman was now directing towards him. Trying to focus on her words, he was AGAIN interrupted in thought due to the frantic appearance of a man at the door.

Before he even had time to think the man was now hovering over him, an abundance of emotions filtering across his face. Many of which he couldn't even begin to pinpoint because they went by so fast.

Utterly confused he wanted to ask questions but in that moment realized he couldn't remember anything. Shocked he tried to think of anything, anything at all, but every time he came up blank.

Coming to this realization he started to feel panic slowly overtaking him. But not even moments later the strange man who came barging into the room was weaving his hand in front of the boys face, worry and concern plastered all over his features.

The man suddenly started blurting out questions so fast it almost sounded like nonsense. Though the boy was able to catch a few of them before they were drowned out by others.

On to the few questions that the boy could make sense of in the middle of the whirlwind of word's. He found his thoughts coming to a halt to ponder on the few.

"Do you remember what happened to you"

"Do you know where you are"

"Are you in any pain"

"Do you know who you are"

The boy had a mountain of questions that continued to stack upon each other, getting higher by the second. His thoughts swirled like a hurricane inside his head making him dizzy because of all the confusion.

But finally his thoughts came to halt at one.

'Who- who am I?'


A/N: Hey~ it's me the author, if you're reading this please tell me if it's good or if you want more I can write more chapters but only if someone wants me to. So if you're reading this (which your probably not) let me know if you want me to update, because I'm going to try to update if someone actually wants me to don't feel free to support in any way and give me any input you have constructive criticism is always appreciated but no mean comments please (。・ω・。)ノ♡



Hey guys I just want to ask if anyone could give me some plot suggestions cuz this is literally off of a whim and there is no planning whatsoever, and also if anyone could give me ideas for a good name for a main character because apparently I'm decisive as fuck and I'm not fit to write stories, so I'm going to leave that to you guys


Baby_Brown_xocreators' thoughts