
Chapter 150 Why Does Her Love Disappear So Quickly?

At this time, in the room, Janet invited Nigel to sit down.

Then she asked him what he wanted to drink.

Nigel smiled and asked her with a disappointed look, "Ah? So I really just came here to have a cup of tea? I thought..."

Janet took it as a joke. After all, Nigel enjoyed flirting.

She raised her eyebrows slightly and asked him back.

As she spoke, she took out two cans of iced coffee from the fridge and tossed one to Nigel.

Nigel narrowed his eyes and examined her expression meaningfully. After a long time, he let out a "tsk".

"Heh, heartless."

He pretended to be relaxed, but the light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

How could he not notice the change in Janet when she was around Nathaniel? Even if it was subtle, he could sense it keenly. After all, he knew her too well.


Half an hour later, Nathaniel glanced at his watch.