
My Partner in Crime

Rajani sighed deeply as her beautiful eyes became glassy like diamonds. "Yeah, but listen. I get why Beauty fell in love with the Beast, but it doesn’t change who Helel is. I wish there was a magical rose or kiss that could turn him into a charming, loving prince but there isn't. All Helel Faye will ever be is a beast. A cold-hearted, ruthless beast that has no empathy or regard for any living thing! All he cares about is himself-" "Rajani," a soft, deep, feminine voice said as a caring hand caressed Rajani's quivering shoulder. "It's okay. If Helel wants to be a ruthless animal, just let him be. He's not important. Everyday is something new about him, and by saying all this shit about him - it makes you look obsessed... and crazy." Rajani stood up from her chair and started yelling at her friend like a mad woman. She was furious at her - after all this time of venting her struggles and frustration to her, she decides to call her crazy and obsessed? Rajani was tired of people calling her crazy, mentally-ill, unhinged, and clinically-insane. She believed that she wasn't crazy at all, it was just that no one understood her. No one understood that her every action was all because of Helel Faye. Rajani regretted the day she decided to break her perfect, loving ex-boyfriend's trust and submit to Helel Faye. She dreaded the fact that she gave her boyfriend all sorts of mental disorders and illnesses like depression and anxiety. Now Rajani hated herself even more than her ex did. She was only trying to get the best for everyone she loved but she just ended up doing the polar opposite.

supd0e_te · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 15

She was still determined to do anything to honestly or dishonestly earn twenty thousand dollars for her father's treatment, and nothing could stop that determination.

 ꕤ⊹ . ݁˖❀˚₊˚✧ ☁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁✧.☂˚.𖤓 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 ꕤ⊹ . ݁˖❀˚₊˚✧ ☁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁✧.☂˚.𖤓

Let me see how much money I've made on PushinPorn, Rajani thought. I just know I made a treasure chest. I'm richer than Richie Rich!

She opened the app that she believed would change her life for the better but when she saw the revenue on her latest video, Rajani was surprised; she had barely made five dollars.

What the fuck is this? she thought. I snuck out of my house and almost killed my father just for some measly four dollars and twenty-five cents?! I thought I would be making thousands of dollars by now.

Rajani sighed and tried her best not to cry but she couldn't help it. Thinking that she would make at least one thousand dollars, she had gone through so much stress to make the video by sneaking out of her father's house and leaving him to faint without anyone by his side. However, she was terribly wrong. Rajani couldn't believe that she had done all of this just for a crappy amount of money.

This is so disappointing, Rajani thought as she sobbed even more. So I did this for fourteen horny fucks to jerk their little dicks off? Clearly, I need to find another way to make some money.

She stood up from her bed and started to walk around. Rajani's thoughts always seemed more sensible when she was pacing around. Whenever she was in bed, rarely, a thought came into her head. However, it would disappear as soon as it was deemed illogical by Rajani's brain. The thoughts seemed to always turn out to be illogical when Rajani was thinking of ideas in her bed, so she decided to walk around her room to think of more cogent thoughts.

Maybe I could sell some stuff around the house? Rajani thought. Ugh, who am I kidding, there's no way anyone would want to buy our old, busted couches or ugly table. Maybe I should set up a lemonade stand? No, no one would buy lemonade from a 19-year-old. Plus, I don't want to stand up for hours in the hot weather.

The helpless girl started to pace around faster, thinking that it might influence the speed of the sensible thoughts and ideas coming to her brain. 

I think I should get a job, Rajani thought. She almost laughed at herself. Ha, as if that's ever going to happen. My resume's terrible and I can't deal with people's bullshit. I guess I'll become a housewife when I grow up and Ravon will provide for us and our future family. Working a job with real hours is scary and just... too much work. Maybe I should just start begging on the streets? Ugh, Rajani! What are you even saying? I wouldn't be caught dead begging on the street like some kind of pauper. Well... I kind of am a pauper... but that doesn't matter! All I know is that I'm definitely not going to be begging in the streets for food like a rat.

It was obvious that her thoughts were pacing around her head at the same quick speed as she was pacing around in her room. Nothing rational was coming to mind. Rajani had just eaten a delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon, and pancakes with her father, and usually after eating such a delectable delight, she would feel serene and satisfied. However, she was feeling the exact opposite. Rajani was anything but calm and peaceful, and she did not feel satisfied even in the slightest. She felt like something in her heart was missing.

I wish I had someone I could go to every time I was sad and they would automatically fix my problems, Rajani thought. Wait... I do! Ravon! I think I can ask him for twenty thousand dollars and he'll give it to me. I literally have him in a chokehold, so he'll do something about my every demand. Plus, he's rich and kind, there's no way he'll say no to me! Why didn't I just think of this in the first place?

She immediately got ready to go to Ravon's house. Rajani raced to her father's room to tell him where she was going and luckily for her, he agreed to let her visit her boyfriend. She was happy but she had a small feeling that the reason why her father acquiesced to her request was more sinister than one would assume.

Rajani grabbed her phone and house keys and placed them into a small black purse with golden rhinestones carefully placed on it to show a pleasant pattern. Even though the leather on the purse was peeling, she still loved it just as much as when she first bought it. 

Soon enough, Rajani left the house to go to her boyfriend's.

 ꕤ⊹ . ݁˖❀˚₊˚✧ ☁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁✧.☂˚.𖤓 ꕤ⊹ . ݁˖❀˚₊˚✧ ☁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁✧.☂˚.𖤓⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁✧.⊹ꕤ⊹ . ݁˖❀

Ding-dong! Knock, knock, knock.

Ravon lifted an eyebrow at the sound of his doorbell being rung. He was snuggled up in an expensive white blanket that most definitely would've won at a "World's Most Softest Blanket" competition if one existed. Before the doorbell rang, Ravon was watching some funny videos on his phone. It was evident that he was extremely cozy and content in his position and did not want to get out of his bed to answer the door to what might be a roofer, exterminator, or advertiser. 

Ugh, who the hell is knocking on my door? I don't think I'm expecting anyone, he thought as he rolled out of his bed and trudged to his front door. Why did whoever was at the door have to knock on my door as I was in my bed cozier than a hibernating bear?

"Who's there?" Ravon groaned.

He peered at his peephole and thought someone wearing a roofer's uniform would greet him and start yapping about whatever service they had to offer, however, he grinned as soon as he saw the girl standing on his porch. 

"It's me, Ravon, open up!" the girl replied.

Ravon immediately did what she said and as soon as she stepped one foot into his house, he hugged her tightly. 

"Rajani, what are you doing here?" Ravon smiled as he pulled away from the hug.

Rajani smiled back at her boyfriend and looked deeply into his eyes. "I'm looking at your eyes, that's what I'm doing here."

Ravon chuckled. "You know what I mean. Why did you come here?"

"Well," Rajani said. She broke eye contact with her boyfriend and instead decided to stare at a random stain on his shirt. Rajani hoped that her plan would work. "I need to ask you a very important question."

Ravon nodded. "Oh, of course. You can ask me anything, baby. What happened?"

"Let's sit down first," Rajani replied as she sat on one of her boyfriend's many plush, expensive couches. 

Ravon sat down beside his girlfriend and caressed her cheek. "What happened, princess?"

Rajani sighed. She was nervous and ashamed to ask her boyfriend the question she planned to ask. However, Rajani decided that she had to ask this question since she thought it was the only way she would ever come in contact with twenty thousand dollars for her father's treatment. Usually, she was unbothered and secure, but this time, she had to put on her vulnerable, helpless act.

"So basically..."