
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Hey Everyone. You ever wish you could just ignore responsibilities and just do what you want? I Know right! Wouldn't that just be the best! I just want to cuddle up in my blankets and doze off for at least a decade but unfortunately, I can't afford to miss any more school. Why you ask? Well…. I may or may not have used up all my sick days…. Plus, my allotted leaves without reasons so I'm kind of forced to go unless I want the truant officers banging on my door. The reason I've been missing so much school is that school really just sucks. Boring subjects with boring teachers equals, drumroll please, (dundundundundun)…. boring B.S. Why should I have to sit through classes that won't be useful to my life and instead have survival class or sword fighting or firearms training. You know, the important stuff.

Okay before you ask, I know that this is not applicable to modern day education at all. Actually, I think I may be enjoying the ancient isekai novels that my father brought home a little too much. Those novels often involved a protagonist gets transported to an alternate planet where magic and skill boards and skills exist. That's bread and butter of Isekai you know? Anyway, I always loved those fantasy stories that weren't grounded in reality. I never understood people who enjoyed reality entertainment. They could just look outside and see plenty of it. Even if they explained its greatness to me, I think it would probably go in one year and out the other anyway. Good thing I got up at 6:00, otherwise I would never be able to get to school by 8:30.

I stretch my legs and shoulders and get out of bed. I grab my school uniform that I got out last night and struggle to get it on. It's a little tight because I only wore it 3 times since I bought it before school started. Once to the introduction ceremony, on the first day of school and once to go grocery shopping when all my other clothes were dirty. The shoulders and thigh sections were a little tighter than I remember.

"My workouts have been beneficial I see… either that or I've gained weight again."

While I was thinking of these depressing thoughts, I struggled with the tie while walking down my stairs to make some breakfast. I put the kettle on when I reached the kitchen and took out a frying pan and heated up some butter. I cracked a couple of eggs and while they started to sizzle, I grabbed a tea bag and a banana to finish the preparations for breakfast. 3 eggs with a banana and some tea makes for a perfectly nutritious breakfast perfect for the adolescent mind. After breakfast, its shower time and I brush my teeth to make me seem at least somewhat presentable. I mean, I haven't seen my "classmates" since the first day of school which was around 3 months ago so I can't afford to be seen as a beggar who wandered into the school.

If I'm forced to go to school, I might as well make sure that I'm prepared for a whole day of hell, so I pack everything I'll need to survive the day. By the end of my preparations, my backpack, which is based on military models, probably weighs around 20kg (44lbs). They say hindsight is always 20/20, but I'm certain people who say that were just not prepared. I almost always prepared for every possible scenario to make sure that I'll never be unprepared.

In my backpack I have the following:

- 1 large medical kit (with suture and medical tools for small surgeries)

- 1 weeks' worth of nonperishable foods (Military MRE's and trail mix)

- 1Multitool/pocketknife

- 1 8-inch blade combat knife (with maintenance equipment)

- 1 pocket lighter and flint & steel set

- 2 sets of clothes

- 7 LifeStraw ® water purifiers

- 1 foldable pan

- 100 meters of strong rope and 20m of fishing line (10 kg tested)

- 1 ~18m² tarp

- 1 space blanket

- 1 compass and map of the entire Kaross Empire.

Making all this fit in the backpack was quite difficult and I had to jump on it at the end to get the zipper up. After that struggle, I wipe the sweat off my brow and sigh.

"~There~, now I'm all set to go."

I squat down and put on the backpack and grabbed my briefcase with my school supplies and begin my walk to school.