
Chapter 493

If he still wants to remain here, I need to plead with him to send me back to where he just brought me from. I would rather live in solitude and hunger as long as I have peace of mind. My experience since I came here had not been pleasing, I was ambushed by the older ones and was about to embark on a ritual that I had no knowledge of it's meaning. What is the use of having a lot of people by your side and you still feel lonely and afraid?, It should be better to be alone or with at least find one person who would be there with real intention,

" You still have not told me why you have a lot of people so advanced in age" I needed to keep my mind busy, so I would not think of what just happened right now,

" We are a hidden clan. I really do not know how to explain it properly, but it is actually very hard to find the route to this place if you are not invited by someone from within"

" But how will someone from within be able to communicate from others?" I knew it was wrong to cut him off but I was confused about it,

" Although we are restricted from leaving the confines of this place but there are some people who are permitted to do so like Father. So those of them who go can make friends and bring them back over here for protection especially when they are old or endangered "

Maybe if we had known that something like this was happening, we would have come here but something keeps telling me to that father would not hide away with his family like a coward while others are out there fighting for his country. Although he died while doing so, I am sure he must have felt at peace knowing that he did all he could and made the impact he was able to along with others whose name would be written in the history of our country 

" Does everyone approves of strangers coming in here? Because from what I have seen, they really do not look and behave like the welcoming and accommodating type " I do not regret saying it out loud because I only spoke from my experience . Although I cannot claim that they are all like that due to the Elder's son behavior since I came here, but majority of them had been giving me a wide berth of space,

" At first, from what I was told, it caused a rife in the clan but it was for valid reasons actually because they were thinking of the lives of those that are residing here. Some of them were of the opinion that we more people we show the clan to, we expose ourselves and put ourselves in danger, if we are not careful, we may be invaded by the masters too. It is actually a very valid fear"