
Chapter 431

"Are you very sure that you want to do this? You have to think of your child's future" we heard him say clearly,

If this was another person I am very sure that the people would be raving by now, because he was trying to dissuade a person from actually saying the truth but we all knew the reason why he was asking and to be frank, we all felt the same way. I even asked this question some minutes ago. She bent her head down as if  she was rethinking her decision, she heaved out, then raised her head to look at him and nodded. I felt a pang deep in me, as if I was thrown into  a pit with no means of getting out, she had just sealed her with her hands,

" I am doing this because of him, please do not convince me to otherwise" she placed her hand on her stomach and rubbed it lovingly

When he saw that she had made up her mind already, he stood parted her shoulder, then gave the signal for the moderator to begin his questions. This certainly means that he had agreed for her to be inducted as the new representative. In as much as the news made me happy and sad at the same, I felt it was wrong for her to be inducted as the new representative as she was a party to the crime and should be considered a partner to Tufa, but what do I actually know. It maybe the way that things are done around. The old representative was asked to stand beside the Elders almost as if he was a moderator, he was not allowed to go back to be a part of the masses,

 " Do you know the identity of those claimed to be missing?" The moderator asked her,

I guess he was not changing his questions and was going to continue from where he stopped. There was no need to feel panicked about her response because she knew the identity of those that were missing

"Yes I do". With that she kept quiet and refused to reveal the identity any further. Everyone was confused by this act, because we were all waiting for her to say something, but she was comfortable with what she had said so far. I myself became confused, this was definitely not what I was expecting from her, is it possible that  Donua got to her, this actually explains her behavior when she began,

I did not know if I should feel hurt by this or laugh at myself for getting my hopes up for no reason. If I had known I would have left when I wanted. Donua really was a worthy competitor and should not be underestimated at any time. He made sure till the end that every angle was covered and no stone unturned. I do not have the right to be annoyed that things was not going my way since I was not a worthy opponent for my competitor.