
Chapter 389

" of course not. Would I be able to plan anything on my own and in such condition, I thought you had something planned out"

When she said condition, she pointed down to her stomach. Tufa looked disappointed with what he just heard. His face fell at once and he slowly withdrew his hands away from her. I knew it, he was up to something and I would make sure that I get to the root of it all. I let out a sharp scream which made them turn their face towards the tent and ran towards me. When I said ran, I meant Tufa ran towards me. I could not for the life of me, understand the run - walk thing that the shaman was trying to do.

When they ran into the tent, they found me on the wall holding on to my leg. They looked round the tent, trying to identify the danger but it was just the three of us in the tent. I bent my head down at once because I did not know how to let them know that I screamed out like that just because a lizard ran over myself. To be frank, it was unexpected which was why I was startled but there is no way I can tell them all these,

"Are you hurt anywhere? What happened to you?" Tufa asked me worriedly, while still looking round as if expecting the culprit to jump out anytime soon from its hiding place. 

It was very obvious that we were the only one here and there was definitely no hidden cornet in the tent where a person can hide. So also there is only one door, so they would have seen the culprit if there really was one. I do not know why my brain is the only one performing perfectly today.

" I don't know what happened. I just found myself on the floor. What is happening Tufa, I am scared," I made sure to squeeze tears from my eyes. I had to make them forget about my presence here and the issue of the ancestors,

"What are you doing here?. I thought you went home earlier?". From the look she was giving to me, I knew she did not believe me one bit, but her approval was not Important to me at the moment, I just needed Tufa to believe me, so I glared right back at her whilst clinging onto Tufa.

Tufa asked me to wait back here, that you would return with answers as regard Leo and Juna" it was the truth, to me at least,

She looked over at Tufa, as if trying to confirm if all I had said was the truth, he looked confused for a while but slowly nodded I'm agreement.

I can't believe this. If someone sees him right now they would think I was lying and he was trying to help me cover it up but he really did tell me to wait for them to get back and the shaman was aware