
Chapter 362

" I am sure that he belongs to everyone in the camp. I know this may hurt you but I have to tell you the truth, so you will know the type of person he is" she was smiling smugly, I know she was trying to out on a sad and pitiful expression but it was not working due to how excited she was to burst my bubble.

" Are you about to turn your accusations on him now?, I will have you know he is innocent and must have been a misunderstanding. Leo is a wonderful man Naki, and I think you should make an effort to get to know him before you start spewing false news about him" I really did not want her to reveal it to me this way. We were supposed to be hiding and giggling in happiness when she tells me about it, like friends do and I would be encouraging her to go for more,

"I am trying to help you here Lena. Leo slept with me, this was the reason I have been trying to avoid you for a while. I have not been able to show my face to you. He is not the best man for you if he behaves like that. He took advantage of me in my weak mental state " she wiped a fake stray tears as she said this,

The person I saw in the throes of passion did not look like someone who was in a weak mental state, but what do i know? Maybe that was the only and right way to revive someone in a weak mental state, since that was the method they both decided to use. I placed a hand on my chest feigning shock, she nodded her head at me.as if saying, ' that is right, you need to stay away from him'. The only reason I am angry with her is because she was trying to soil his name, if I was a stranger, I would have believed and thought that was really how Leo was. If she had said this outside, it would make the people hate him and want to get rid of him,

"I would have actually being shocked, if he had not told me what happened the next day after your affair. I kept waiting for my good friend to come up to me and tell me but she never did. You told him you liked him, and he turned you down, is that why you are trying to ruin his imagine?" I was banking on her reaction to tell me that I was right because Leo did not say a word to me. I only came up with the other part and if that is not what happened, I would look like a fool right now,

At first she did not say anything, I could not even read her expression, i kept expecting her to laugh out loud any moment from now, calling me out for trying to deceive her.