
Chapter 224

He dragged me up with force and I fell straight into his hands, I could no longer bear the pain and let out a small scream, alright to be frank it was not a small scream but was a loud one. He jerked me off him with his hands still on my biceps as he tried to figure out where I was injured that led to my scream, when he could not observe it clearly and properly, he whisked me into his hands in a bridal style and carried me back where they were gathered round the fire that was set up.

He gently placed me on the straws where I was lying down before, left me there and went to talk to his people. In as much as I wanted to insult him for leaving me here all alone, without asking how I was actually feeling, I was still grateful to him for bringing me here and taking me away from the bushes. My eyes locked on the leftover meat still hanging from the rod, I was in more than enough pain already, there was no way that I could Walk over there, talk less of asking him to get me food.

If we look at my situation clearly, it is fairly obvious that I was a guest and guest are not meant to be treated like they were treating me over here. No one came to ask me if I needed water or I needed food, they all ignored me and went about doing what they were doing. I turned my back against them, why should I keep watching them eat and drink? It was of no benefits to me and I will not allow them to continue to deceive me, I decided I would wait until they were already asleep, then I would sneak away from here and go in search of Naki, so we could return back to base together.

The scent of food kept getting closer and closer till the point it felt like It was  directly under my nose. My eyes popped open at once and I was so shocked to be a hand under my nose, with some meat on it but it was wrapped up in some leaves as there was no plate to serve it. At first, I ignored his hands and behaved like I did not care much for the food but in my heart, I was pleading that he would not walk away with the food he brought for me.

"If you are not hungry yet, you could keep this one and save it for later. Food are not always surplus like the way it is now" he warned me, then placed the wrapped up meat besides me then walked away

I made no further movement for some time after he left, but when I felt it was long enough, I turned back to make sure his focus was no longer on me, I quickly began to eat the meat