
Chapter 206

I knew the thought must have also crossed her mind too but she said nothing, so as not to make me panic or fret. She also knew that there was no word she could tell me now that would reassure me or bring peace to my soul now. The only way she could help me was what she was doing already, showing me that she is here for me and with me through it all. I hugged her back tightly breathing in her scent, it reminded me of the woods we were in presently. Also she smelled like dirt and sweat, it was a very familiar smell and it also brought me some form of comfort too as it was a smell that I was always surrounded by back at base.

There was no way that I could leave behind over there" she turned me to face her so I could see and hear the sincerity behind her words

" We are all one and we do not turn our back against each other when we are in trouble. Together or Nothing. And you were the only person who took out time to approach me and want to befriend me, despite all the boundaries I set up, you still went out of your way to chase after me" her voice was becoming shaky already

She kept staring up at the sky and blinking her tears away, this was the first time that I had seen her so emotional. I felt so bad because I was chasing after her for selfish reason that was purely for my benefit and interest but she counted it as the reason why she would never turn her back on me, this made me burst into tears loudly and apologizing to her, pleading for her to forgive me, she raised my face so I was staring at her,

" It does not matter the intention that made you to approach me, what matters is that you did even when others did not. So I should be the one apologizing for pushing you away when you reached out to me, I am sorry Elena, so sorry" she wiped my tears with her hands as she said all this,

" So you were pretending all along. Do you know what I had to go through to impress you, my legs went numb, because of it" I pouted at her, as I said all this

She just laughed and pulled me back into a hug, I was so happy and I never knew she was so affectionate, I thought she found affection repulsive but it turns out that was certainly not the case. In her arms, I felt like I had gotten a new sister just like Itoh was to me, but I knew that our bond would be stronger than mine and itoh because we came together of our own Accord and not others meddling into our affairs. And for now, we confessed to each other our intention, the friendship is standing on a truthful foundation