
My overbearing brother

The first meeting with Shen Jiayu is probably the biggest social death scene in Wen Miao's life. At that time,

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20 Chs

Chapter 5 The Infuriating Brother

Chapter 5 The Infuriating Brother

Wen Miao couldn't help but look up at him. She didn't know if it was her fault. She always felt that she had read four large characters on his face: Like a man.

Wen Miao didn 't understand what it meant at first, but he thought about his name. Wen Miao, Miao, Sanshui Miao...

She reacted immediately.

Is he saying she has more water in her head?

Based on Shen's expression and behavior, this should not be her delusion. He probably thought so. Wen Miao took a deep breath and silently remembered He Yin in her heart.

She'll deal with him when she goes back.

Shen Jiayu ignored her. She handed her ID card between her slender fingers and said to the nurse inside: "Put a number."

Wen Miao: "...?"

One after another, the question marks on Wen Miao's head popped out.

Dude, can she ask who you're calling?

The nurse on duty took the ID card and tapped the computer keyboard with her fingers: "How do you do?"

Shen Jiayu Road: "Psychiatry." Psychiatric, would you like a regular number? "Little nurse is tapping the keyboard, eyes staring at the computer screen, the head also does not return to ask," Psychiatry today no expert number, only ordinary number

Shen Chia-Yu's long finger tip lightly clicked the window sill, looked back at Wen Miao, and then said to the nurse: "Then change the subject."

He saw that the girl was very ill. She had to call an expert. A regular doctor might not be able to see her.

Thinking for a moment, Shen Chia-Yu said: "Let's switch to brain."

Wen Miao: "..."

Wen Miao doesn't know why things have come to this. According to her prediction, she had already smashed the field, and should have retired from the Jianghu with success, instead of standing in the mental hospital, or even sitting in the brain department's consultation room.

Before the consultation desk, the elderly doctor, wearing a pair of chained reading glasses, examined the young patient before him, and finally made a cautious conclusion. "Are you a relative of the patient? Judging from the patient's questions and answers, she doesn't look like she's mentally ill


WenMiao expressionless, only to the highest silence.


After coming out of the mental hospital, Wen Miao didn't want to talk to Shen Chia-Yu any more. She stood by the side of the road, clutching her purse and looking at him expressionlessly.

Shen Jiayu seemed to have not seen her eyes at all. She bowed her head and did not know who to give back a message. Then she took the phone and raised her eyes. "You're welcome."

Wen Miao: "...?"

Did she just say thank you?

As if seeing the doubt in her eyes, Shen Jiayu smiled and spoke in a light voice: "Since I call a father, that I have to do a father's duty."

"..." Wen Miao heard his meaning.

Today, I took my daughter to look at my brain. It's a little bit of a gesture from my father. You're welcome.

Wen Miao resisted the impulse to smash his eyes. He grinded his teeth and cut the topic. He asked directly: "How much is your bar? Say the number and I'll give you the money."

"No need." Shen Jiayu lightly sweeps her one eye, and looks down at the mobile phone, "there is that money, you still keep a good look at the brain


He looks really handsome, and he talks really irritating.