
My overbearing brother

The first meeting with Shen Jiayu is probably the biggest social death scene in Wen Miao's life. At that time,

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20 Chs

Chapter 020: Scavenging for Food

Only after crossing the road did Shen Jiayu hang up the phone slowly.

There are two beautiful girls next to him have followed him all the way, at this time to see the big handsome force finally finally - after the phone, can not keep down the heart of wanting to chat up, while opening the mobile phone wechat, while eager to come forward.

"Hi, little brother." Before the girl opened her mouth to micro signal, she smiled and set an almost, "See you look familiar, I don't know if I have seen you in school before?"This listen is the fixed routine of pick-up, not too much new, but Shen Jiayu seems not to hear it, take the phone to look at the sister, and then gently bent the eyelashes, speaking voice is still cool and gentle: "Yes."

From this Angle, Wen Miao can just see his side face, I don't know if the sister can see it, Wen Miao anyway noticed that although the corner of the eye was bent when the big handsome forced to smile, the smile did not enter the eyes much.

The sister continued to ask without realizing, "Which school are you from?"

The little orange cat on his shoulder suddenly gave a milky "meow ~" sound, and Shen Jiayu raised her hand slightly, with the long fingertips on its chinScratching twice, while appeasing the little orange cat, casually back to the words: "Don't go to school."

"Is it working already?" Girl "Huh?" He was not too surprised, but continued to ask, "That little brother where do you work?"

Shen Jiayu: "I don't work either."

"Huh?" Sister a leng, this is not work, and do not go to school, that is what, sister subconsciously asked, "Then you are..." ?"

Shen Jiayu: "Scavengers."

Sister: "?"

Shen Jiayu raised his hand and pointed the bottle of mineral water in his hand: "Just picked it up, exactly.To sell for money."

Sister: "..."

The sister was quiet for a moment, without saying a word, put the mobile phone in her pocket and walked away.

The girl was standing very close to Wen Miao, Wen Miao clearly heard the girl speaking in a depressed whisper to her companion: "Handsome is handsome, but the conditions seem not good, he said he was a trash collector, just picked up a mineral water bottle is going to sell money." I don't think so, if it comes to love, don't I have to support him?"

Wen Miao: "..."

Little sister, this man is lying to you!

Man's mouth, liar, how can you believe it so simply?Wen Miao could not help but look ahead. Shen Jiayu was walking four or five steps ahead of her. From her Angle, she could only see the teenager's slender back.

Wen Miao thought about the back of this as if engraved with the four words "I am very dignified" for a long time, although the face is invisible, but from the perspective of this temperament alone, how are not close to the four words "scavenging youth" Ah.

It is just that this kind of obviously very ridiculous words were looked at by Shen Jiayu with that kind of gentle eyes, and then said with that kind of gentle voice, which somehow made people more convinced.

Girls are stupid enough to believe that shitNot without reason.

Shen Jiayu walked down the street for four or five minutes and finally stopped in front of a pet store, opened the door and went inside.

Wen Miao followed a stop at the door, looked up at the name of the pet shop, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, clicked on the wechat dialog box with Wen Yan, and confirmed the address again.