
My Over Powered System

What kind of system do you like? The kind who will give you mission to get stronger? Or let you farm experience from nonstop killing? What if, your system let you increase your strength just by waiting and gave you mission to develop your territory? Eduard was transmigrated on another world where qi and magic exist. When he woke up, he was already in the body of Eduard Chris, the fourth son of the Chris family. At the same time, he was also sent by the clan to manage a territory on the border of human kingdom. Being thrown by his clan on the border, the new Eduard also have a system with him. The system help him to increased his power jus by waiting. [ raising level of host to Tier 2; 2 days] He was shocked to learn that his system increase his strength by just waiting. Moreover, the mission of system can also be done by the help of the people under his command. By getting stronger, he was able to defend and develop his territory. People with an intention to taje his domain never wins. As time goes by, his border territory become a center of trade between the two kingdom. In his his Territory, racial differences was ignored and harmony was developed. He was able to create a City of peace bit with the power that could overthrow the human kingdom. Chris turned into a strong Lord of his territory. People that under him loved him and those who became his enemies was killed without mercy. Follow Chris as he developed his fiefdom to dominate the whole world.

mysterious_ed25 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 3: Knight Departure

After taking his dinner, Eduard immediately proceed to his room. He opened his system panel and choose to take his reward for accomplishing his mission.

[ ding! Successfully bestowing Hand to Hand Combat Skill]

A row of information appears on Eduard's head. The Information contains different skills to fight unarmed and fully utilizing his body as a weapon in combat. After a moment, the memories have fully integrated to his mind. The feeling was the same as he had train on it for more than a decade. Including his muscle memory, they are also part of the reaction. As long as he wants, he can show a prowess of an expert in Hand to Hand Combat.

"With this skill I should be able to match those people that in tier 3 iron level knight with an average skill even if they wield their weapon". He clenches his fist and punch in the air, a gust of wind was created from his punch. The curtains on his bed room were swayed from the punch.

After a moment of reviewing his improvements, he opened up his System Panel.

Host: Eduard

Occupation: Viscount/ Knight

Cultivation: Tier 1 iron knight (-> tier 2; 2 1/4 days)

Skills: ruler command (system bonus skill), Hand to Hand Combat Skill (expert)


[ mission: create a farm land] [ Reward: 10x high yielding grain (3 sacks)]

[ mission: Buy slaves 0/20] [ reward: Military Training Manual (superior)].

Observing his status, there is 2 days left before he improved to tier 2 iron level knight. He did not bother to think much of it since it will release it's result in two days. He scan the other information and stopped his eyes in front of his new mission.

[ mission: Buy slaves 0/20] [ reward: Military Training Manual (superior)].

"This new mission is quite easy also; I should assign 3 knights tomorrow to make haste and buy them to the nearby city"

The rewards of the mission caught the interest of Eduard, since he was weak right now, he need a method to protect himself. This Military Training Manual will help his domain to improve the defense of his territory. Since his strongest knight was at Tier 8 Iron Level Knight, it cannot guarantee his safety and his territory. Specially when there are hunters and mercenaries at silver Levels that passed by who have bad intentions and tend to rob them.

Having this Manual will boost the ability of his knights and even help him to raise their tiers. Moreover, using his rulers command can help them, to be more dedicated to train as long as he commands them. Additionally, a sudden idea appears on Eduard's mind.

"Maybe I should add as well some children within 10 years old to be trained as guards and servants in the house" having the thoughts. He decided to discuss it tomorrow with Linda since some of this children slaves will be assigned to them.

After a while, Eduard feels tired and decided to go to sleep.

Early in the morning, Eduard talked to Linda after his breakfast.

They discussed his idea of buying slaves and adding children slaves to be trained as servant and guard in his residence. Linda first opposes it specially the addition of slaves, they don't have much money and they are supposed to kept their money for unexpected expenditure and they also need to pay the knights of 5 silver per month. The tax they should pay was already under the family budget so they won't have to be bothered by it. But, buying slaves cost around 1 gold coins for male and 7 silvers for female. The price of children varied from 4 to 6 silver based on the age and their gender.

At the end of the discussion, they finally decided to take 5 children, two of these will be female to be assigned on Linda and Angie to train them inside the household chores, the 3 will be male to be trained as a guard. The rest will be 5 female and 10 males since having female slave can also help to increase the population of their laborer in the future. the cost of the slaves will be between 16 to 17 gold coins.

They also discussed that they should raise some chicken to be use for egg laying including the feeds for raising it as well as some seeds of vegetables that appropriate for the season to be planted. Eduard did not tell her that he will receive a batch of seeds of grains as reward after the farming bed was prepared, since the system existence should be kept as his secret.

"Alright Linda, you should talk to the Knight Captain Martin to assign the knights and make haste so they will reach the city by tomorrow".

Linda complied to Eduard's command and excuse himself. Eduard's on the other hand proceed at the backyard of his residence. Since it was still early in the morning, he choose to train first before he starts to help Angie and Linda in the kitchen.

Yesterday the two maids were surprised that he was good at cooking. They bombarded him with questions when they tasted his cooking and ask him to teach them his technique. He can't stop the two so he was compelled to teach them. Even though he was the Lord of this house, he was casual in front of his people like a friendly neighborhood, specially with the two maids which was treated by him as a family. The Slave and knight happily ate his cooking during lunch. He was also glad that his cooking was to their liking. So, he decided that he will help them to cook if he has time to cook at lunch.

The two maids also flaunt to knights and slaves that he was the one that cooked the soup for them, turning the attention everyone to him. He was shy by the gaze of this people; they look at him with adoration and reverence just because of his cooking.

But for the people, they respected him. Specially that he was the Lord, but he cooked for them, this was the first time that they see a noble that do this to his subordinates as well as the slaves.

"After a few moments, Eduard was bored in doing his exercise. There was no difference if he trains or not. He was already expert in this skill. He needs a sparring partner to train and gained a combat experience. But he can't disturb the knights since they were busy at making tents outside for residence".

When he was thinking of building houses, he realizes that he forgot to ask a skilled craftsman slaves to assign in making the houses in the future. Additionally, he needs someone to create a pen for the chicken.

He immediately run inside the house. Linda and Angie who were cleaning his residence was surprised when they see Eduard rushing to them.

"Young master, is there something you want you need some help?" Linda offered.

"Linda did the knight's that assign to go to city already departed?"

"Hmm, they are already preparing, they should be outside" Linda responded.

He immediately asked Linda to get some money to buy some skilled slaves for craftmanship. Linda immediately complied as she also forgotten to look for skilled people to do the work of constructing when they discuss the purchase of slaves, as her attention was on children to be recruited as servants and knights.

Reaching the site of Knight Captain Martin where they are repairing the tent for the slaves. He saw three of his knights saying goodbye to the Knight Captain.

When they saw the coming Eduard, they kneeled in front of him. Eduard sighed, he was thankful that he reaches them before they had gone or else he had to wait for their return to assigned them the task and get back to the city.