A boy who died and got reincarnated as a female vampire, a True Vampire.After gaining his wish of immortality, read how his life as a female progress, meet new characters and fight powerful opponents. My Otherworld life as a Vampire is a novel filled with comedy filled laughter,emotional and feminine love. It's the best story for those who like genderbender and fantasy series
Holy healing magic, that wasn't regular healing magic either. It manage to recover a bit of power as well as its health. I thought that power was lost in history 3000 years ago, it seems I was wrong.
" Damn things just got worst "
I'm almost out of Magical Power and I don't have enough to deal any direct damage. Now I feel like an idiot using up all my energy out of anger.
Suddenly, the head that controls water started to hiss and immediately a thunder clouds appeared, ran started to fall. I see I'm not the only one that's able to manipulate the weather.
>> Master be careful <<
" Huh "
The head that control lightning hissed and lighting ran down on me from the sky. I ran around dodging lightning like my life depended on it, when my cheek was cut out of nowhere .
>> Master the rain ! <<
The hydra used lightning to distract me while freezing the rain water into razor sharp ice. To make this kind of plan for me it has intelligence.
This is bad, this is really bad.
My body was started to cut all over the rain drops and before I could get clear of the rain, it unleashed a lightning attack on me.
" Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh "
I screamed out in pain. It reall hurts,I couldn't even stand because my legs was numb. I layed in ground, I coughed up blood. This hurt worst than the time I was shot in the back by those human arrows.
>> Master are you alright? <<
" I'm fine.. "
The Hydra opened it's mouth and fire a lighting beam at me again . I can't do anything about this, I'm out of energy, as that true Vampire, I can only remain unkillable as long as I have energy to spare but I've used up all my energy, now I'm no different from an ordinary human and all I could do is close my eyes to expect death
Suddenly, out of nowhere I was swooped up by someone and taken to a safe distance.The lightning struck and destroy the spot where I was before, I looked up and was suprised to see that it was Silvia.
" Silvia !"
She seem to become more different, more powerful more refined
" Mistress.. Are you alright? "
Silvia ask.
" I'm fine "
" Here "
She bit her wrist and hold it to my mouth.
" Drink "
I hold her hand to my mouth and started drinking her blood to recover energy to repair the damage I took.
" Wait here "
" Wait ? "
She called out as she charged at the Hydra.
Silvia created a sword and dogded the salamder attacks.
" You'll pay for what you've done to my mistress "
She ran under its abdomen and thrust her sword into its underbelly
" Now dissappear.."
Spiked blood started to protrude out of inside the body of the hydra. It screamed in pain and then healed it's injuries. The Hydra spit fire from its mouth and silvia jumped back and gave it some distance.
" So you can heal yourself.. Well.. It doesn't mater "
Silvia ran around to its side and launch a blood vortex. At the head that heals and the Hydra freezes the blood before it mades contact.
" So you have a countermeasures for each then.. Now about this "
Silvia jumped.
「Vermilion Bird 」
Three eagles made of blood fly towards the Hydra. It freezes one, use fire to vaporize one and the last was shredded with wind magic
" Hmph.. ."
Silvia smile, The Hydra didn't know that there was four and the last one flew towards the head that healed and blow it clean off.
" She did it "
Said Roselina.
Silvia landed on the ground and at that moment the Hydra started to exert even more dark energy. It was full of anger now. It's doubled the power that it had before. It's pressure prevented Silvia from moving
" Oh no "
Roselina got up fast
The Hydra turned fired an attack that is fused with fire, ice, lightning and poison. Roselina quickly pulled Silvia lightning fast from Its range of attack that burned a hole into the mountains
" Are you alright? "
Roselina ask.
" Mistress.. Huh.. Look out "
Silvia called out as she saw the Hydra charging up and firing another attack. Roselina turned to the attack and took it head on to protect Silvia.
" Gyaaaaaaaahhhhhh "
>> Master ! <<
Roselina body flew through the air as she cough up blood. Her clothes was shredded and her long white hair came undone and her scythe fall out of her hand.
( Am I going to die like this?)
Roselina ask her self. She closed her eyes and drifted into the darkness
Silvia called out again as she ran towards Roselina while an attack of the same power and magnitude came to at her from behind. Silvia didn't pay attention to this, she just kept running towards her mistress.
At that moment Roselina eyes opened widely in a frigthening manner and a massive amount of energy surge from her body that pierce the sky.
Silvia was blown away by this energy, She rolled up the ground before stopping.
" Mistress ! "
She watched as roselina body was floating in the center of this overwhelming power. Roselina body grew to a full adult, her eyes become blood red and two blood red wings grew out of her back.
Clothes on her body started to materialize , it was the same form in which she awaken as a true Vampire. Roselina flapped her wings while look down with a cold stare while holding the grace of a demon Lord
>> Master ?<<
" Mistress ? "
Both Silvia and Veelzebub was dumbfounded. They both wondered who was this person floating in the air before them.
Her powerlevel was ten times what she had before as a true Vampire. The power before them was strong enough to change the world at its command
Roselina raised her hand then snapped her finger. Immediately after the sky turned red as if covered with blood.
The Hydra attacked her again with it's fused attack.
" Mistress look out "
Silvia called up. Roselina eyes glowed and she swinged her hand to right and immediately the attack turned to the right. Silvia and Veelzebub was suprised to see that the attack changed directions on her command.
Roselina red eyes glowed again and the Hydra's eyes and mouth exploded. Roselina created a single blood sword and with one swing she cleaved off the nine heads
" She killed it, in a single blow, mistress is that you? "
Silvia ask as she looks at Roselina with speechlessness.