
My Otherworld Life As A Vampire

A boy who died and got reincarnated as a female vampire, a True Vampire.After gaining his wish of immortality, read how his life as a female progress, meet new characters and fight powerful opponents. My Otherworld life as a Vampire is a novel filled with comedy filled laughter,emotional and feminine love. It's the best story for those who like genderbender and fantasy series

KevinWalters · Fantasy
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207 Chs

Chapter 204

"What, what's the meaning of this?" Mr Patrom fumed.

"Relax you Baffoon, my target isn't you," Drake pointed his gun at Kelly. "Is that right, Kelly Ashellon De Valentine?"

Everyone turned their gaze to Kelly.

"...Or better yet, Roselina Lambrosa De Valentine."

Now everyone has their eyes turned on me. This timing couldn't get any worse.

"600 years have passed and I can finally have my revenge."

"Hold it!" Jason shouted as he stepped forward. "I don't know who you are or were you came from but I won't allow you to make a mess of—"

Suddenly, Drake appeared before Jason and plunged his hand into Jason's chest. Drake absorbed all the blood into his body and seeing this Everyone started to panic. His speed and power is stronger than I remember.

"You, you monster, what have you done to my son?"

Mr Patrom fell before the husk of his former son.

"Thanks to you, I'm stronger than before, so Roselina, why don't you and I have a fight?"

Drake smiled. These assholes caused everyone to look at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Oh please, don't play stupid, It's best you show them. why are you hiding amongst humans and hiding your real identity, everyone knows you're a Vampire," Drake confessed.

"A Vampire."

"She's a Vampire!?"

"Not only that, everyone in the Valentine family is a vampire."

Soon everyone started avoiding us. This commotion has gone on for quite some time now. I deployed a barrier over the entire ship and inside it everyone fell unconscious.

"I'll deal with them later but first, I'll deal with you," I said.

Drake smiled and suddenly, all his men started transforming into hideous creatures.


Their troubles but Drake his more troublesome, the aura he's emanating, rivals my own. Meaning, he has the strength of a true Vampire.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Efreet laughed loudly while walking. "This is fun."

"And who are you?" Drake asked.

Efreet didn't answer but just kept smiling.

"Hey Roselina, van I have this one?" Efreet asked.

Hearing his question I was a bit surprised, but I smiled a little. Knowing his personality, he's dying to fight something after 600 years.

"He's all yours," I said.

"What am I not worthy of your attention?" Drake fumed.

I looked at him and smiled.

I have more important things to do, like resurrecting Jason and wiping the memories of everyone to ensure none of this was recorded.

"Kelly, Ailvia, Debra, will you girls assist me ?"




Efreet put his hand in his pockets and stood talking.

"You're not worthy of my attention, how dare you stand in my way."

Efreet knee kicked Drake his stomach and send him flying through the ceiling and unto the top deck. Efreet was up in the air waiting for him to kick Drake straight into the barrier. Drake recovered his sense to fly in the air, he looked at the large dent in his abdomen and regenerated his injury.

"Just who in the world are you?" Drake asked.

Efreet didn't answer him immediately but looked at him seriously. "...Why don't you stop holding back and come at me with your real strength?" Efreet said.

"I was saving this power to defeat Roselina but every muscle in my body is telling me to use all my strength to defeat you."

Drake ripped off his shirt and his body started to mutate. During his transformation he absorbed the energy of Roselina barrier weakening it. Roselina who was below, looks up.

"This energy, it's stronger than mine," Silvia said.

"Just as I feared, drake has the strength of a True Vampire," Roselina said.

Drake continues transforming and laughing at the same time. He morphed into a creature with vampire, carnage and machinery in his body. His once muscular body shrunk down to a smaller body. His skin became red and black and both of his arms were metal.

"I now possess powers rivalling that of the Primordial Vampire!"

Drake vanished and reappear before Efreet and plunge his hand through efreet chest. Efreet wore a surprised face and coughed up blood. Roselina and the others came to the surface and saw this.

"This is...?"


Apart from Roselina the other was surprised.

"Do you see this Roselina, thank you I'm stronger than before?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh you don't know."

Drake started explaining that 400 years ago on the island. Drake's corpse didn't rot away that day, but instead absorbed the magic essence left by the Primordial Vampire. That's to that he was about to evolve into a true vampire, hoping to defeat Roselina but instead found out that Roselina who was defeated efreet went into hiding.

He decided to take revenge on everyone who was related to her, but he realised that Silvia and the others went around the world to find Roselina, so he decided to attack the Luminasy Faction. He's the reason Luminasy Faction went into hiding, 300 years later, he's the one who leaked the information about Kelly and Silvia being vampires, he's the one who taught Marcelo mind control, He's the one who started world war 1 and 2, he's the one who send those criminal after roselina's coffin and more world.

"I'm the one who created the carnage."

Drake smiled when he told us this.

Roselina and the others opened their eyes wide in shock.

"You're the one who created them?"

The story was explained.

It was 100 years ago, Drake met a scientist called Dr J who was researching ways to evolve humans. The two decided to work together on a mutual deal. After many trials and failures, Dr J had a breakthrough, by combining the Vampire and human DNA he could achieve the key to human evolution. He wanted to create humans with regenerative speed and powers equal to vampires and eliminate the weakness of the vampire .

A Human Vampire hybrid.

But the experiment took a turn for the worse and instead of creating a human Vampire hybrid, Cannibalistic humans were created called carnage. Just like vampires they are afraid of light and just like vampires and other creatures they can evolve. After a carnage is born their lifespan is greatly shortened, then can live up to a day but as they evolve into stage 2 their life span increases up to a thousand years.

Drake found this opportunity because not only could he absorb the blood but become stronger. For the past hundreds years he's been collecting a large quantity of carnage and absorbing their power. And when he saw my coffin on TV, he went after it first but failed. Drake continued to preach about how much more powerful he is and how he's been waiting for this day.

"Are you done yet?"


We all looked at Efreet who raised his two hands into the air and slammed them against Drake's head, shattering Drake's eardrums.

"I told you to fight me didn't I, why the hell are you rambling for.. Fight me!"

Efreet smiled and uppercut Drake in the stomach sending him flying into my barrier, breaking it and then he continued to fly high into the sky. Drake coughed up blood and came back falling down.

Efreet shot fire from his hands and used them as rocket propulsion to fly to greet Drake. I watched from below as the flashing of orange light in the sky.

"He's a muscle bound idiot, that Efreet, but what Drake said holds some value, I'm curious about doctor J," Roselina said.

"Do you thinks it's Dr Judas, he's a human who's done experiment with human carnage DNA just like # 36 and the others," Kelly explained.

"Yes, I'm suspecting him as well. If he's the culprit, he's a tougher opponent than I thought, forget the black cross, he's the most dangerous man on this planet."

I held my chin and pondered.

"But he's just human, how could he survive for 100 years," Silvia asked.

"Don't underestimate humans, they're more resilient and resourceful than we give them credit for. He might have used that cloning method Marcelo was using and implanted his consciousness into another clone," I explained.

Suddenly, Drake fell from the sky and crashed into the seat near the ship.

"Pathetic, is that the best you could do, I thought you had more than that, I don't know why the Primordial Vampire created such a pathetic offspring," Efreet sneered, then he looked at me.

"It's not that he's weak, it's just your ridiculous strong you big ogre! And are you trying to say! I created him? It's like you're trying to piss me off!" I barked, I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth in anger.

"Damn you, damn you, damn you!" Drake roared and his voice caused a huge tidal wave, it's a good thing I placed up a barrier or else the ship would have been destroyed.

Efreet started sucking in the air and spat out flame at Drake. The flame slowly changed from orange to blue and the heat of the flame increased. Drake screamed in pain and he was burned away by flame leaving nothing but a pile of ashes that settled on the sea surface. A face appeared out of the ashes and Drake's entire body started to grow back.

"Good, I'm glad you didn't die," Efreet said.

He seems to be enjoying it.

"Damn, It's, I can't go out like this, No, Not like this "

Drake took out a red crystal and held it up to the sky. Suddenly, The sky opened up and a beam of crimson everyone came down and hit the crystal in Drake's hand

"It's concentrated mana."

How the hell did he collect that much mana? I thought it was lost forever.


There was a nice cloud that looked like a special gate that was created by that satellite in space. There is a magic stroke linked to a dish on that satellite. It's power out mana like a water tall.

"You're going to regret messing with me, I'll make you all suffer. This is all the mana I've collected over the centuries, now I'm going to use it to defeat you," Drake shouted, then plunged the Crystal in his chest and all the mana was absorbed by the crystal. There was a charging shout and the beam of light continued to fill the crystal with power.

Suddenly, a large red light appeared from the crystal. Drake's body changes again and he morphs into a large red demon with 9 eyes and four wings and a large underbite. It's like Debra transformation but much uglier and more powerful because the strength he has, rivals my own.

"I see now, so that's the reason there was no sighting of any carnage in London," I said.

All the mana have been gathered for this moment and with Drake is receiving a almost endless supply of mana, He'll be unstoppable. This party was nothing but a set up for the right time to strike and we all fell for it. Damn that man called Dr Judas. I'm only at power level 335,000 and yet his power level is at 430,000. Even if we fought, I would have a hard time with him.

"Things just got a bit more hectic, Efreet let's you and I work together to defeat him," I suggested.

"And spoil my fun, never."

Efreet wore a big smile.

"This is my time to have some fun."

Efreet laughed and exerted his full strength.

"Wuahahahahahahahahahahaha!" He laughed and laughed with excitement.

"His aura is incredible."

Silvia and the others could stand the heat emanating off Efreet's body, he made the sea boil beneath his feet.

"Let's fight."

Efreet shot flame from his hand that turned blue and he flew up to Drake with all his strength.

"Impudent, fool."

The two started having an intense battle. The last time he and I fought, it was just sparring but now it's a fight to the death. Efreet is wearing that smile he wore the last time we fought 600 years ago.

I look up at the satellite,

"We have to do something about that satellite," I said.

"Mistress, do you want me to fly up and take care of it?"

Silvia asked.


Silvia flew up to the sky, penetrated the stratosphere but was suddenly punched back down to the ground and she crashed into the sea.

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow that to happen."

It's a carnage of the second stage and his number is #23. Meaning he's 13 times stronger than # 36 and had blue hair and red eyes.

His strength just now rivalled Silvia.

"Things just got more hectic," I said.