
My Otherworld Life As A Vampire

A boy who died and got reincarnated as a female vampire, a True Vampire.After gaining his wish of immortality, read how his life as a female progress, meet new characters and fight powerful opponents. My Otherworld life as a Vampire is a novel filled with comedy filled laughter,emotional and feminine love. It's the best story for those who like genderbender and fantasy series

KevinWalters · Fantasy
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207 Chs

Chapter 156

The bullet flew towards the man. However, he was composed the entire time. He dodged the bullet and dashed towards Jack to deliver a punch to the face again.

"After this you will never again pull your gun in front of a woman unless it's to protect her," he stated.

'The speed and physical strength of this human is above normal, could he be a superhuman or maybe a cyborg?'

Kelly thought to herself as she looked at the unconscious pilot with a bloody face.

"Are you alright, that didn't scare you?" the guy asked concernedly with a smile.

'He's also another hero type.'

Kelly sighed and folded her arm.

"You're not an ordinary human, are you?" Kelly wondered.

"No, I'm just an ordinary guy," He responded.

"No ordinary person can dodge a bullet, so tell me, as you ex military or some failed lab experiment?" Kelly asked again.

"I'm just an ordinary person, ma'am," he responded with a smile.

Hearing his answer Kelly sighed again.

"You're awfully calm, this isn't your first time in these situations?" he wondered.

"No, in the business industry I get threaten all the time,"Kelly responded.

"Well I suggest you quit while you're at it," he sugged.

Kelly glared at him. "Excuse me."

"There's no telling what danger lurks ahead."

"Are you saying I should give everything I've worked hard for?"

"No that's what I'm saying, I'm just saying you should value your life that's all"

"What's your name?" Kelly asked.

"Hunter Schwarzenegger," he replied.

Suddenly, Kelly's phone rang and it was Diane calling her.

"Diane,is everything going smoothly?"

<<Yes madam President>>

"And how's mist— I mean my sister."

Diane started to giggle a little.

<<Fufufufu I just contact home, debra says Miss Roselina has been sleeping all day >>

Hearing that Kelly smiles. "That sounds just like her. Remember if anything arises, just ask her and she'll help you."

<< Right >>

Kelly hung up the phone as she was relieved to know everything is alright.

"You're smiling, is it because of your sister," Hunter wondered.

"Stop talking to me," Kelly ordered.

The plane landed in Glasgow.After clearing immigration Kelly left the airport. As usual people kept staring at her. She got into a cab

"Wait, wait."

Hunter called out and got in the car beside Kelly.

The taxi drove off.

Kelly looked at the time that said SUN November 19,2020 1:23 pm.

"Where to Miss?" The driver asked.

"I need to rent a car, do you know a place?"


"Take me there."

"Right and you sir." The driver asked as he looked at Hunter through the rear view mirror.

"I want to rent a car as well."

And so the driver took them to the Car Rental. Kelly and Hunter walk in at the same time.

"Oh my such a lovely couple, are you here to rent a car?"

A guy with chipmunk teeth approached them. His name tag said Alvin.

"Oh no we're not a couple,"

Hunter responded in a shy voice.

"I'm alone, I need a car, A sport car for rent." Kelly said.

The man was excited to know that kelly is rich.

"Of course, Thea please take care of this lady."

A woman agent came and took Kelly away while Alvin stood with hunter.

"So sir, what kind of car are you looking to rent, a Benz, an Audi," Alvin wondered.

"I'm looking to rent something in a 120 pounds," Hunter explained.


'In other word, he's poor, if I had known I would have gone with the beautiful lady,'/Alvin thought to himself.

"Do you have that range?"

"Of course, please come this way."

And so Alvin too hunter to search for a car. He looked at all the cars.

"All these cars look so expensive, I hope i can afford it," Hunter mumbled to himself.

'I highly doubt you can,'/Alvin thought to himself.

"Sir could you please hurry, I have another customer waiting."

"Oh right."

Suddenly there was a loud noise as a car was being revved up. It was Kelly testing a Lamborghini Hurucan evo.

"I'll take it" Kelly said.

"Wow, what woman is rich? It must cost her over 10,000 dollars just to rent a car like that," Hunter asked.

"A—A Black card!"

The woman was so nervous she could hardly hold the card in her hand.

"Black card?"

"No way."

"I heard that over 100 million could be hold on that card."

After getting clearance Kelly drove the car out of the Rental and straight on the highway. Driving at seen of 100 miles per hour on a 180 highway.

In 1 hour Kelly arrived in a small village.


Sound the Lamborghini roared as Kelly drives in to a small town. Seeing the car people of the town stop to stare. The door of the car opened and golden high heel shoes popped out first then Kelly's entire body. The villagers stopped what they were doing and kept staring at Kelly profoundly as she sparkled with beauty.

"Excuse me, I'm the mayor of this town, How may I help you?"

a man in his 50s with grey hair and a bald spot asked.

Kelly removed her sunglasses and looked at the elder. "Is there any tomb around here?" She queried.

The village started to get tense and looked at each other.

"Your interested in the tomb of curses?" A villager asked.

"Yes," Kelly responded.

"If you value your life, I suggest you turn back. It states that a demon lurks inside those ruins. It took my son and daughter."

Hearing this story Kelly wasn't swayed in the slightest.

"I'll be the judge of that," she muttered as she walked past them as she walked away the villagers looked at each other with a sinister smile.

"Uhm, miss," The mayor called out. "Since you're going to the tomb, you're going to need guidance, might I suggest letting these men escort you."

Three men step forward.

"I don't mind," Kelly agreed.

Even though the mayor had ulterior motives, Kelly saw through it like it was nothing. 20 minutes after they left, another car came into the village and Hunter was the driver, he stepped out of the car and looked at the lime green Lamborghini parked in the village.

"That car…"

He walked into the village and knocked on a door and a elderly woman opened the door.

"Aaah," The woman gasped in shock when she saw hunter.


"Hunter, is that you?!"

The two hug each other with joy and so she too her grandson in for some tea.

"It's been far to long."

"Yes it is, Grandmother."

There was chattering outside.

"Look at this car, it's probably worth hundreds of thousands."

"That woman must be very rich to afford something like this."

Watching the villagers admiring the car Hunter became concerned.

"Who does that car belong to?" Hunter wondered.

"It belongs to a very beautiful woman with long white hair who came into the village enquiring at the tomb of curses."

"The tomb of curses? People still believe in that."

"What's worst the mayor send three men with her, I fear the worst," she mumbled.

Suddenly, Hunter remembered who rented that car today and realised that the car belonged to Kelly.

"Stay here grandmother, I'll be back."

He ran out the door and straight to the mountains.

In the meantime

One of the three men chop the vine in Kelly's way for her to continue to advance.

"So lady, why are you interested in this tomb?"

"That's none of your business," Kelly responded

The two walking behind her couldn't stop admiring her a*s they get staring at it and lusting after her like a couple of dogs.

Soon they arrive at an old graveyard that is on top of a hill.

"Up there is the tomb you're looking for, So how about our payment," a guy requested.


'Well. I guess I could pay them,'

Kelly took 100 euros and gave it to them. "I don't have any small change in my purse," She explained.

The one who received the money crushed it up and threw it away.

"Oh we don't want any money lady, we want your body."

They all approach Kelly with lust in their eyes.

"What are you doing?" Kelly queried.

"It's not everyday a sexy woman as yourself drops by."

"So we're going to enjoy every minute of your body."

Kelly of course knew they were trouble.

"Let me go first."

One of them jumped at Kelly and she was about to slice his head off with her nail.

"Someone's coming."

At that same time a flying back came from nowhere and collided with the man's face. He flew into a tree and slammed into it unconscious. Hunter landed on their ground with his back to Kelly

'Him again !?,'

Kelly was irritated.

"Three men ganging on a woman, have you no shame, Get lost" Hunter murmured.

"You can't tell us what to do!"

"Let's get him!"

The two men attack Hunter at once. However, he was composed as his attackers approached him. Hunter clenched his first and with the swiftness of a cheetah he punched the two men down instantly.

"Get lost," Hunter ordered and so the two men grab their friends and ran off. Then Hunter turned to Kelly. "Don't worry no harm will come to you now."

Kelly felt nothing but disgust. "Your service was great, you can leave now" she responded.

"Why are you afraid of me—Ah!"

Suddenly hunter started to stagger and fall towards Kelly. He fall on top of her and when he opened his eyes he got a nosebleed. His was on top of Kelly and his two hands was on her breast.

Kelly looked at him with bloodlust. "Why you…" she muttered in a hostile voice.