
My Other Lover

Based on true-life events, My Other Lover is an eye-opener to relationships, true love, cheating, lies and most of all deception, however not all is hopeless, in the wonderful world of relationships, as we come across numerous couples who fight to stay true to themselves, their love and respect for their partners and most of all their families. My Other Lover also tells the story of numerous families, who have been driven apart by lies and deception, only to be drawn together by forgiveness and unconditional love. See how these couples manage to face everyday temptation, but how in the end love always prevails.

BS_Mahoko · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Where There Is Smoke, There Is Fire.



It was a very chilled day in Hatfield and Menzi, dressed in his formal navy pants, a sky blue long-sleeved shirt, and tan shoes, with wooden framed shades, stood by his car and prepared to leave. His mom stepped outside and kissed him on the cheek, and gave him a warm hug. He stepped into his car and exited his mother's house. He played Siza's favourite song and sang to the chorus, as he drove back to his place. The words to Siza's favourite song said:

"Take me to heaven, where there's an endless stream of laughter and love…my peaceful dream…you're my heart…I call you heaven…you're my joy on earth…my peace, my smile."

Menzi replayed that song repeatedly, as he imagined Siza singing it, as he drove to Kyalami. He turned up the volume and let the song go on until he heard only Siza's voice in the song and not that of the original artist. He recalled the time he promised to take her to all the artist's concerts but disappointed her due to work pressure. He smiled, as he flashed back to how blissful Siza was, the day he surprised her, by taking her to the last concert of her favourite songstress, in the country. Siza could not stop singing her favourite song.

"How can I get through to Siza, without getting her upset," questioned Menzi, as he thought aloud.

He arrived in his office park, lowered the volume, switched off the car, and headed to the office. He greeted his PA, entered into his office, and worked.


Lelo woke up in the early hours of the morning, then relaxed on the black suede recliner and worked on her laptop. She conversed with her boss via email and tried hard not to disturb, the fast asleep Pule. She closed the laptop, read one of her favourite books, "Woman, get your power back," by BS Mahoko, and began to doze off after she read a few paragraphs. She placed the book on her face and fell asleep.

Pule woke up and covered Lelo with a warm blanket. He went to take a bath, came back, and wore a pair of grey denim jeans, a long white long-sleeved shirt, a grey jacket, and black leathered sneakers, with a matching black tie. He opened the sliding door and allowed a fresh breeze into the room. It revealed a captivating landscaped private garden, and he left for work shortly after.


"Mom, my grades are good and all the best students have been chosen to go on a science expedition! Please save money for my first year, next year," raved the teenage Lelo.

"Don't you worry, I have money saved up, and I will ask your father how far he is in paying it back, as soon as he comes home from work," replied Lelo's mother.

"But you promised you wouldn't lend it to him, you know dad won't give it back, he is too cramped up in his own stingy world," complained the teenage Lelo.

"If he doesn't pay it back, then I will ask your aunt. Don't let this stress you, Lelo! We will figure it out," reassured Lelo's mother. "If all else fails, I will find you a job next year, so that you're able to save for your tuition fees, and help me out with your little sisters," she added.

The book on Lelo's face tumbled to the floor and woke her up. She was extremely frightened as she opened her tear-filled eyes, rose from the recliner, and sauntered to the sliding door, closing it shut.

"I have hurt a lot of people and sacrificed myself to get to this point in my life," wept Lelo. "I will not go back to being broke, ever again…No! I will never, ever go back there…I survived with the help of no one, but that of my own."

Lelo pulled out a packet of wet wipes from her cupboard and relaxed on the black suede recliner again. She tried to calm down, but it seemed her dream had really disturbed her. She quickly wiped her tears when Pule's Chef Zeus, knocked on her bedroom door. She sauntered to the door and opened it. She smirked at Zeus, and he smiled back at her.

"Good Morning," greeted the chef.

"Morning, Chef Zeus," replied Lelo.

"Mr Pooe said I must bring you a tray of freshly baked chocolate croissants, and a dish of cheese blintzes, with a glass of apple juice, when he left for work early this morning," explained the chef.

Lelo smiled. "That's my favourite food…thank you…you can come in, Chef."

Chef Zeus walked in, pushing a food service tray. He stood between the coffee table and couches, and dished up for Lelo, before placing her food on the coffee table. After that, he poured Lelo a glass of apple juice, and placed it next to the red rose, on the coffee table.

He left the mobile tray, for in case Lelo may want seconds. He stared at Lelo and smirked.

"Breakfast is served, Miss Lelo."

Lelo nodded. "Thanks, Zeus."

The chef exited Lelo and Pule's bedroom, leaving Lelo to enjoy her breakfast.


The beautiful morning sun lit up Siza's grey and gold bedroom wall. She was sleeping on her side, then turned and lay on her back. Her eyes wandered around her bedroom as if she was scanning the walls in admiration. She loved her little place. It filled her with such peace and tranquillity. She had almost forgotten that she was back at her place. It was quiet and peaceful, with no Menzi, and no Diesel. She was on her own. A loud sound emerged from her phone and alerted a notification to call her mother, and it indicated a message from Diesel. The message read,

"I love you, and I can't wait to see you again."

She beamed after reading Diesel's message and called her mom immediately. Siza sat up straight, leaned against the big pillow behind her back, and listened to her mom.

"I'm fine, Ma, I'm just dealing with stuff," confided Siza.

"What's wrong, baby?" Olivia worried.

"My fiancé cheated on me…Mama, I'm lost right now…I really am."

"Come and see me today, if you can," requested Olivia. "Come be with dad and me, at least for this weekend. What do you say?"

Siza took a deep breath. "I don't know, Mama…facing dad is another thing."

"Siza, you have to face your past eventually."

"Mama, we both know that my past has issues, and dad is the least of them."

"You can't avoid your sister and father for the rest of your life…you know forgiveness plays a huge role in this family."

"Forgiveness…forgiveness…forgiveness…Mama, I will see you later…I have to go."

"Alright…Baby! See you later…We love you so much."

"I love you too, Mom, see you later," concluded Siza, hanging up the phone and putting it under her pillow.

She stepped out of the bed and switched on her cd player, turned the volume up and went to the bathroom to bath. She went back to the bedroom when she was done, and wore the denim dress that Diesel had bought for her. She decided not to unpack her luggage bags - instead she hauled them out her dressing room, and repacked them into the boot of her car, for her trip later on.

She was busy dancing to a song in her living room, whilst her cell phone rang more than seven times, but she chose to ignore it. She strolled to her bedroom with a glass of orange juice in her hand, sat on the bed, and checked her phone. She noticed Diesel's missed calls and cleared them off her phone's log. She made her bed then noticed Diesel's incoming call.

Siza beamed. "Mr Diesel Pitso Mokgoba."

Diesel chuckled. "How'd you know about my second name?"

"I got the information from my sources, of course."

Diesel chuckled. "Oh, we have sources now."

Siza chuckled. "I'm kidding…I saw it on your identity card."

"How are you, Sizzy, I miss you."

"I miss you too…I am alright and recovering from yesterday, how are you?"

"I miss having you around…this house is lonely without you…May you please do me a favour?"

Siza smiled. "Aw! I am lonely without your house too…What favour is that?"

"I'm going home for the weekend, and I would like for you to come with me?"

"Aw, I can't, baby boy…I am going home to visit my folks for the weekend…how about I come with you to visit your folks, next weekend?"

"Great idea, you owe me one then."

"Alright, call me during next week…Bye for now."

As soon as Siza finished speaking to Diesel, she dialled Menzi's number. "I'd rather just face this guy and stop avoiding him," she exhaled.

When the delighted Menzi answered the phone, he could not stop telling her how much he missed her.

"Menzi, may we please meet?" enquired Siza, cutting to the chase.

Menzi had been wishing to hear those words from Siza's lips. "This time I need to make this right with my wife to be, finally she's back to her senses," he thought.

Menzi cleared his voice. "Yes, yes, we can, where?"

"Can you make it to Fournos Bakery, here in Rosebank, say in an hour?"

"Yes, I will leave the office now, so I can make it there on time, babe…anything for you."

Siza's heart was pounding out control after her call with Menzi. She kept on asking herself numerous questions: "So, I am getting Menzi back…I haven't seen him for days, and all of a sudden I call him just like that, demanding to see him…It would've been easier if he were a client, questions would just flow."

Siza gazed into a mirror and took a deep breath. "Get yourself together, Sizakele."

She went to her bedroom and sprayed a bit of her new D&G Light Blue perfume, on her neck and body. "I want Menzi to see that I am not broken, I am just mad and hurt," stated Siza, to herself.

She locked up the house and made her way to see Menzi at the bakery, situated not too far from her house. She wore his favourite red and white stripy dress, with matching red high-heeled sandals. She usually had breakfast with Menzi at Fournos Bakery, whenever they were in the mood for an outing, in the morning.

Menzi was also on his way to Rosebank, with many thoughts on his mind. "I can't wait to see my girl, I wonder what she's going to say? What's her state of mind? Will she reaccept this ring, or maybe she will want a new one? This is one woman I cannot pin down, she's so unpredictable…I guess I will have to wait and see what happens…," speculated Menzi, as he drove to Rosebank.


After a while, Siza's car pulled up in the parking lot and she parked not far from the Bakery. She locked the car and proceeded to the bakery. Menzi was not there as yet. She sat down and waited for Menzi. She was nervous and worried. A waitress approached her table and took her order.

"Hi, I would like a latte with extra milk, and two chocolate croissants, please."

"Coming right up, Ma'am," smiled the waitress, as she went to fetch Siza's order.


Pearl was over at Thendo's modern cluster, three bedroomed home. It had a semi-open-plan lounge, a separate dining room, with a well-planned marble stoned kitchen and a patio, with a built-in braai, overlooking a huge pool. The two bedrooms led to a spacious main en-suite bedroom, where Pearl was lying inside the bathtub silently, resting her head and looking up at the ceiling, deep in thought.

The foamy warm bath water covered her chest. Her braided cornrows were pinned into her black headband. She shifted up to sit straight and her eyes wandered towards the mirror, all the way to the cup that supported the toothbrushes. Her face changed when she spotted an extra toothbrush inside the cup.

She rose from the bath, water dripping from her wet body, and quickly climbed out of the bath. She snatched her khaki bathrobe, as it hung from the back of the door next to Thendo's, and slipped into it. She sauntered towards the mirror and inspected the cup with toothbrushes in it. She examined the bristles of the unknown owner's toothbrush, it was still wet, and she squeezed it in anger as if she knew what was happening. She was annoyed but tried not to panic.

She scurried out of the bathroom to Thendo's bedroom and found Thendo awake, and lying upside down with his head rested on the edge of the bed. Pearl did not utter a single word; instead, she raised her eyebrows, gazed at him, and shoved the cup of toothbrushes forward. Thendo glanced at Pearl, and then at the cup. He sat up straight and stared at the unknown owner's toothbrush. At that point, Pearl was watching his every move.

"What's wrong with this equation," questioned Pearl, shoving the cup forward.

Thendo's facial expression changed from being gleeful to being perplexed. "Oh, you're a maths teacher now?"

"Whose toothbrush is this, Thendo?" enquired Pearl, flinging the toothbrush at him.

Thendo chuckled. "You're my woman, I'm your man - if you want respect out of this relationship, then I suggest you speak to me in a respectful manner, so I can address you as my woman."

"How do you expect me to respect you if I find extra toothbrushes in what I consider a sanctuary?" exclaimed Pearl, as she strolled to her overnight bag to pull out her brown lacy lingerie, and slipped into it.

"Don't speak to me like that, I don't appreciate being assailed like that," yelled Thendo.

"Who-does-the-toothbrush-belong to, Thendo?" shouted Pearl.

"It's mine, I changed it yesterday…you know I change my toothbrushes quarterly, so yesterday it was time for that change."

Pearl gazed at him, and he gazed back at her unblinkingly. He approached Pearl and snuggled her. She did not reciprocate. He chuckled and caressed her face.

"Baby…"Thendo teased.

"Don't baby me," exclaimed Pearl, breaking away from his arms and continuing to get dressed.

Thendo chuckled. "So you're going to be grumpy the whole day?"

Pearl stared at Thendo. "No, but I'm going to feel the same way you would if you found an extra wet toothbrush in my house."

Thendo frowned. "What's that suppose to mean…I'm sorry if I made you feel insecure, baby."

Pearl smiled. "Don't stress your sweet self about it," she said, putting on her tight jeans and a long shirt, exiting the bedroom."

Thendo had goosebumps on his skin. That comment Pearl threw back at him, made him feel very unsettled. He straightened the bed and went to seek her around the house. He found her in the kitchen, quietly making cheesy filled pancakes, while she stood at the stove.

She turned and gazed at Thendo, she had a grin on her face, and she continued to cook. That gaze never sat well with Thendo. He had expected her to be upset over the toothbrush issue, but to his amazement, she somehow seemed unperturbed by it.

She received a text message on her cell phone and she pulled it out of her denim pocket. She glanced at the message and checked if Thendo was watching her, and she found him staring at her. She smirked at him and she slid the phone back into her pocket.

"Breakfast will be ready soon," declared Pearl.

"Thanks, baby," smiled Thendo, walking towards her to kiss her cheek.

"I need to leave for an hour or two, but I will be back before you know it," explained Pearl, dishing up breakfast for Thendo.

Thendo folded his arms and frowned. "Where are you off to?"

"I'm going to meet with my manager, as she's currently in the area," raved Pearl, taking off her apron and placing it on the chair.

"Let me see the text message she sent you," demanded Thendo, extending his opened hand to Pearl.

"Are you kidding me…when did we start checking each other's phones?" queried Pearl, handing Thendo her cell phone.

"No, I'm not joking," replied Thendo, taking the phone from Pearl, and scrutinizing it.

He checked the text message, and heaved a sigh of relief, as he read it out loud...

"Hi, it's Tumelo, I'm in the area…can we meet for coffee at the Melrose Arch?"

In addition, he also checked the sent message from Pearl to Tumelo, and it read,

"Hey Tumi, I'm on my way."

Thendo handed Pearl her phone back with a smirk.

"I don't have anything to hide…I will see you in a few hours…have breakfast before it gets cold," insisted Pearl, kissing his cheek and running to the bedroom to wear her pink and gold sneakers.

She pulled out her brown-leathered jacket from her overnight bag and threw it over her shoulders. She zipped her overnight bag and took it with, ambled to the kitchen and kissed Thendo on his cheek again.

"I will also pass by my house, to pick up a change of clothing," notified Pearl.

"Alright, see you later, babe," replied Thendo, chewing his food.

Pearl took her baby pink leathered handbag, hung it over her shoulder and pulled out the keys to her Mercedes. She scurried outside, opened the garage by remote, stepped inside her car and reversed it, then exited Thendo's home. She parked at the stop sign and answered her ringing cell phone.

"Hey, are you free, the day after tomorrow?" queried the man on the phone.

"No, I'm swamped…rain check?" answered Pearl.

The man chuckled. "Alright…what are you up to now?

"I'm driving to meet someone at Melrose Arch."

"What are you doing after?"

"After that, I'm going to my house…why so many questions?"

"Let's go to Mpumalanga."

Pearl frowned. "When…Now?"

"Yes now, I can come through to pick you up, once you are done with your meeting."

Pearl chuckled. "I see you still haven't changed. Still thrive on acting on impulse, don't you?…where's Lelo?"

"She's at home…sick."

"Oh, sorry to do this to you, but I have an incoming call," lied Pearl.

"You can answer it…I will call you right after."

Pearl placed the phone in between her thighs and drove as fast as she could to Melrose Arch. She parked her car in the parking lot, stepped out, stood by the door, and phoned Tumelo.

"I see you…look ahead," greeted Tumelo, waving her hand towards Pearl, from the restaurant, not far from the parking lot.

I see you too," replied Pearl, spotting Tumelo at the restaurant. She grabbed her handbag, locked the car, and strutted towards the restaurant. She beamed towards Tumelo and approached her table. Tumelo rose from the chair, hugged Pearl, and offered her a seat. On their table lay two glasses filled with ice and two single unopened bottles of pomegranate juice.

"I brought you goodies," announced Tumelo, handing Pearl a gift bag.

Pearl smiled. "Thanks, Tumi, I really appreciate it," replied Pearl, peaking into the gift bag.

"Pearl, I won't waste your time and keep you in suspense…I'm just going to come right out, and say it."

Pearl was confused. "I'm listening," she said, pouring her juice into her glass, and stirring it with a straw.

"I have a business offer, it's lucrative, and it's going to be even more lucrative if we venture into it together," asserted Tumelo, drinking her juice.

Pearl beamed. "Alright…let's hear it."

"You know the organisation called, "Care for Cancer," right?"

Pearl nodded. "Owned by your boyfriend, Aaron Anderson, I know it?"

Tumelo nodded. "Well, it's giving birth to a new sub-organisation, and Aaron wants it to be run by women because it's woman based. Your name came instantly to mind, and I would like to propose an offer to you. Of course, the campaign will be run by you and I both."

Pearl smiled. "Does it have a name, or are we going to run it nameless?"

Tumelo giggled. "No, silly, it already has a name; it's called, "Women and Breast Cancer"…the only thing we need to do is to sign the required documentation, and get this show on the road."

"That's an interesting name, but…," admitted Pearl, staring at her ringing cell phone. "I'm sorry Tumelo, I have to take this call. Please excuse me for a minute."

Tumelo nodded. "Please go ahead."

"Hey, you…I'm still at the meeting," greeted Pearl, sipping her juice.

"Alright…do you remember what day it is, today?" asked the man.

Pearl chuckled. "Oh, you remembered…how sweet of you."

"I never forget…Let's go and see him."

"Alright, let me finish up here…I will meet you there in thirty minutes."

"Ok, see you then, bye."

Pearl gazed at Tumelo, closed her eyes, and shook her head in dismay. She drank her cold juice to the very last drop and did not refill it.

"Men…right," queried Tumelo.

Pearl took a deep breath. "A very bothersome man to put it right…I will call you during the following week, so we can set up an official meeting. I would like to brainstorm together with you, on this campaign," explained Pearl.

"That's a great idea," said Tumelo, standing up to escort Pearl to her car.

"I will need to see the documents prior to our meeting…you can bring them to my place," explained Pearl, hugging Tumelo, and pressing the remote to open her car.

"Alright, we shall discuss everything telephonically," concluded Tumelo, closing Pearl's door.

"Alright, girl, see you soon," responded Pearl, reversing her car, and leaving The Melrose Arch, to join the freeway.


Pearl drove to the Speech and Brain Rehabilitation Centre in Rivonia, to meet with the man who called her earlier. Thendo called her, while she was driving on the highway. Pearl tried to connect the call to the car's Bluetooth system but failed. She continued to drive and told herself,

"I will call him, as soon as I arrive at my destination."

Thendo repeatedly called her and she still did not answer. She stopped at the gas station to fill up gas and decided to call him then.

"Yes, baby…what's up?" greeted Pearl, getting out of the car, walking into the garage store.

"I'm at your house, and you're not here…where are you?" enquired Thendo.

"I'm still driving around with Tumelo…why are you at my place?" inquired Pearl, as she grabbed a bottle of berry flavoured vitamin water, sugar-free cherry flavoured chewing gum, and a packet of beef flavoured crisps, heading to the till to pay.

"I felt bad for playing with your feelings earlier…I'm sorry, babe."

"Don't worry about it, babe…I understand," accepted Pearl, exiting the garage store, and walking towards her car.

"Are you coming back home now?" queried Thendo, trying not to sound too needy.

"No, I'm still with Tumelo…I will call you when I'm on my way home," assured Pearl, entering into the car and departing the garage.


Pearl opened the packet of chewing gum, slipped a piece of gum in her mouth, switched on her music, and sang, as she chewed the gum. She drove out of the petrol station and headed to the Speech and Brain Rehabilitation Centre, in Rivonia.

She drove less than ten minutes and arrived at the Rehabilitation Centre. She exited the car and looked around to see whether the person she was meeting, had arrived as yet. A light-skinned man, with a tattoo on his neck, approached Pearl. She did not see him, but he managed to startle her.

She turned, stared at him, and laughed. They embraced, and he kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you for doing this for me every year," confided the man.

Pearl shrugged. "You're welcome…Let's go inside. They ambled into the facility and started at the reception desk. They greeted the receptionist, and she recognised the man.

"Good to see you, Mr Pooe…May you please sign here," instructed the receptionist, handing the entry book for Pule to sign.

Pule signed the visitation register and pushed it towards the receptionist. "Thank you."

Pule and Pearl entered the Rehabilitation Centre and walked towards room number, one hundred and thirty-eight. Pule took a deep breath before he twisted the doorknob and slowly pushed the door wide open. The door revealed a fifty-year-old man, reclined on a comfortable wooden chair, facing a window, with a small but warm blanket covering his lap, all the way to his feet. Pule and Pearl approached him and Pearl sat not too far from him, but Pule sat right beside him.

"Dumela Papa, it's me…Pule," greeted Pule, while gazing at the man.

Pule was heartbroken to see his dad so out of character. The man gazed at Pearl, slowly pointed at her, and forced a smile. Pearl caressed his hand and smiled back.

"P-P-Pearl," muttered the old man, slowly pointing at Pearl.

"Yes, it's me, Papa," answered Pearl, feeling his warm cheek.

"I can't do this!" exclaimed Pule, storming out of the room, and scurrying back to his car.

Pearl chased after Pule and found him in his car, with his head resting on the steering wheel. Pearl knocked on the door and Pule lowered the window. He stared at Pearl with red eyes, and she could tell that he had been crying.

"I thank you for coming with me here, for all these years…but this is too hard for me," admitted Pule.

Pearl opened the door, and tried to calm him down, by caressing his shoulder. "You have to stop blaming yourself for what happened to your father."

"But it is my fault, Phila…I did this to him,"

Pearl frowned. "I told you not to call me by that name."

Pule chuckled. "You tell me not to blame myself…yet, here you are, being incognito."

"Stop it, Pule…don't do this to me…it's not the time," yelled the teary-eyed Pearl.

"In order for us to heal, the truth needs to be told, baby girl, or else we'll never be able to move forward."

Pearl shook her head. "I'm not ready…and facing my mom, will be like heading toward a dead-end.

"You will have to face her in the end…the same way I have to tell my mom the truth about my father…until then, I cannot come here."

"We will talk over the phone, then," concluded Pearl, saying goodbye to Pule, and heading to her car.

Pule nodded. "I will call you."

"See you later, Pule," said Pearl, leaving the centre's parking lot.


Lelo was in the kitchen alone, and it seemed as though Pule's Chef had stepped out of the house. She carried her laptop bag to the kitchen, laid it on the table, and pulled out her laptop. She switched it on and keyed in her laptop password. "Hello, Lelo" were the words that appeared on the screen, as she switched it on.

She pulled out her USB flash drive from the bag and plugged it into the laptop. The laptop read the flash drive, Lelo clicked on the screen prompt, it opened up a series of information, and she read from the screen. She played smooth music on her laptop, and she sang along to the songs it played.

She moved from the table, ambled to the grocery cupboard, and withdrew a box of readily mixed cake flour, and a few ingredients. She removed the cake-mixing machine from the cupboard and assembled it accordingly.

"I can't wait to indulge in these cupcakes," commented Lelo, reading the instructions on the back of the package.

Lelo went back to the grocery cupboard carrying some of the ingredients she had withdrawn. She realised that the recipe did not need any other dry ingredients, except for the ready-mix cake flour, so she packed them away as neatly, as she had found them. While packing the components back into the cupboard, she noticed an odd-looking white pill container that was hidden right at the back of the cupboard. Curious to find out what was inside the container, she placed the cupcakes at the back of her mind and proceeded to focus on its contents. Reaching for the container, she removed it and placed it on the kitchen counter, closing the pantry door thereafter.

She retrieved the container from the counter, drew it close to her ear, and shook it, concentrating on the sound that emerged. She proceeded to open it with her bare hands, but to her dismay, she found that the container was airtight, as she struggled with it. She snatched the damp dishcloth from the sink and tried again, but still failed. She glimpsed at the kettle, with a simper on her face, determined to reveal the contents of the sealed container.

She snatched the kettle, filled it with water, plugged it on, and waited for the water to boil. She had lost interest in baking the cupcakes, as her mouth became dry with curiosity. She felt in her heart, that this might hold something she had been searching for, for a very long time. As she heard the kettle notify that the water was boiled to the max, she sported a victorious smile, feeling thrilled, that she may have found the solution to her struggle. Filled with excitement at what she might find, she hurriedly grabbed the container along with the kettle, and went over to the sink, to pour the boiling water over the lid, and was delighted when she heard it pop open.

Her eyes widened with excitement, as she dug out the contents and held them in her hand, treating them with such delicacy, as though they were a treasure, holding all the answers to her future. In the palm of her hand lay the keys to Pule's study, and in her heart lay the victory, that she had finally unravelled the secret to all his riches. She had been waiting for this moment, since the day she moved in with Pule.

Lelo took a deep breath, feeling doubtful again. "I hope these are the keys to his study," she prayed silently. "I have been dying to know what's hidden in that study for as long as I can remember." "This might hold the answers to my future," she mused while scurrying to Pule's study, to check if the keys fit the door-locks.

Walking to the study room felt like an eternity for her, as she finally reached the door. She noticed that her hands were shaking with excitement, as she proceeded to insert the key into the lock. To her disappointment, the slot failed to turn and to her horror, she found that the key was stuck, and could not be removed. Trying to remain calm, she managed to carefully pull it out of the slot, and almost sank to the floor with relief, when it cooperated with her. She was shaking out of control, as she slid the second key into the slot, twisted it, and turned down the doorknob to open the door. She heaved a sigh of relief, as the door flew wide open.

She inhaled a series of deep breaths, before stepping into the room, fearful of what she may not find. Lelo's hands trembled in fear, and she caressed her belly, feeling her insides mount with nervous anticipation. She stood next to Pule's desk and viewed the study suspiciously, as if there may be cameras watching her every move. She cast aside her fears and began to focus on her search. This may be her only opportunity after all, and she wasted no time in procrastinating.

"What am I looking for here?" Lelo wondered to herself.

She sat at the desk, opened Pule's laptop, and switched it on. It requested her to key in a password and she felt her heart sink. She typed in her name, thinking that he may just love her that much, but it denied her access. She became irritated and banged her fist on the desk. Her eyes wandered around the study taking in everything from the locked bookshelf to the safe and finally rested on the locked drawers, at the desk she sat at.

Her eyes diverted to the unused key, dangling on the key holder, inserted in the door slot. She rushed over to retrieve it, and proceeded to test it on the desk drawers, the safe and the locked bookshelf, but to her chagrin, the key was not designed to open any of them. She almost jumped out of her skin, when a shrill alarm set off, blaring from an electronic clock, instinctively causing her to run for cover. She was petrified, as she inhaled a long, deep shaky breath, trying to calm herself down.

"Gosh!…this damn thing almost killed me!" exclaimed Lelo, feeling her racing pulse.

The next instant, she heard the gates open, just as she was about to get her breath back, and her heart almost sank in frustration and fear.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Pule's home," panicked the agitated Lelo, as she stood up and rushed towards the study door, pulling it shut behind her. She reinserted the key she had used to open the door, but to her surprise, it did not allow her to lock up. Her hands became clammy, as she pleaded with the door to cooperate with her. "Please door, lock…please," pleaded Lelo.

She left the door unlocked, went to the kitchen, and hung a chain lock on the door, then scurried to the living room door, and chained and locked it in the same way.

She went and peeked through the kitchen window and saw her fiancé, Pule, removing packets of groceries from the boot of the car. Lelo's chest became congested all of a sudden, and she was battling to breathe, bringing on a wheeze. Frightened, she lifted her hand to her chest and felt her heartbeat, and it was beating very slow. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her trembling worsened, as she trudged back to Pule's study, to try the door again.

She sat before the door, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself down from the panic attack. She was in tears, as she tried once again, to remove the key from the slot.

���Please door, grant me this one wish… don't blow my plans… not like this…please," pleaded Lelo, as she sank to her knees sobbing when the door failed her again.

Pule was at the kitchen door, trying to push the door open. He placed his plastic bags on the ground and phoned Lelo. Lelo heard her phone ringing in the bedroom and trudged to the bedroom to answer it.

She cleared her throat. "Hey…baby."

Pule was worried. "What's wrong…are you well?"

"I'm alright…just in bed…felt dizzy earlier," lied Lelo, as she spoke slowly.

"Please ask Zeus to open up the door for me."

"He's not here…I will come and open the door for you, just bear with me, babe."

"No problem, take your time babe, don't rush."

"Thank you, my love…I'm coming," assured Lelo, hanging up the phone.

She stared at the flawlessly made bed and wrinkled her side of the sheets, then exited the bedroom. She went and sat before the study's door while contemplating a plan of how to hide this from Pule.

A little while later, she rose from the floor, faced the door and carefully pulled out the key. She reinserted the key, but was not aware that they were "lock and unlock keys." Each of the keys had its own function. She twisted the key and it clicked. She turned down the doorknob and realised that the door had eventually locked.

She almost collapsed with relief, as she fondled her belly and whispered to her unborn baby, "We were almost caught, baby…I'm so sorry."

She slowly strolled to the kitchen sink, wiped the excess water off the previously popped pill container, and placed the keys back inside it. She packed it back into the cupboard where she had found it, along with the floured baking mix, and closed the pantry door. She folded the baking machine, packed it away, then walked towards the door and unchained it.

She exited the house and found Pule relaxed on the couch, by the patio. They embraced each other, and he kissed her on the forehead, as they strolled into the house, holding hands.


While Siza waited for her order, her eyes wandered around the parking lot searching for Menzi's car. She spotted him driving in and her heart began to pound beyond normal. She watched Menzi as he stepped out of his car, looking handsome with his bald shaven head, wearing his formal navy pants, sky blue shirt, and his tan shoes with shades. Menzi loved to leave an impression each time he set foot inside a place.

Siza composed herself, sat up straight, and looked away, not wanting to make it obvious, that she was looking out for him. Menzi was suave and he knew it. Siza tried to remain stern, as she meditated on the reasons as to why she was there, to begin with. Did she even know why she was there?" she asked herself, feeling distracted.

Menzi entered the Bakery and spotted Siza, then headed towards her.

"She looks even more beautiful than I remembered," he thought to himself.

He tried to smile at her, but Siza remained humourless. He tried to hide that he had been feeling uneasy and despondent, ever since Siza had left him, but deep down inside, Menzi knew that Siza knew him better than any woman he had ever dated. He approached her, and Siza forced a smile at him. She rose from the chair and embraced Menzi.

Siza smiled. "I'm well, thanks …how are you?"

Menzi shook his head. "I'm not good, since you left me, babe."

Siza rolled her eyes, "Really?"

"Yes, Rea…."

The waitress disturbed Menzi, as she brought Siza's order, placed it on the table, and made sure that she laid the table accordingly and as required, by the bakery.

"There you go, Ma'am, is there anything else you would like to order?" queried the waitress.

Siza smiled. "No dear, thank you…Perhaps, something for the gentleman," replied Siza, pointing the waitress towards Menzi.

"Sir, may I get you anything to eat or drink?" offered the waitress, to Menzi.

"I will have what the lady is having, thanks," replied Menzi.

The waitress smiled. "Coming right up, Sir," smiled the waitress, leaving the table to prepare the orders.

Siza placed her left hand on the left side of her face, while she gazed and smiled at Menzi. Menzi had the most beautiful eyes, as he gazed and beamed at her.

"What am I suppose to say to this man?" thought Siza.

"So…what did you want to tell me?"

"I'm heading to my parent's house today," said Siza.

"Would you like me to accompany you there?" queried Menzi.

"Huh! What?"

"Yes, you know, to go and tell them about our engagement, so that preparations can be made on time."

Siza chuckled. "What preparations, Menzi?"

Menzi smiled. "Wedding preparations, baby…unless we're not talking about the same thing."

That comment made by Menzi left Siza speechless. She was dumbfounded and rather irritated, by Menzi's choice of words. She sat quietly and watched him talk about the importance of their marriage, and what it would mean to their families. He continued to say, that their marriage would be the wedding of the year, because he had planned to make it as memorable and special, for Siza.

Siza disturbed Menzi. "Menzi, are you thinking clearly? Where's your mind today?"

"It's here with you, what are you talking about?" replied Menzi.

"Excuse me, Sir! You cheated on me, remember?" she bellowed out.

"Am I going to be reminded of that, every time we're together, babe?"

Siza shook her head. "I think not, because today might just be the last day, I see you."

Menzi chuckled. "No, it's not?"

Siza chuckled. "You really must be paranoid, to think that you're going to force me to do anything, that's against any of my standards."

"Siza, you must be really crazy to think that I'm just going to let you go, without a fight… You are…"

The waitress disturbed Menzi as she brought his order to the table. She placed the meal before Menzi and asked Siza if she was still alright, with what she had ordered. Siza nodded, and the waitress told them to call out to her, should they need to order anything further.

"You are mine, and that's the end of the story," proclaimed Menzi.

Siza chuckled. "Menzi, I belong to my parents, not to you, and that's the end of the story."

"Now listen here, Lelo…..eh, Siza….sorry!"

"Yes…that's the answer I needed to hear! Face it, Menzi, that girl has got you right where she wants you!" shouted Siza.

Menzi frowned. "Got what?"

Siza shook her head. "She's taken over your mind, she's on the tip of your tongue…even when you speak…she's the first thing that comes out of your mouth."

"No, she's not, babe! You are the first person I think about when I wake up every morning, and the last person, before I close my eyes at night," expressed Menzi, with tears in his eyes.

Siza shook her head. "I used to be, babe…at least I thought I was…I won't compete with this woman, I really won't, Menzi…it's too much."

Menzi grasped Siza's hand, becoming extremely emotional, while tears ran down her face.

"Is it really the end of a good thing?" Menzi thought.

Siza was overwhelmed by emotions and still shocked, that Menzi had once again called her Lelo.

"I will never hear the end of this Lelo," thought Siza.

Siza shook her head. "I can't do this, Menzi," cried Siza, as she rose from the chair, and stormed out of the Bakery.

Menzi withdrew a two hundred rand note from his brown wallet, placed it underneath the cup and saucer on the table, and chased after Siza. He scurried to the parking lot, searched for Siza, but could not find her. He almost lost hope in finding her but continued to search in every car, parked outside the Bakery's parking lot. He felt relieved when he saw her weeping inside her car.

He ran to her car, knocked on the passenger's window, and asked her to open up the door for him. Menzi let himself inside the car and tried to embrace Siza, but she flinched. Tears flowed from Menzi's eyes; Siza looked up, took a deep breath, and gazed at him. He was crying as well, as he turned and gazed at her.

"Siza, I love you, I made a stupid mistake, please forgive me," Menzi sobbed.

Siza shook her head. "Which part must I forgive Menzi…the cheating…the hitting…the lies…the abuse…Huh…which part must I forgive?"

"Every part, babe…please?"

"The bizarre thing is…I do forgive you, but the problem is…you will never change."

"But, Siza…You can't say that I will never change...I have changed and I can prove it to you."

"It's true…I don't…talk about years of being ignorant, right? You did all this under my nose…yet…here I am…giving you my ear…for whatever reason," replied Siza, giving Menzi a cold stare.

"Siza, I am so sorry."

"You must really love her, to cheat on me with her...you destroyed my reputation...the question is …"

Menzi frowned. "The question is?"

"Where was your love for me then? When all these things were happening…where was I in your mind? What was I doing there? Ask yourself that."

"Siza, Baby, Babe…..I am sorry."

"You can't answer that, can you?"

"Where do we go from here?" asked Menzi.

"I suggest we part ways. You never really loved me, I was your trophy girl, rather than your lover, and that's the closure I really needed to get from you today," admitted Siza.

Siza opened the door for Menzi to get out, but he refused to budge, instead, he closed the door and continued to beg Siza. He was in tears because for the first time in many years, Siza was not buying his story.

Menzi shook his head. "No! Siza I disagree, let us try again…please? Baby, I am begging you," sobbed Menzi. "We can surely work this out…we can fix Lelo's pregnancy, us, and everything else."

"Pregnancy…what does Lelo being pregnant have to do with any of this?" enquired Siza, gazing into Menzi's eyes.

There was silence in the car, as Menzi's deeds finally caught fire. Siza gazed at him and he felt cornered, with no luck to escape.

"What have I done," thought Menzi, as he gazed into her sad eyes.

"Siza…pl-please," begged Menzi.

Siza took a number of deep breaths, as she broke down in tears. "Oh! Menzi, what have you done?"

Menzi had tears flowing from his eyes, as he watched Siza reach her breaking point. It was the last thing he would have anticipated happening. He never thought he could ever love a human being, the way he adored Siza. She was the kind of woman he had always dreamed of having his whole life. It tore him apart, to see her hurt like that.

Menzi knew that Siza was the kind of woman, who would be by his side when his days were dark. He once confided in Pule saying, that he had changed because of Siza, to become a better man. At that moment, he wished that the earth would open up, and swallow him. He had never known a love to be so deep and so real, yet here he was, watching it fade into thin air. It all felt surreal to him and he wished that he could wake up from this nightmare.

"Siza, I need you….please, babe," begged Menzi.

Siza banged her forehead repeatedly on the steering wheel. "Get the hell out of my car! Get out!…Get out Menzi, I hate you! I can't believe I came here to give you a second chance! I am so angry with myself right now!… GET OUT!"

Menzi stared at Siza, as she performed like a madwoman. He had never seen her that furious. He did not want to leave her that way, but Siza forcefully pushed him out of the car.

Menzi exited Siza's car, and she immediately drove out of the parking lot, as fast as she could. She cried as she drove, ignoring stop signs, traffic lights, and oncoming traffic, as her vision became a blur, that she could no longer see the road.

She was enraged, and all she could hear was the hooting of other cars. Siza had never before driven a car at such speed, and to make matters worse, she had lost complete focus and concentration on the road. All she could hear playing over and over in her mind, were Menzi's words when he told her that Lelo was pregnant, with his child.

She had the opportunity to swerve into an upcoming garage, and parked her car, to gather her strength. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She wiped her tears, pulled out a hundred rand banknote from her purse, and exited the car.

She strolled into the service store, bought herself three bottles of still mineral water, and returned to her car. She opened one bottle of water and drank from it, trying to calm herself down, from what had just happened with Menzi. She pulled out her cell phone from her bag and dialled a number on her phone.

"Hi, it's Siza…May you please come and fetch me at the garage on the corner of Mac Donald's and Oxford road, in Rosebank…I don't feel well."

As for Menzi, he trudged back into his car, tried to call Siza, but her phone went straight to voicemail. He thought of all the worst things that could have happened to her, and how everything would be his fault, should anything happen to Siza. He decided to relax in the car and calm his mind, before driving. He switched on the radio, listened to the news, and overheard something that made him sit up straight, as he turned the volume up.

"Whoa! That woman was on super speed, I don't think she will survive anything," announced the man, on the radio.

"She skipped traffic lights and cars hooted at her! It was as if she was driving under the influence, of some particular substance," another man added.

"She drove on the oncoming part of the freeway, like a lunatic! Wherever she is, she might be dead," speculated another witness, on the radio.

Menzi lost his mind immediately after he heard the news on the radio, to think that the girl of his dreams might be dead, due to his careless mistakes. He closed his eyes and repeatedly slammed his head softly on the steering wheel, and sobbed. Several images of Siza popped into his mind and made him sit still, and think about the first time he and Siza had met….

"It was the year 2011, during the month of July…Menzi was at the classy restaurant, La'Katarina, relaxing at a table, staring at two women seated not far from him. His focus was on the very light-skinned, biracial young woman, who was wearing black torn up jeans, a long white tank top, and black strappy sandals, to match the jeans.

Menzi patiently waited, for the light-skinned young woman to be alone, so that he could take action and approach her, as he sat at his table. The young woman had just turned twenty years of age at the time, and Menzi was twenty-seven years old. Menzi's moment to shine came, when the young woman excused herself and went to the bathroom.

Menzi followed her to the bathroom, and waited anxiously for her, in the hallway.

"There's something distinctive about that girl, I just have to have her in my life," declared Menzi, while he waited in the hallway, for young Siza.

Everyone who walked in and out of the bathroom eyed him out suspiciously, but Menzi did not care. What mattered to him most, was the young woman he saw disappearing into the bathroom. When the young woman exited the bathroom, Menzi had one chance to play his part.

Menzi said to young Siza, "Excuse me, Miss, I have been waiting all day to speak to you."

The young Siza frowned, and did not pay Menzi any attention; instead, she just glanced and swaggered past him. Menzi was impressed, that he scurried behind and stood before her.

His mind repeatedly nagged at him, "She is beautiful, Menzi, you can't let her go."

The young Siza gazed at him, and he became speechless, all of a sudden…it was love at first sight for Menzi.

"Should I call security," articulated the young Siza, with a snobbish accent.

"This woman sounds arrogant, she doesn't even sound like she's from around here," thought Menzi.

Menzi shook his head. "Please hear me out, Miss."

The young Siza raised her eyebrow. "I'm listening."

"I am not going to tell you, that you are beautiful because you already know that about yourself, instead, I'm going to ask you to grant me permission to take care of you."

The young Siza chuckled. "What makes you think that I am not well taken care of?"

Menzi had a smirk on his face, as he scratched his forehead. "I'm sorry…that came out wrong…May I please take you out for dinner or lunch?"

"May I use your phone," requested Siza, extending her hand towards Menzi.

There was a smile on Menzi's face, as he handed the woman his phone and watched in delight, as the young Siza took the phone, and punched in a few digits.

"My number is, zero, nine, eight, five, five, five, ten, twenty," divulged the young woman, giving Menzi the phone back.

Menzi was thrilled but did not want to show his excitement towards the young Siza, instead, he merely smiled at her, as he took his phone back from her.

"My name is Menzi, by the way," greeted Menzi.

"Good to meet you, Menzi," answered the young Siza, as she left Menzi standing there, and returned to sit with her mother, in the restaurant.

Menzi was dumbfounded but seemed consoled, when he glanced at his phone and found that the young Siza, had already saved her number and written her name as Siza, under it.

The young Siza was not interested in dating at the time, because she had just broken up with her high school sweetheart, Thato Pooe, but it felt good to her when Menzi impressively approached her that day.

Menzi's dream advanced to the first time Siza moved into his home, how she chose him over her dad, how close they grew to one another, and the very first time they made love.



Pule and Lelo sat by the table and had creamy bacon carbonara for dinner before Pule left for work. He had a stylish, knee torn blue denim jean on, with a white jersey and white designer sneakers. He had just had his Mohawk haircut two days ago and looked like he had just stepped out of a photo shoot. Lelo too looked glamorous, wearing a burgundy lace dress, a red coat, and black patent stilettos.

"Tell me, baby, do you trust me," queried Lelo.

"Of course I do...why ask such a question?" enquired Pule, shoving a piece of cut bacon in his mouth with a fork, not even paying any attention to her.

"Well...you hide things from me," Lelo answered in a high-pitched voice while cutting small pieces of her pasta.

Pule frowned. "What have I hidden from you?" questioned Pule, as he turned and stared at her with that "what are you talking about" look, while he slowly chewed his food.

"You know...I really don't know what it is that you want from me," complained Lelo.

Pule did not answer Lelo, instead, he just stared at her and let her go on. Pule was not a man of many words, and his attitude replicated that of a snake, staring at you, before spitting its venom. She gazed at him and found him watching her, without any emotion on his face. His stare worried her, but she stood her ground. She had the feeling she should answer him quickly before he lost his patience with her.

"I mean...you have locked doors in this house...I feel like you don't trust me," complained Lelo.

Pule stared at her, kept quiet, grabbed his glass of orange juice, and drank it, while he gazed at her as if she said something wrong.

"What do you want to know?"

"Let's start with the password to your laptop," she demanded.

Pule was stunned as he gazed unblinkingly, into her round, horrified eyes. After a few seconds of silence, he cracked out in laughter at her obvious, complete shock. Her words were the last thing he had expected to hear; it was honestly the last thing Pule had expected Lelo to utter out of her mouth.

"Do I give you any reason to doubt me?" Pule queried seriously, without a smile on his face.

Lelo shook her head and grinned at him.

"Let's get one thing clear, this is my house and what I do in my house, is as I please, and what you do in your house, is as you please...Are we clear?" asserted Pule.

Lelo nodded like a little child when Pule scolded her. She was irritated; she thought Pule was going to hand over the password on a golden platter, full of chocolates. She arranged her fork and knife on the plate, rose from the chair, and took the longest stroll to the sink. She glanced at Pule, who by then was watching her.

"How did you know, that my laptop requests a password?" questioned Pule.

Lelo turned and stared at him, he had that serious face again, and this time he seemed scarier than the first time. Lelo had to think as quickly as possible, to get herself out of the situation.

"You've just told me...you want an open relationship, yet you have secrets...I'm going out with Pearl...please move your car so I can get out," commanded Lelo, grabbing her black Louis Vuitton handbag, its matching laptop bag, and the keys to her red Mercedes AMG, and headed to her car.

Pule did not say a word to her, instead, he notified his housekeeper to come and lock up. He reversed his black Porsche Boxster and departed his home ground. Lelo also exited Pule's home and drove to Pearl's place.


It was late in the evening, just after seven and Menzi was still at Fournos Bakery's parking lot, asleep in his car. He opened his eyes, amazed that he had fallen asleep in his car, as he checked his surroundings anxiously. Tears flowed from his eyes, as he slowly realised that he had lost Siza…

"Damn! I messed up pretty bad this time," regretted Menzi, as he wiped the tears from his eyes, and drove out of the parking lot.

The End Of Book 1