

In the last three weeks that I had been at Demetrious's house, I had been on the verge of going crazy doing nothing, the only thing that had prevented that was having my son at home with me. My days with Demetrious were uneventful, we weren't exactly the ideal marriage, but we were trying to run the party in peace. We lived together healthily for Dylan, now there was nothing that worried me. Stefan had been sentenced to eight years in prison for attempted rape and assault. He was also fined a hundred thousand dollars, it seemed very little for what he tried to do, but as my lawyer had said; he did not make the laws. I looked at the time on the alarm clock and realized that it was barely nine o'clock. I sighed in boredom and remembered that there was one thing I hadn't done since I arrived. So I went down to the kitchen

"Eva" I called when I came in, but she wasn't there. "Eva" I called again and she came out of the door that goes to the staff bedrooms

Locked Chapter

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