
My Only Lorelei

Din Morrison has always felt overshadowed by his sister, Katherine, an experienced knight. He aims to make a name for himself and prove his worth to his sister. Until one day, his life changes when the moon shifts and his friend, Lorelei, transforms into a demon. Rather than turning her over to the Executioners, he must protect her and find a way to turn her back. On his quest, he encounters great ordeals that reveal the dark history of the world and that of his lineage. Illustrator: https://www.instagram.com/_leecrys/

Nizdotnet · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Rituals And The Power Of A Wish

"So, the two of you forgot about me, huh?"

Din said as we walked up to Tal and Mun, who were eating breakfast at a diner located close to the inn at Teril village.

The diner had many guests even though it was so early in the morning. Near their table was a fireplace that kept them warm in this cold weather. Over on the walls were many paintings of nature and right on top of the fireplace was a model of a bear.

It had snowed the previous night so aside from Din, who was still wearing his leather armor, everyone else were wearing warm clothing with extra layers.

As Din approached the table, both Tal and Mun stared at their food with no excuses to defend themselves for leaving Din alone.

Din continued, "If I remember right, a certain someone told everyone to find each other once we were separated."

Tal glanced to his side, avoiding Din's gaze. Din wasn't done yet though as he kept up the pressure.

"Now to think, if Lorelei hadn't come looking for me, I would probably still be lost in that dark forest. I understand that we've only just met, but could you not be so coldhearted?"

Last night, after I brought Din to the inn, we found the two sleeping peacefully on their hay bed. Din ended up paying for another room since he didn't want to sleep next to them.

Tal apologized.

"We're sorry we kinda forgot about you…"

Mun added, "Right, right. After taking a hot bath at the bathhouse, we just felt too sleepy and forgot to look for you, but I knew you would be able to find us so I wasn't worried at all. Not one bit!"

I was amazed at how Mun thought adding that would help better her case.

With a sigh, Din went up to the front desk to place an order. Tal and Mun sighed in relief before chowing down on their food.

After getting his food, Din sat down next to them. All of them had ordered the same meal. A plate full of scrambled eggs with two pieces of bread and a glass of milk.

Tal took a bite off his bread. As he began chewing, he asked, "So how was your first experience seeing a Wish with your own eyes?"

Din thought for a bit before shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't really get it, but Mun's Wish is to turn us into lights?"

Mun began laughing frantically.

"Do you really think my Wish could be so worthless as that? There's no way someone of my caliber would have a joke of a Wish like that. Being as strong as I am, my Wish can teleport people. It's teleportation! Isn't that, like, really cool? I bet it's something everyone wishes they could have, just to disappear from one place and then appear in another in an instant. Just poof!"

"What she says is true, but there's one thing she's forgetting to mention. She can't control the destination and who she teleports with her."

Noticing the look of disbelief in Din's face, Mun defended herself.

"It's not like I have no control over the location! I can choose a general direction and think of the distance. But after that, it's kinda random where you might end up…"

Tal added, "And everyone near her gets teleported with her. I'm sure that's why there was one wolf that ended up near the village."

As he finished his sentence, Tal glared at Mun, who was trying her hardest to not meet his gaze.

"But I couldn't do anything about that! He just jumped in my range as soon as I finished my ritual! And in the first place, a Spirit's Wish isn't something the owner can really control. If I could control it, then of course it would be so much better than it is now!"

What happened to her big talk about being someone strong and not having a joke of a Wish?

Suddenly, Tal stood up from his chair and started yelling.

"In the first place, why did you have to make your ritual so freaking long?! Out of anything you could've decided, why did you have to make it so you have to stand still while clapping your hands twice while you're closing your eyes?! That's hella dangerous while you're alone or if we need to teleport quickly!"

"I couldn't help it! I thought it looked cool! Everyone knows that the longer cast time a skill has the stronger the skill actually is! Wh—hey, stop that! Stop shaking me like that!! Ah!!"

Tal grabbed Mun by her head and was frantically shaking her. Din got up from his seat to intervene.

"Stop that, you're disturbing everyone here."

Looking around, almost everyone else at the diner were staring right at us.

After calming himself down, Tal continued eating.

"Good point… I'm sorry you had to see that."

"No problem…"

Even Din, who was normally hyperactive, seemed to feel tired when having to deal with this duo. Luckily, the rest of the meal went by quickly with little to no screaming. Din leaned back on his chair as he finished eating.

"So a ritual is something the Spirit can just make up?"

Tal answered.

"Yeah, in order to make a Wish as a Spirit, they need some kind of a ritual that works as a trigger for that Wish. Mun just made up a really dumb ritual, but I think they can make it as simple as clapping once or snapping their fingers."

"Could you not call my ritual dumb?"

"Oh sorry, I meant to say the dumb Mun made a really annoying ritual."

"Now you've done it!"

Mun charged at Tal, but Tal was strong enough to hold her back.

"Hey, st—stop that! We just ate! What would you do if you hit me in the stomach and I threw up all my food?!"

"You would deserve it for calling me dumb!"

Din turned to me amongst the chaos between the twins.

"I forgot to ask, do you know what your Wish is, Lorelei?"

I hadn't the slightest clue as to how to know.

"No, I don't. Do you think you can ask Mun how she knew what her Wish was?"

Din nodded before repeating my question to Mun.

"Huh? How I knew about my Wish?"

Placing a hand on her chin, she was deep in thought. After thinking for a bit, she opened her eyes with a hopeful gleam.

"Nope, don't remember at all. It was years ago, you can't expect me to remember something like that. Do you remember what you ate for breakfast five years ago?"

This conversation was getting us nowhere.


A voice came from the front door of the diner. It belonged to a man with short silver hair. He had violet eyes and pale skin. He was wearing a lime scarf over his white cloak. He entered the room with a gentle smile.

Din stood up from his chair to greet the man.

"Uncle Paro!"