
My Online Classes

I almost landed in hot soup when my class teacher called my parents to inform that I was not regular for my online sessions... I was so scared and terrified that what of my parents pick up the call and got to know that I was not attending my online sessions regularly but unfortunately my parents didn't pick up the call because today when in the morning I was going to school my parents informed me that today they would be in a meeting, after all my teacher called my parents 3-4 times and they didn't picked, my teacher asked me to get back on my seat. The lunch break started and my father called my teacher back might be after seeing that there were 3-4 missed calls my teacher picked up the call and said that your child was not attending his online classes regularly due to which he is not able to perform good in his exams. After my school got over my dad picked me up from the school main gate, my dad was angry. When we reached home my dad took me to my room and asked politely why didn't you attended your online classes regularly, I was quite my dad told me when he was a kid he also used to do the se in offline classes and you are doing the same in online classes so similarly had to come....