
My one and only heart

Queen_of_Stone2003 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter one

Hey everyone you know that feeling you get like you have already relief this day but now you are experiencing it again, yep that is what am experiencing right at this very moment.

Anyway my name is Emily Rose Connelly and i live with my mother and a sister, we are very semple family. No rich and nor poor, we just you average family, with a bit of drama along the way but we love each other very much.

Am 19 years old, African black short woman with beautiful neutral hair and my mom always says i got my hair from my father's side and am not close to him that much though but he come around. My sister is the opposite side of me, she is popular and am shy, she goes partying but i stay at home. The only thing we hard in common was that she took my crush attention.

Today is just normal days were we have to wake up and go to school nothing special about today. I text my best friend tell him that am no my way and i walk down the stairs and see my sister and mother eating breakfast and i walk up to them "morning mom, morning jane" i said. * Morning Rose said both of them.

Ready to go my sister asked and i nodded my head and we both wish my mother a good bye and walked to our car.

On the way to school we stop at Starbucks and bought to ice tea and we had to school listening to music. We arrived at school and we bith went our separate way.

I went to Jason and hug him, no he is not gay but my very straight handsome friend second handsome, cause the handsome of all man is my crush Jordan but he never noticed me to yeah....

"heyyyy, what's up Jason"

Hey Rose, what's new other than you opposed crush of joe

I looked at jas and i was shocked he would bring that up but blush and i look and him and said " Y estás enamorado de mi hermana¿verdad...??" he looked at me and said you know i don't understand Spanish so English please, " all i said was as if you don't have a crush on my sister that all anx he walked away blushing and going to our first period. Luckily this is our last year in school after that it's university.

The day went by real quickly and now is at tge end of the school day and am waiting for my sister to pick up her phone and come pick me by and jas already went home and am just sitting here waiting for her to come, i say behind to go to the labour department to work on some science but now am late and i just want to go home but she is not picking up, so decided to walk at my home is not even that far at all..

On my way am in my own imagination and i did not see a black BMW following me and i started walking fast and that's when i realised that it's Jordan car and it slowed down and the window went down.

" do you need a ride home" he said and i was so shocked and Paralyzed till he cleared his throat and asked again and i nodded my head and got in the car. I told him my address and just for him to tell me, i know were you leave Mi amor not him not knowing i know Spanish and I just looked out of the window blushing till we reached at my place. I looked at him at said thank you Guapo in Spanish and got out and walked inside with a smile on my face and i walked towards my room till dinner time and another day i went for today was full of surprises.