
My omniversal ruler system

This is my first novel, so in the beginning, I made a lot of mistakes but from the second volume, it gets better I promise. Roy Cooper is a ordinary boy with high ambition. After his death he got the omniversal ruler system . With it's help he sat on a journey to become the ruler of the omniverse. But everything doesn't go well for him . He has to face the all powerful Omni destroyer who killed the previous Omni ruler if he wants to save his omniverse. Join his journey on his way to become a omniversal emperor. The story has incest and ntr (where the mc steals the girls) You have been warned English is not my first language so don't expect a prefect writing. The cover picture is not mine . If the artist wants to remove it please let me know.I will remove it. 150 power stone 2 extra chapter 1 car = 1 extra chapter 1 dragon = 2 extra chapters 1 castle = 4 extra chapters Guys this is my discord link come and join the epic discussion as we follow Roy's journey https://discord.gg/Ku4rWbUz

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Status and reincarnation

Amy open status.

[ Character Status.... ]

[ Name: Roy Cooper ]

[ Health: ??? ]

[ Strength: ??? ]

[ Agility:??? ]

[ Defense:??? ]

[ Soul strength: 500000000 ]

[ Soul defense: 500000000 ]

[ Current world: ??? ]

[ Current world level: ??? ]

[ Cultivation: none ]

[ Mana/qi: none ]

[ Skill: none ]

[ Soul skill: none ]

[ Inventory: 1 unused Omni reincarnation card ]

[ Harem: none ]

[ Omni store: locked ]

[ Omni point :0 ]

[ Omni farm: locked ]

[ Omni empire level: 0 ]

Well as expected there is nothing much to see in the status, except for the soul strength and inventory. Amy explain the status to me.

[Health, strength, agility, and defense is self explainable. As for the current world, well you will be the ruler of the omniverse, so you can go to any world you want when you have enough power or Omni points. You can buy anything you want from the Omni store with Omni

points. It will unlock after you reincarnate.

Omni points can be earned by conquering empires and worlds. It can also be earned by leveling up to the Omni Empire level. Omni empire level indicates your empire level.

Omni farm helps you farm and mine infinitely]

[ The system is also customizable]

Ok, I understand most of it. But what about the harem function?

[ Well you will become the emperor of the omniverse. We can't have you become a monk .]

Amy replied with a teasing voice. Can't say that I reject the idea of having an omni harem. Where thousands of ladies will be my woman.

After all, I died a virgin and in this life, I will enjoy it all.

Now it's time to reincarnate. I will reincarnate in the most powerful cultivation world. Because I always wanted to be a cultivator.

I can become stronger very fast there. Because I still have to kill the Omni destroyer.

Amy use the Omni reincarnation card.

[ 1 Omni reincarnation card used ]

[Please select the world you want to reincarnate into.]

[ cultivation world ]

[ Magic world ]

[ Tecno world ]

[ Demon world ]

[ prime evil world ]

[ ....]

The list seems to go on infinitely. I selected the cultivation world. Then another set of world names came in front of my view with all their details. I wanted to select the immortal world. But before that, Amy seemed to want to say something so I asked her what she wanted to talk about.

[ Master I advise you to select the primordial

Mother world ]


[ That is the cultivation world where all the worlds originated from. It has four realms, The mortal realm, the celestial realm, the immortal realm, and the god realm. The cultivation system there is to create a world inside one's own datain. By practicing this technique

you can create your own world and even an ominiverse. If you want to kill the Omni destroyer you need to have at least two omniverse worth of power under your control ]

Amy said with a serious voice. And I nodded in agreement. If I wanted to kill the destroyer I needed even more power than the first emperor. So I selected the primordial mother world.

[ Good decision master ]

[ How do you want to reincarnate tell me and I will set everything up for you ]

Thanks, Amy. I want to reincarnate in the god realm. As the heir of the most powerful family.

I want my mom to be the most beautiful milf and her to become single. I will make all my perverted dreams a reality in this life.

I also want the most powerful constitution, bloodline, datain, and spiritual veins. Oh, I also want a physic and bloodline that can help me fuse or use any bloodline I want. I want my talent to become infinite. But I want to design my looks by myself.

[OK Master everything is prepared]

[ Now you can design your character anyhow you want ]

[ character design]

[ Gender: ??? ]

[ Face: ??? ]

[ Hair: ???]

[ Eyes color: ???]

[ Height: ??? ]

[ Body: ??? ]

Amy, why is there question marks on gender?

[ Cause you can select to be either a male

or a Female ]

I think I will go with being a man. After my small talk with Amy, I started to design my character and this is the end result. I have to say I am quite proud of how it turned around in the end.

[ character design]

[ Gender: Male ]

[ Face: extremely handsome, perfect jaw line a pointy nose, with sharp eyelashes.]

[ Hair: long pointy hair. hair color burning red ]

[ Eye color: deep red ]

[ Height: 6'6 ]

[ Body: well trained body with 8 packs and

a well defined masculine build ]

[ Dick Size: 10 inches and customizable]

All right now let's reincarnate. As soon as I said those words everything went dark. After some time Amy notified me that I was in my mother's womb and would soon be born. So I went to sleep until then.