
My omniversal ruler system

This is my first novel, so in the beginning, I made a lot of mistakes but from the second volume, it gets better I promise. Roy Cooper is a ordinary boy with high ambition. After his death he got the omniversal ruler system . With it's help he sat on a journey to become the ruler of the omniverse. But everything doesn't go well for him . He has to face the all powerful Omni destroyer who killed the previous Omni ruler if he wants to save his omniverse. Join his journey on his way to become a omniversal emperor. The story has incest and ntr (where the mc steals the girls) You have been warned English is not my first language so don't expect a prefect writing. The cover picture is not mine . If the artist wants to remove it please let me know.I will remove it. 150 power stone 2 extra chapter 1 car = 1 extra chapter 1 dragon = 2 extra chapters 1 castle = 4 extra chapters Guys this is my discord link come and join the epic discussion as we follow Roy's journey https://discord.gg/Ku4rWbUz

Hope315 · Eastern
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74 Chs

Some important info

Roy then started to talk to Amy about the things he needed to do in the mortal world.

'Amy, do I need to become the emperor of the mortal world to complete the mission or something? "

[ No master you don't need to become the emperor or conquer everything as it is virtually impossible. ]

'Then how will I rule the Omniverse if I do not conquer anything?' Roy asked as he was very confused with what Amy said.

[ Master every world with a sentient life form has a heavenly dao in charge of it. You just need to enslave the heavenly daos of those worlds to conquer them. Our trip to the mortal world this time is for you to conquer the heavenly dao of the mortal realm.]

'How is enslaving the heavenly daos going to make me stronger?

[ That's simple master by enslaving the heavenly dao you will have full control of that world's energy, and you will become the absolute god of that world. ]

' Well, I understand the gist of it. But Amy didn't you say that the heavenly dao of the god realm sensed me as a threat to it? Doesn't it mean that the heavenly Dao is sentient and has it's own personality?'

[ Yeah master you guessed it right. Every heavenly dao has it's own personality ]

'Then won't it be a catastrophe if any of them wanted to destroy the sentient beings as they won't have any power to defend themselves? '

[ You don't have to worry about that as the previous Omni emperor already made preparations for that. He made some rules so that the heavenly daos couldn't interfere with the worlds they ruled too much. They can only set up some rules for everyone to follow in their universes and worlds.]

' Hmm, I understand. But isn't there only a single heavenly dao in the primordial mother world? Why are you saying that I have to conquer the heavenly dao of the mortal realm? '

[ Well the heavenly dao of the primordial mother world chose to spit up its power and made some clones of itself to rule the realms and to avoid boredom. ]

' Thanks, Amy for explaining everything but you didn't tell me where I am going to find the heavenly dao and how I am supposed to enslave it '

[ Because of the restriction that the previous Omni emperor set up, the heavenly daos can not protect themselves. So occasionally they will choose someone to become their guardian. As the heavenly dao has deemed you as a threat soon it will open up a secret realm to select it's guardian. You will naturally know when that will happen. ]

[ And as for enslaving it, you can just leave it to me when the time comes ]

That means I can't do anything but wait patiently until the heavenly Dao decides to show itself.

[ Yes master ]

Just as Roy finished his talk with Amy, Yuki came and informed him that his bath was ready.

Roy and Yuki then took a bath together. It took much longer as they had a quickie inside the bath. After an hour or so both of them got out of the bath dressed themselves and went out of the small world. They found themselves inside the room where they were previously staying and found out that they still had some time before the sun rose.

"Yuki, you still have my sperm inside of you right?" Roy asked bluntly without an ounce of shame.

Yuki became extremely shy at his blunt question. She kept on blushing and couldn't say anything. Yuki then just nodded her head in affirmation.

"Good now sit down on the bed and lower your soul defense for me to enter your soul space."

Yuki didn't ask him why and like the obedient maid she was, she did just as he asked her to.

Roy then sat in front of Yuki took her hands and entered her soul space with his soul. He then gave Yuki the primordial yang and yin cultivation manual to cultivate.

At first, Yuki was surprised that her young master gave her such a priceless heaven-defining cultivation manual that even the top clans of the god realm would wage war for. She was hesitant to receive such a gift. But Roy insisted on it and she couldn't refuse her beloved young master.

She soon started to practice it and a profound change started to occur within her.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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