

Deloria Dimanahan an Omega, already on his 30's, no family, no friend, no mate and working on a cafe. He decided to do the biggest decision he'll make in his whole life and that is... getting pregnant Antonio Fernandez an Alpha, CEO of the biggest advertising and newspaper company around the world, 25 years old, biggest dream is.... to meet his soulmate and promised he will not let go of that person no matter what What will happen if they meet. Follow the story of these two person ======== This story's ideas and plots are mine and mine alone If you copy it you'll be sued :[') (Unedited story)

iNKHEART8 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 MO




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(Antonio's POV)

"You're just... drunk so, drink this medicine" I took the medicine on the table and reach my hand over to him "drink it then go to sleep"

Instead of taking the medicine he grabbed my hand a yank me closer to him, he flipped my hand, I open it revealing the medicine, he lowered his head and took it with his mouth grazing his teeth on my palm

I'm holding myself back.. I really am, I don't want to disappoint him when he sobers up and regret this so, I manage to get the glass of water and give it to him, he drank it spilling some on his neck, he finished swallowing the med and I took the glass then place it back on the table

I am so out of it, feeling my palm getting wet when I look back at him he's about to put two fingers inside his mouth, he sucked it painfully slow while his eyes are close

I'm gnashing my teeth at the scene unfolding in front of me, he added another finger inside his mouth and started to suck again bobbing his head then he look at me with pleading eyes

"you're pretty good at flipping all my buttons on, now strip" when I said that he stoped sucking and he gave me the plate that was lying on his lap

He took off his shirt and started to unbuckle his belt, while he was on it I put the plate on the table and when I look back at him he's only on his boxers

"I've been holding back the moment we entered this room but, I didn't expect we're going to do this now" I started to unbutton my shirt, I'm more than willing to wait for the right time before doing this but, there's this new side of me that I'm just finding out now

"But, it seems you're more than eager to do this now" kneeling down in front of him, he's still sitting on the bed

He didn't say anything but leaned over to kiss me, when our skin touched it made my whole body tingle, all my life I was always anticipating for this moment to happen... To be with my other half

I stand up slowly but not breaking the kiss, he laid his back on the bed my body towering over his small one, I claimed dominance over our kiss

My tongue entered his mouth and caused him to moan, the sound made me kiss him even more hungrily I can't get enough of him, my hands roaming around his white fair body

I move my lips to kiss his neck and I felt pleasure when scratch my back, he continued to unbutton my shirt and helped me to take it off

"More... I want more..." he said lustfully "please" his eyes are clearly clouded off for right judgment, he started to unbuckle my belt I quickly grab his hand before he could open my pants zipper and put it above his head

"I need to prepare you first" I placed him in the middle of the bed and I took off his boxers revealing his cock full of pre cum wetting his asshole

"Suck" I placed two fingers on his mouth he immediately sucked them bobbing his head holding my right arm with his left hand and his other hand found its way to do a hand job on his dick

Moaning while sucking my hands, he looks so amazing doing himself while sucking my hand, it's making my fifth limb more harder

I yank my hand making a popping sound on his lips and started to massage his wet hole, he didn't stop his other hand from moving

I leaned to kiss him "Don't cum yet or I'll punish you if you do" he grunted then breathed heavily "you almost did" I started to probe his hole

"Nnng I want you in... Hurry" looking at me with glim in his eyes

"That bad?" He nodded and bite his lower lip, I started to enter him in which I earned a moan full of pleasure from him, he's amazingly wet inside then I started to move my finger, this time he's trying to hold back his moans "let me stretch you up, I don't want to hurt you"

I grabbed his hand to stop him from doing himself and instead I took him inside my mouth

"No!! I'll... quickly if-" he grunted and came inside my mouth, I took that chance to add two fingers inside him, i didn't stop my mouth from taking him and swallowed his cum "fuck ennng you"

I didn't stop from entering his hole and bobbing my head until he came again, by this time he's ready to take the real thing in

I'm not really that good at sensual scenes so please understand (90° bow)

See ya next time mylovey readers (kisskiss)

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