
My Olympus Exile (Bara BL)

WARNING: This is is an 18+ Bara style (Masculine Men / Men's Love), medium paced, gay romance. Nothing is held back and is not for the faint of heart. ------------ During a research trip to Greece for the Museum of Ancient History, university student historian Alexander Ward stumbles upon an extraordinary discovery: Drayvos, a living relic of ancient Greek mythology. Drayvos, the long-lost son of Ares, God of War, emerges from the past into the modern world, seeking refuge on Earth. As Drayvos navigates the complexities of the present, Alex becomes his unlikely ally, drawn to the innocence and wonder of his larger-than-life companion. Together, they must find Drayvos's place in a world he doesn't recognize, while Alex strives to protect this ancient being from the perils of modernity.

JDStone · LGBT+
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41 Chs

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Drayvos reclined on an opulent bed crafted from iridescent crystal, enveloped in soft silks and furs that cradled his form. His gaze fixed upon the holographic projection before him—an ethereal depiction of Earth, radiant in hues of blue and green. A planet he could only dream of visiting, destined to remain forever out of reach.

"Ah, Gaia…" Dionysus sighed wearily from the doorway, his tone tinged with nostalgia. "Those humans certainly knew how to party!"

Drayvos acknowledged his nephew's presence with a nod, though Dionysus's ethereal form seemed to flicker intermittently.

"Mind if I join you? Feeling a bit… unsettled," Dionysus said, his form wavering as he approached.

Drayvos gestured wordlessly, allowing Dionysus to settle on the edge of the bed beside him, their eyes both drawn to the luminous orb.

"Nearly eleven centuries since we departed Gaia…" Dionysus mused, his voice heavy with longing. "Gaia truly held a unique charm. Phrygia may have its own allure, but it pales in comparison. The humans, their vibrancy, their..." he trailed off, searching for the right words.

"Gusto," Drayvos supplied, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Yes, that's it," Dionysus agreed. "And the pleasures of the flesh! OH! Earth's delights were unmatched."

Drayvos remained impassive, his gaze flickering between the holographic Earth and his corporeal nephew. "I can only imagine," he murmured, his longing evident.

"And what of the rumors about Grandfather?" Drayvos finally inquired, breaking the reverie.

Dionysus met his uncle's gaze, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Ah, those rumors… Which one do you speak of, dear uncle?" he teased, a faint smirk playing on his lips.

Drayvos, curled up on his bed, couldn't shake the weight of uncertainty looming over his thoughts. "Phrygia is advancing into the science age, and we're yet to be ushered into a new world?" he questioned, his tone heavy with unease.

Dionysus, his nephew and mentor, nodded solemnly in confirmation. "Indeed, it's the natural progression for sentient beings to transcend from the realm of blind faith in gods to the pursuit of scientific understanding. It's the cycle of civilizations," he remarked, a wistful chuckle escaping his lips. "Who knows, in a few millennia, this world might implode with the weight of its own advancements, reverting back to the stone ages. And then, perhaps, we'll return to start anew. It's happened more times than I care to count."

A faint smirk tugged at the corner of Drayvos's lips, a flicker of amusement at his uncle's musings.

As the sound of thunder rumbled through the ship, signaling Zeus's imminent address, Drayvos and Dionysus snapped to attention, awaiting the voice of their leader.

"Attention, Olympus, this is your Captain Zeus speaking," his voice reverberated through the crystalline halls of the colossal vessel. "It is with profound regret and acknowledgment that I must declare our time in Phrygia is drawing to a close. Once more, the very people we have nurtured and guided, from the depths of caves and crags to the heights of civilization, are spreading their wings, gazing at the stars above, and questioning the validity of our reign."

Below the towering Olympus, lights of burgeoning civilization adorned the horizon. Sprawling cities and towns painted the landscape, embellished with technological marvels of agriculture, canals, aqueducts, windmills, and watermills.

"Our ethereal forms grow increasingly difficult to sustain as more communities forsake prayers for the scientific enlightenment surrounding them," Zeus continued, his voice laden with sorrow.

Amidst the marble pillars and cobblestone streets below, feathered reptilians, now attired in garments reminiscent of ancient Greco-Roman culture, orchestrated construction projects with great wooden cranes and pulleys. No longer reliant on Drayvos or the other Demi-Gods born of this realm, they wielded newfound independence.

"This outcome was foreseen, for I dispatched Poseidon and his scouts to explore the stars in search of a new haven for us," Zeus lamented, his voice trailing off. "Regrettably, we have yet to discover a new world and civilization to call our own... and," his voice quivered with sadness, "I fear we must return fully to the Non-Corporeal realm... indefinitely."

Throughout the vessel, gasps of shock resonated.

"We shall return in a month's time. I advise you to bid your farewells and prepare for complete Non-Corporeal transmutation," Zeus concluded. "Zeus out."

Drayvos furrowed his brow, perplexed by Zeus's cryptic words. "Nephew, what exactly does grandfather mean by 'Non-Corporeal transmutation'?"

Dionysus let out a heavy sigh, his gaze drifting to the floor for a moment before meeting Drayvos's eyes again. "It means we're transcending the physical realm entirely, returning to the ethereal plane to exist solely as energy... once more," he explained, his tone tinged with a hint of resignation.

As Drayvos processed this revelation, a sudden realization dawned on Dionysus, evident in the furrowed lines of concern on his ethereal face. "Oh, but... uh oh..."

Alarmed by his nephew's change in demeanor, Drayvos straightened in his seat. "What is it, nephew? What's troubling you?"

Dionysus's expression turned grave as he met Drayvos's gaze once more. "You're still half-human... you won't be able to survive in the ethereal realm," he admitted, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air between them.

"Zeus!" Ares's booming voice echoed through the corridors of the interdimensional ship Olympus as he strode onto the bridge, flanked by Drayvos and Dionysus. "Father!" he called out, urgency evident in his tone. "What of Drayvos, Zeus? The Ethereal realm will disintegrate him. You know this!"

Seated upon his ornate throne, Zeus regarded his son with a mixture of sternness and paternal concern. He had grown fond of his grandson, Drayvos, and the thought of him facing peril troubled him deeply. "Many are the children of the Ethaarans of Phrygia. We shall leave them here, among their own kind," Zeus acknowledged, his voice measured.

"But I don't belong here, grandfather!" Drayvos interjected, stepping forward with conviction. "I never have, and I never will!" He held up his human hand, a stark contrast to his divine lineage and the reptilians that called this world home. "I have been alone since the day we landed on this planet. I am the sole human in this galaxy," he protested vehemently. "I cannot be forced to remain here!"

"What would you have me do, boy!?" Zeus thundered, his anger crackling like sparks in the air.

Drayvos recoiled, reminded of the power he faced. "I... I apologize, grandfather," he stammered, taking a step back.

"I propose we send him back to Gaia," Athena spoke up, her voice calm yet resolute. "The Olympus is destined to collide with a star or space debris once we depart," she continued matter-of-factly. "Let us utilize our remaining energy to return Drayvos to his people on Gaia and set the Olympus on a course toward Sol."

Zeus mulled over the suggestion, casting a glance at Drayvos and Ares for their input.

"I concur," Drayvos nodded eagerly. "I have never experienced life as a human before. Despite my studies, I have yet to encounter another of my kind," he confessed.

Ares nodded in silent agreement, his gaze fixed on his father.

"Very well," Zeus declared, his decision made. "It is decided. We shall leave our Phrygian offspring behind, journey to Gaia to reunite Drayvos with his kin, set a course for Sol, and then return to the Ethereal realm."

The crew members on the bridge nodded in unison, their collective assent marking the resolution of Drayvos's fate.

The time had come, and with little ceremony, the grand vessel Olympus vanished from the peak of Mount Olympus in Phrygia. The endless clouds dissipated, marking the end of Ethaaran rule over its people. Only the dozen or so demigods born on the world noticed the departure of the great vessel, as they moved forward to forge their own lives, stories, and histories.

In a flash of light, the magnificent vessel emerged from a dimensional rift and materialized in high orbit over the glowing blue and green planet, Gaia or Earth.

"It looks... dirtier than I remember," Hera remarked, her gaze drawn to the hundreds of satellites orbiting above, and city lights down below.

On the bridge, the Ethaarans of the Pantheon gathered, with a young Drayvos clad in his favorite pair of perizoma standing beside his father, embracing him tightly.

"I will miss you, father," Drayvos whispered, his arms wrapped around Ares in a heartfelt embrace.

"And I will miss you too, my son," Ares replied, returning the embrace. "Have you thoroughly studied your new home?" he inquired, trying to delay their inevitable parting.

Drayvos nodded. "I have pored over every data log we possess about Gaia – its peoples, languages, cultures. I am prepared to return to the world of my birth," he affirmed proudly.

"Almost!" Dionysus and Hephaestus stood side by side, both holding a small glowing orb. "Before you depart, a gift – from your favorite nephew and uncle," Dionysus announced, presenting the orb to Drayvos. "We grant you the power of Mineralmancy."

As the glowing orb merged with Drayvos's skin, a surge of power coursed through him.

"We cannot foresee the challenges you may encounter, nor the advancements humans may have made," Hephaestus added. "With this gift, you now possess the ability to control, transform, and transmute any mineral, stone, or ore on the elemental table."

"May it aid you in your time of need," Dionysus concluded, embracing his uncle one final time.

After the heartfelt farewells had been exchanged, Drayvos stood on the teleporter pad. With tearful eyes, he waved goodbye to the only family he had ever known. Then, engulfed in a swirling vortex of energy, he vanished into the unknown.

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