

Elliott had just finished processing the claims when Connor know on his department's doorframe. he winked as of the girls blushed. Deliah nugget Elliot to look up . that's when Connor beckoned him with his fingers. " I'll be back" to Deliah as he grabbed his lunch and skipped out. " enjoy your lunch" deliah yelled back in a sarcastic voice.

Elliott ate a sandwich as Connor snacked on his health salad. " so...dr.paul? it that what we are doing now" Connor looked up as smiled weakly . " I was gonna tell you. I saw him recently but I'm over him now. I even deleted his number." Elliott shrugged as he briefly glanced at his phone.

" what about Kenny?" Connor grew silent as he looked down thinking . " I will be seeing Kenny in two weeks. I already decided for my vacation." Elliott was very jealous of Kenny since him and Connor had an on again off again relationship for the last 9 years. Kenny was an accomplished author. " so... you will be traveling to.... Jamaica again. " Connor beamed. "yea. do you wanna come ? I would appreciate your support and it's been a while since you seen Kenny." Elliott shook his head no. " I have already been to Jamaica. I refuse to be a third wheel. how are you sure you won't come back again burnt? " Connor family was from England however, he was born and raised like an American. " I'll be fine. Besides you would not be a third wheel. you adapt well. you would get to meet some of Kenny friends. Maybe Kenny can set you up." Elliott continue to eat his sandwich and wonder how dense his friend really was to his feeling. Elliott had been in love with Connor since he first saw him. As did most of the business department. However, instead of being blunt. Elliott took the friend route and has been stuck in this position every since. they had been on vacation together, had sleepovers and even shared meals together. when every they went out clubbing people also assumed they were together. Connor was always the first to deny it.

There was only one time Connor was left speechless after someone had complimented them as a couple. the lady had said they were cute together. Conner as usual was like we are not together. the lady stopped and stated, then what are you waiting for..don't let that one slip away. Connor was speechless and red. I was also red but it was too dark to notice. I just laughed like an idiot and brushed it off. at the time I was still dating my long time girlfriend Samantha.

as lunch was ending, I got up and through out my trash. Connor was being hesitant. " are you sure you don't wanna come?" Elliott shook his head no again. " I just got this job. I don't even have vacation time yet. but you go have fun and keep me posted. " Connor nodded and tossed his food before leaving. Elliott was not sure what up with this guy.

a week later

not much had changed their to routine remained the same as always. as it got closer to Connor trip he got more nervous. Elliott didn't say much until he noticed that Connor had bags under his eyes. "do you wanna go for drinks" Elliot asked one night. Connor smiled and nodded. that knight they went and got Thai food as a local spot. even the waitress there thought they were together. " the usual?" the young waitress asked. they both nodded. they usually both got chicken or tofu pad Thai. sometimes they would get a deluxe and share because the food was that good. " so Connor why aren't you sleeping" Connor sighed before pushing back his hair. " you are always pay attention. thank you....well I'm nervous about this trip." Elliott looked up," why do you think Kenny doesn't like you because he's famous now or does he have another lover?" Connor shock his head," no I'm not worried about that. I know he can't replace me. however.....I think I'm needy to take the next steps. Kenny has always been and will forever be my person. so.. " he pulled out a box and opened it. " I thinking of proposing." Elliot face drained as the waitress returned. she started clapping and saying congratulations. Connor told her to stop. he grabbed the ring and put it away. the waitress looked at Elliott's face and decided to back off. " I'll be back" she said as the restaurant began to whisper. Elliott took a sip of water and contoured his face into a smile. " I'm sooo happy for you. Kenny will say yes. just be confident. now I see why you wanted me to come. "

" yeah...I'm just nervous" Connor said as he smiled. " the waitress was so embarrassed. like I would ever propose to you. we are just friends. " Elliott agreed weakly but was relieved at the sight of food.