
My Offers For You (Editing)

Sometimes, in life all you want is a happy ending! Xu Zhuya, a mother of two children always wanted a happy ending. But her past always followed her. From her past, it meant her ex-husband! Li Wei was the most hottest man of Country X and he was the ex-husband of Xu Zhuya. The time when they were married, he loved her but after separation, he loved her even more to an extent that he would do anything to just be with her. Wu Yanchen, Xu Zhuya's present husband. They met by chance and slowly progressed to love. However, their life was getting turned into rotten hell by Li Wei. However, Wu Yanchen took an oath to always protect Xu Zhuya even if it meant for him to sacrifice his life. What will happen to this love among a husband and wife when the wife's ex-husband returns? ..... Read the novel to find out! This is an Original novel made by me (Aadin). This is my first time writing a novel so please don't hesitate to comment on my mistakes or errors... Thank you for reading it! The story is completed but is being edited.

Aadin · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Let's Get It Over Already

After seeing that Xu Zhuya was leaving the room; Li Wei immediately took Wu Lang in his hands and pointed a knife at his neck.

When he took Wu Lang in his hands, he had taken him roughly, so Wu Lang screamed with pain. And that was when Xu Zhuya turned back to see why Wu Lang had screamed.

Li Wei who was pointing a knife at Wu Lang's neck laughed wickedly and said "You thought I had no other choices? Haha! Too bad... You thought it in such a way." He pushed the knife a little more harder on Wu Lang and the front tip of the knife touched his throat and he screamed again in pain. "Oops! Looks like I hurt him... Tsk... So bad!"

Upon seeing all this, Xu Zhuya felt her heart being torn. She didn't even know when tears started to fell from her eyes. She immediately got down on her knees and said "Don't hurt him.... He is your son too... Please, don't do that to a small child."

She joined her hands and begged for him "Please let him go... He is still weak... He is hurt... Please! Leave him...Please... I beg you!"

Li Wei released Wu Lang from his grip and pushed him towards Xu Zhuya. "There you go. I left him."

Wu Lang who was bleeding from the neck due to the small cut was now weak and was about to fall down when Xu Zhuya caught him. She looked at his wound. It was deep, not deep enough for an adult but deep enough for a young boy.

Anger gushed through her veins and she screamed at him "How can you do this? He is your child too..."

"F**k with that! My child?" Li Wei didn't allow Xu Zhuya to continue and sneered.

He squatted down in front of her and held her face by he chin "You say him to be my child? You f**king think that I'll believe that sh*t? Believe that this moron is my child?" He looked at her with killing eyes; eyes that could bring out the soul from a living person.

'Tsk! Had I taken a proper look, I would have taken my child instead of having that f*cking man's child.' Li Wei thought to himself.

After hearing Li Wei speak, Xu Zhuya's anger subsided down and turned into worry. She looked at his killing gaze and felt a chill run down her spine. She not only got worried because of herself, but she got worried for her son, Wu Lang, who was breathing while lying down on her legs.

Looking at him lying down like that on her, made her heartbroken. She cursed at her motherly love and said "You are the worst person I have ever seen in my life, Li Wei!"

She lifted her hand to slap him and he caught it.

"Not so fast! I have had enough of you slapping me again and again..." Li Wei held her hand which was in mid-air and bought it near to his lips. "Mmhm... How much I had missed this fragrance of yours.." He inhaled her hand and kissed it.

Xu Zhuya twitched at it and tried removing her hand from his grasp. "You are a dirty bastard. Let me go!" She pulled her hand from his grip and said "You disgust me! Don't touch me anymore!" She removed her hand and wiped it on her clothes.

"It was between us, why did you involve Wu Lang in between? Why did you hurt this poor child?" Xu Zhuya asked while looking at him with emotionless eyes.

Li Wei stood up and said "You ask me why? Why did I involve him? Because he is yours and Wu Yanchen's son, not mine." He shrugged his shoulders.

While looking at Wu Lang, Xu Zhuya spoke again "But you raised him for all these years, right? Why do it now? You were grown addicted to him, then how can you do it, like this?" She questioned him.

And he gave a simple answer while looking down at Xu Zhuya with an evil grin "You thought I raised him just because I didn't know he wasn't my child? No, I knew it all along... I just used him as a bait. A bait to get near to you... And I succeeded in it."

"No, you failed fool..." Wu Yanchen entered the room and said "You failed in your plan. Instead you fell in my plan."

Li Wei smirked and murmured to himself 'Great! He doesn't know who the fool over here is...'

Wu Yanchen came near Xu Zhuya and squatted in front of her. "It's okay. Everything will be fine" Xu Zhuya looked at him and started to cry. She rested her head on his shoulder and cried. Wu Yanchen removed the hair which were falling on her face and wiped her tears. He kissed her forehead and said "You take Wu Lang with you. I'll handle stuffs from here. Okay?"

Xu Zhuya nodded and got up holding Wu Lang in her arms. She got out of the room and headed towards her room.

Wu Yanchen looked at her retreating back and once she left, he turned back to look at Li Wei. "Now, where were we the last time we met? Didn't I say you that we would meet again and you wouldn't be able to be with her. Now see, the same thing happened, she is with me and you are still the way you are..." Wu Yanchen said while closing the door.

"Let's make things even now, Li Wei. Let's get it over already." He closed the door and took off his watch. He kept the watch on the table and started folding his sleeves.

Li Wei chuckled and said "You are so eager to have a fight, aren't you? But why don't you think again at this situation? Don't you think you are missing a connecting point?"

Wu Yanchen looked at him questioningly and Li Wei said while being amused "I knew it! You wouldn't even dare to think it that far, would you? Haha... You are a fool, Wu Yanchen! You have fallen into my trap." He removed his coat and threw it on the floor. He turned back and looked at the window.

Wu Yanchen looked at him removing his coat and throwing it onto the floor. He said "Let's have a fight and see who has fallen in whose trap." Wu Yanchen challenged him with a fight.

Li Wei waved his hands indicating it as a no and went towards the window. He then looked at his watch. And after seeing his watch he opened the window and said "Sorry mate... Let's have a fight some other time. My work here is done." He jumped out of the window and fell into the back seat of an open black car.

Wu Yanchen felt his actions to be a little suspicious, but before he could think of what was going to happen, he saw Li Wei jumping out of the window. He looked out of the window and saw Li Wei falling in a black car. A man was seated in the front seat while Li Wei sat on the back one.

Li Wei looked up at Wu Yanchen and gave him a flying kiss. He said loudly "See you soon, my friend!!" He waved his hand at him and signaled the driver to start driving.

By looking at his behavior, the people nearby would think that these two were real good friends, but in reality these two were love rivals.

Seeing Li Wei getting away, Wu Yanchen smacked his hands on the railing and said "Sh*t! He got away. But what did he meant by saying this that I missed a connecting point? What could it be?" Before he could even sit back and rest for a while, he realized that something was wrong.