
My Offers For You (Editing)

Sometimes, in life all you want is a happy ending! Xu Zhuya, a mother of two children always wanted a happy ending. But her past always followed her. From her past, it meant her ex-husband! Li Wei was the most hottest man of Country X and he was the ex-husband of Xu Zhuya. The time when they were married, he loved her but after separation, he loved her even more to an extent that he would do anything to just be with her. Wu Yanchen, Xu Zhuya's present husband. They met by chance and slowly progressed to love. However, their life was getting turned into rotten hell by Li Wei. However, Wu Yanchen took an oath to always protect Xu Zhuya even if it meant for him to sacrifice his life. What will happen to this love among a husband and wife when the wife's ex-husband returns? ..... Read the novel to find out! This is an Original novel made by me (Aadin). This is my first time writing a novel so please don't hesitate to comment on my mistakes or errors... Thank you for reading it! The story is completed but is being edited.

Aadin · Fantasy
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108 Chs

I Will Forgive You If You Don't Go!

"What is your condition, Xu Zhuya?" Unable to control his anxiety, Li Wei asked again.

Xu Zhuya opened her mouth to speak. She closely watched Wu Lang. He was touching the velvety cushion of the sofa with his small little fingers. He looked so cute and adorable. And he was like this because his dad is over here! And if his dad is to be gone... Xu Zhuya couldn't imagine what her son would be like...

She shook her head to drift the manipulative thoughts away from her mind.

She then, turned her eyes on him and spoke. "I will forgive you if you don't leave!" She stated her condition.

"Huh?" Li Wei became surprised. 'What was this? Why is she telling me not to go?' He asked himself inwardly. Instantly, a smile came on his lips...

Thinking that her words were being misunderstood by Li Wei, she elaborated her statement "Wu Lang was in your care since childhood and now, if you leave all of a sudden, he won't be able to stay without you! I don't want Wu Lang, my child to be sad his entire life...

I want him to be happy just like how he used to be! Just like how he was, before I met him. I just want him to be happy for his entire lifetime! So, if you want me to forgive you, just don't leave him and go."

Li Wei looked at her with a questionable look on his face. "Why? Don't you want to be with Wu Lang?"

With bloodshot eyes, Xu Zhuya tightly clenched her fists such that her nails started to dig deep inside her skin. "Which child would like to be with someone whom he doesn't even know since childhood? Tell me, Which child would be happy to stay without the person who has taken care of him for these many years? Tell me? Tell me, huh?" She yelled at him.

And, her loud angry voice made Wu Lang tremble. He immediately stood on his feet and ran towards Li Wei. "Daddy!" He hugged Li Wei by his leg. His voice cracked and he started crying while hugging his daddy's leg.

Li Wei surprisingly looked down at Wu Lang. He squatted down and hugged Wu Lang. "Shh! You don't have to cry... Daddy is here." He rubbed his back and said sweet nothings to calm him.

"You saw it by yourself, Mr. Li! Wu Lang is deeply acquainted with you!" As if her enactment turned true, Xu Zhuya gave an evil smirk. "Besides, you said you will do whatever you want, right? So, there's no backing off!" Accept my condition and you will be forgiven!" Xu Zhuya demanded with a high voice like a queen's.

Li Wei sighed. "Fine! I won't leave!" He patted on Wu Lang's head and whispered "Daddy will not leave you anymore!"

As the small boy he was, Wu Lang wasn't able to understand what his father was saying yet, he hugged his father tightly. He intertwined his fingers together so that he could not let go of his father.

With a smile on his face, Li Wei stood straight holding Wu Lang in his arms. He properly lifted him and took a look at Xu Zhuya. "I have accepted your condition. I hope you will forgive me." He said with a feeling of guilt.

Xu Zhuya didn't take a look at him. She folded her arms above her chest and faced the empty side of the room. Annoyance was still written on her face and with that same annoyance, she agreed to her condition.

She saw Li Wei and Wu Lang leaving. Her eyes rested on the small guy who tightly embraced his father as if he was scared.

She sighed "It was really stupid of me to act that way!"

Taking the white blanket in her hand, she lied down on the bed and covered herself with it. There was no way that Xu Zhuya was gonna sleep today but, she forced herself to sleep by keeping her eyes closed.

Xu Zhuya was in the midst of sleeping when she heard the sound of the door opening and some footsteps approaching her. She knew who it was gonna be therefore, she just kept her eyes closed.

Wu Yanchen who was gonna enter her room had overheard Xu Zhuya's and Li Wei's conversation. He felt proud of Xu Zhuya that she forgave Li Wei not for his guilt but, because of her child.

Standing behind the wall, he had seen Li Wei leaving while holding Wu Lang in his embrace. Seeing Wu Lang's interaction with Li Wei, Wu Yanchen felt that it was fine to keep his child with Li Wei. Li Wei was actually taking care of Wu Lang as his own son. 'Does he even know that Wu Lang wasn't his son?' Wu Yanchen had asked himself.

Wu Yanchen stood in front of Xu Zhuya. She looked cute even when she was asleep. He chuckled and caressed her cheek. "Thank you and Sorry!" He placed a small kiss on her pale lips and sat on the chair beside her while looking at her sleeping face.

Why a thank you because he was glad that Xu Zhuya had forgiven Li Wei. Despite of all that Li Wei had done to her, she had forgiven him. Wu Yanchen felt thankful for that. And why a sorry... It was because Wu Yanchen felt that he wasn't able to properly protect her and she had to forgive Li Wei for the sake of Wu Yanchen's child.

Xu Zhuya didn't know when she slept. But, when she was awake... she really felt like she had taken a good slumber. She stretched her arms and smiled bashfully as she saw Wu Yanchen resting his head beside her legs.

"Thank you!" Before sleeping, she had remembered him saying both thank you and sorry. She couldn't get what it was for and she was too sleepy to just ask him.

But, after waking up... Xu Zhuya felt thankful for hearing Wu Yanchen's words, for whatever the reason was!

For a next couple of days, everything went on like this. Xiao Tan and Wu Mo used to come in the morning with food, whereas Wu Yanchen used to come and spend time with her during her free hours. Wu Fan had also started spending time with Xu Zhuya after he was discharged. They used to share a good couple of jokes and laugh.

And on the sixth day of her hospital stay, at midnight, Xu Zhuya was sleeping on the bed while Wu Yanchen rested his head beside her legs. She was tossing on the bed because of some disturbing voice ringing near her ear...