
My Offers For You (Editing)

Sometimes, in life all you want is a happy ending! Xu Zhuya, a mother of two children always wanted a happy ending. But her past always followed her. From her past, it meant her ex-husband! Li Wei was the most hottest man of Country X and he was the ex-husband of Xu Zhuya. The time when they were married, he loved her but after separation, he loved her even more to an extent that he would do anything to just be with her. Wu Yanchen, Xu Zhuya's present husband. They met by chance and slowly progressed to love. However, their life was getting turned into rotten hell by Li Wei. However, Wu Yanchen took an oath to always protect Xu Zhuya even if it meant for him to sacrifice his life. What will happen to this love among a husband and wife when the wife's ex-husband returns? ..... Read the novel to find out! This is an Original novel made by me (Aadin). This is my first time writing a novel so please don't hesitate to comment on my mistakes or errors... Thank you for reading it! The story is completed but is being edited.

Aadin · Fantasy
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108 Chs

I'm Leaving!

The next day, Xiao Tan and Wu Mo came to meet Xu Zhuya. After getting to know that Xu Zhuya had an accident, Xiao Tan felt like destroying. Xu Zhuya was her only daughter-in-law until now and also the women whom her elder son deeply loved. It was very unbearable for her to know that her daughter-in-law had had an accident.

They both bought a whole lot of food for Xu Zhuya to eat. Entering inside, they both saw Xu Zhuya talking with Wu Muqing.

As Xu Zhuya saw her in-laws, she straightened herself and bowed them while sitting. Wu Muqing ran and hugged his grandparents.

"Aigoo! How was our little child?" Xiao Tan patted on Wu Muqing's back with a smile on her face.

"How are you feeling, my child?" Wu Mo asked Xu Zhuya. He kept the huge box of food on the table and dragged out a chair from beneath the bed.

"You are okay?" Wu Mo rested his hand on Xu Zhuya's head and looked at her worried.

Xu Zhuya gave a nod. "Yes, I'm fine! You don't have to worry much, Father!" She gave a smile that turned her eyes crescent.

Xu Zhuya talked with her in-laws for an hour until it was time for her medications. The nurse came inside and gave her the prescribed medications and left the room.

Soon, Xiao Tan and Wu Mo left the room along with Wu Muqing. Xu Zhuya was now alone in her room. She took a burp as her stomach was entirely filled thanks to her mother-in-law, who was continuously feeding her, non-stop!

She recollected all that what had happened when she had lost her memory. Meeting her brother, Li Wei and Ning Xiaohua.

She pinched her nose bridge and asked herself "How could I forget Wu Yanchen and remember Li Wei? Ahh! I was really stupid."

As she was thinking, she heard the sound of the door sliding open. She looked at it thinking that Wu Yanchen had come.

But, instantly her face changed color as she saw Wu Lang and Li Wei standing at the entrance. She got surprised and at the same time, she got happy because she wanted to see Wu Lang.

Since, Wu Lang had already met Xu Zhuya before, he instantly went and hugged her. "Aunty!" He screamed being excited.

Xu Zhuya also, joyfully hugged him back and patted on his shoulder. Although, she felt bad upon hearing Wu Lang call her aunty, she was okay with it! She broke from the hug and looked at Li Wei standing at the entrance.

She was dissatisfied upon seeing him. But, seeing Wu Lang was making her forget her dissatisfaction. "This will be the last time you will see me, Xu Zhuya! I'm leaving." Li Wei lowered his eyes and said being sorrowful. He felt shameful for all the bad things he did to her till now.

"I'm sorry for causing you many problems and sorry for hurting you!" He kept his eyes lowered while feeling guilty. Right now, he couldn't find the courage to look straight at Xu Zhuya. While trying to get her back, he realized how much he had hurt her. Because of him, she had lost her happy family, her son and now... he didn't wanted her to lose Wu Yanchen.

He just wanted her to be happy. As he lowered his head, he felt his vision getting blurry due to the tears forming in his eyes.

Unable to control them, he burst into tears. He hurriedly ran over her and pulled her in a hug. "I'm sorry for all that I did! In the midst of trying to get you back, I hurt you in every possible way... I know my apology won't be enough to heal all those wounds but, I have got nothing to do! That is why, I'm leaving once and for all! Thank you for taking care of Wu Muqing for me! Take good care of Wu Lang, too!"

Meanwhile, Xu Zhuya was shocked by his sudden hug. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. She hadn't even started taking revenge and he had already quit?

Xu Zhuya couldn't at all believe it. What was this? Him leaving all of a sudden? After taking care of Wu Lang for these many years, he is leaving him and going? What rubbish was this?

Keeping her hands on his chest, she shoved him away. "Le...leave me!" She pushed him.

Li Wei pulled himself back. He wiped his tears. "I'm sorry!" He looked at her face with red teary eyes. His nose had turned red and his thick black eyelashes became wet. Looking down at Wu Lang, he lifted him up in his lap and kissed his forehead. "Daddy wasn't able to fulfill his promise, baby!"

As Wu Lang saw his daddy's red face, he couldn't help but, feel bad. He started to sniffle and hugged his father tightly. "Daddy doesn't need to cry!" He wiped his father's upcoming tears and gave wet kisses on Li Wei's cheeks.

Seeing this interaction, Xu Zhuya thought 'If Li Wei leaves then, Wu Lang won't be able to stay happily. Wu Lang grew up with Li Wei until now, and if he was to leave then... there is no way, Wu Lang would be good! I need to do something.'

Xu Zhuya cleared her throat to catch his attention. She knew what she was gonna say was silly but, it was for the happiness of her child- the child for whom she was in labor for 17 years.

Both, Wu Lang and Li Wei looked at her.

"Let's talk!" Xu Zhuya stated and clearly stared in his blue eyes.

"T..Talk? What do you wanna say?" As he heard Xu Zhuya, a small hope arose in his heart. But, he knew it was futile to have any hope now. Because, he could see that there was no other emotion except disgust in her eyes.

"Why don't you go and sit over there on that sofa? Daddy will join you quickly!" Li Wei ruffled Wu Lang's hair and pointed at the sofa which was at the far end of the room. Obediently, Wu Lang gave a nod and rushed to sit on the sofa. After making sure that Wu Lang sat on the sofa, he gave a smile and looked back at Xu Zhuya. "So...What do you want to talk about?" He asked.

"I will forgive you!"

Li Wei looked at Xu Zhuya dumbfounded. "You will?"

"I will but, only on one condition!" Xu Zhuya stated. She daringly saw into his eyes as he shockingly stared at her face. This was unexpecting! "What is the condition, Xu Zhuya? I'm willing to accept any of your condition! I will be happy if you just forgive me!" As he heard that Xu Zhuya had one condition, his eyes gleamed with happiness. Not many but, it was just one single condition.

He was very thankful that she was going to forgive him. Now, even if he was to die... he was surely, going to die peacefully! What else did he want? He just wanted her to forgive him...

He knew that for his sins, even if she was to forgive him, it would be less... But, he was just willing to at least be forgiven. Compared to all that what he had done to her, her small condition wouldn't have been nothing!

He was willing to accept her condition whatever, it was!