
My obsession with my girlfriend...

"I'm not used to someone caring about me"

Shimizuosdreams · Urban
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19 Chs

Yes sir!

We hear the door bell and we both look at each other. Scarlett's dad arrives, with a very serious look on his face. "Hello there young man.. Scarlett told me that you are her boyfriend correct?" He looks at me with a menacing tone, and I feel like he wants to kill me already. 


"Yes sir...I am the boyfriend of Scarlett...My name is Carter Kadro, and I am a student in her same class" I say calmly, while avoiding eye contact with Scarlett's dad. I stand tall and I put my arms behind my back, to look more serious. Her dad looks at Scarlett and he then smiles at me. "Very well...You can take my daughter.. But if you do something to hurt my baby girl...Oh boy...I will kick your ass like you have never felt before." He says with a serious tone. I remain stoic, as I look at him in the eyes. I smile and nod at Scarlett's dad. I try to act like a real man and I show him my most serious face. My serious face is so serious that even I am impressed. 


We go inside the house, and Scarlett brings me to the kitchen table, where her mother made an amazing dinner. Scarlett's dad is sitting in front of me, with a cold stare. He is keeping an eye on me, waiting for me to do something out of place. I smile at Scarlett's family and I eat my food quickly. After I eat, I make sure to lick my fingers and my face, just to annoy Scarlett's dad. "This dinner was amazing...thank you so much for the food." I say in a nice tone, and I smile at Scarlett's mother. 

Scarlett s mother smiles at me "Carter you're so sweet". 


I smile back at Scarlett's mother. "Scarlett is a lucky girl to have such a delicious and lovely mother." 

Scarlett's mom smiles and looks at Scarlett's dad. "Well...Scarlett's boyfriend is not so bad, don't you think dear?" 

Scarlett's dad looks back at Scarlett's mom, and then he looks at me again. He looks me in the eyes and he gives me a little smile. "You're right my love..." He says while looking back at Scarlett's mom. He knows that his sweet girl is safe with me. 


Scarlett's little brothers are so wild!! I feel like I am babysitting Scarlett's brothers while we eat dinner. One moment they are quiet and they eat their food, and suddenly they are climbing the table and running all around. 

Scarlett's mother looks at Scarlett's dad and they both laugh at her little brothers' shenanigans. Scarlett looks so cute while she is eating her food. I feel like she is so innocent and so fragile. I want to grab her in my arms and keep her in my heart forever. I smile at Scarlett and I try to get her attention. 

Carter sighs in relief, this is the family dinner he never had, he doesn't remember the last dinner he had with his parents since they kinda abandoned him, he remembers his grandma. 


I want to keep looking at Scarlett's eyes because they make me fall in love with her more and more. Suddenly, I see Scarlett's grandma entering the kitchen. She looks at me, and she smiles at me. 

"Carter! You're Scarlett's boyfriend!" She says in a happy tone. She goes to me and she hugs me. What a sweet heart! 

"Scarlett told me all about you! So you are the young and handsome man who stole her heart!" She laughs and we both look at Scarlett. I feel like I am home...I get some flashes of my memories from the past. I remember when I ate dinner with my grandma. She was really worried about me. She tried to feed me as much food as she could since I used to say that I was starving and I never had the chance to eat at a proper table. She was so kind hearted and I miss her so much.... 

I look at Scarlett's family and I feel so lucky to be spending this night with them. They are so nice. The dinner was delicious and it was perfect. Scarlett's dad seems to be a nice person too. 


Scarlett is so damn cute... We are both tired after our lovely dinner and we lay on her bed. I hold Scarlett tight and I pull her closer so I can kiss her. I lay my head on her chest and I feel safe in her arms. Scarlett's smell is so sweet, I start to get sleepy...Scarlett falls asleep immediately while we are laying together on her bed. She is adorable while she sleeps. I kiss her forehead and I stay by her side. I can't stop looking at her beautiful face. 

I start to think about my past. I think about my grandma and my parents. I feel so damn lonely, and I feel like this is the first time that I feel loved by a family. Is this my new family? Is Scarlett my girlfriend? Is this love? I look at Scarlett's calm and peaceful face, and I feel like I found the woman of my dreams. I slowly move my head and I look at Scarlett's face while she is sleeping. She looks so peaceful and beautiful. I take out my phone and I take a photo of her. I want to keep it as a memory. 

I then gently take Scarlett in my arms and I lay her next to me while I rest myself. I am too tired to get up already. 

I wake up in the middle of the night and I see Scarlett next to me. My arms are wrapped around her, and I am hugging her gently. I feel her warm body and her heart beating slowly at the same pace as mine. It's beautiful. I feel warm and welcomed. This must be it... I found my home. I look at Scarlett's face and I want to kiss her so badly. I look at her lips and then I kiss her. 

"Did my sleepyhead wake up?" Scarlett looks at me and she smiles. 

She slowly pushes me away, she then buries her face into my shoulder "Ahhh you woke me up...." 


"I know. Heh...Did my Scarlett miss me?" I say with a playful tone. "I just needed to feel your lips. They are so soft.." I smile and I kiss her cheeks and her forehead. I pull her towards my body and I feel her warm arms wrapping around me. Scarlett is half asleep, but she starts to fall asleep while I am holding her. "Shall we get some sleep?" I say in a calming tone. 

"Let's sleep together Scarlett..." I kiss her cheek again and I get closer to her ears and I whisper "Scarlett...I love you. Please be by my side forever.." 


I start to drift away into my dreams and I feel Scarlett's warm and soft body next to mine. Her breathing is slow and calm. She rests her head on my chest and she holds me tight. She mumbles the words "I love you too" and she smiles in her sleep. Scarlett looks so beautiful when she is asleep. She is my everything. 

I close my eyes and I hug Scarlett tight as we both fall into our sweet and peaceful dreams. There might be problems, but now I feel that I have Scarlett and her family by my side. 

In the dream, everyone leaves me alone in my world. Scarlett leaves with her family, They went back to NYC. Suky, my only "friend", betrays me by joining the group of the one's that liked harassing me. I feel so cold and lonely like I have never been before. I feel abandoned and forgotten. The pain is so deep, and there is no way to run from it. Everyone around me hates me. I could see my past self alone at a park. I was playing with my imaginary friends and I was thinking about how lonely I was. I remember that sometimes I used to talk to myself at the park, because I didn't have anyone to talk to. 

I feel sad when I see my younger self playing alone. What a sad childhood I spent. I could see that there was not a single place where I felt loved or welcome. 

I wake up in tears, and I am out of breath because of how deep the nightmare felt. I am still hugging Scarlett, and her warm body soothes me. I kiss her hand and I try to relax. 

After a few minutes, I manage to calm down. I look at Scarlett who is still asleep and she holds me tight. She is sleeping with her face facing me and I kiss her forehead again. "Mwuah.." I say while I smile at her sweet face. I lay back and I close my eyes to try to fall asleep again. I feel like staying here forever, with Scarlett. I want to protect her and I don't want to remember my past ever again. I want to have a new life with my Scarlett who changed my life, for the better.