
My obsession with my girlfriend...

"I'm not used to someone caring about me"

Shimizuosdreams · Urban
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19 Chs

Where's my tea, woman?

I'm not sure how long we have slept, but when I'm waking up, its still dark outside. 

I feel how Scarlett wakes up and she is yawning. She's stretching a little bit before looking at me. She tries to open her eyes to see me better and i feel how she presses her face into my chest again. 

I feel how Scarlett now tries to get up. 

I hug her even tighter and tell her to continue sleeping. 

"Don't be stubborn and stay with me Scarlett." i add with a low voice. Scarlett just sighs and closes her eyes again. 

Some time has passed now and its already 8am. Scarlett wakes up again and tries to get up again. 

"Carter, let go of me. I have to get ready." she says with a sleepy voice. 

I don't budge. "5 more minutes..." i say with a little smile. 

I don't want to hear her answer. "No, we are not late. Now shush." i say while hugging her tight. I'm not letting her go... 

"Carter, please." she says with a loud whisper. 

"No Scarlett... just a few more minutes..." i reply and start nuzzling my head against her. 

I hear how Scarlett sighs louder again and i realize that I'm not letting her go for few minutes more. 

After 5 minutes, Scarlett is now laying at my chest again with a sleepy face. 

I hug her a little tighter again. "No. No school today." i reply while looking at her. 

She looks at me again and sighs. "I cant skip my classes Carter, that wouldn't be... responsible." she adds with a sleepy voice. 

"Oh come on, please Scarlett..." i add while nuzzling my head against her neck. I know Scarlett is tired so i have a little trick that might work. "Remember, you said that you love me...? Then... you can skip school today!" i say with a little innocent look. 

"Pretty please Scarlett?... I know you want to stay. Don't be a big meanie..." i add after seeing that she is still hesitating. I look at her in disappointment and put on a sad face. 

Scarlett chuckles and rolls her eyes at me. "Okay, you big dummy... lets skip school today. You still owe me something next time." 

"Hehe, i will. You just have to trust me Scarlett." i answer while giving her a little kiss. 

I didn't hear my doorbell in the morning because i was sleeping with Scarlett, but i hear it now. I look over at the clock. 

"I need to open the door..." i say with a lazy voice. I hug Scarlett even tighter for a few seconds and then let her go. I get up from bed with a big yawn. I pick up my clothes and make my way to the door. 

Scarlett looks at me and chuckles. I'm still sleepy and not a sight to see. "You look terrible." 

I open the door and see Suky. 

"Yo Carter! Good morning. What's up with you?" he asks me with a big smile on his face. He is looking at me from foot to head like always. 

"Hey man." i say with a lazy voice. "I-I'm tired..." i reply. 

"You don't look good... why are you wearing a bathrobe? Did you forget to make your bed again?" he asks me and laughs. 

"I did forget actually... and I'm not doing anything again today." i answer with a yawn. 

"Yeah, she is upstairs and sleeping." i answer and scratch my head. 

Suky looks at me surprised. "Are you not going to school today?" he asks me. 

"No, I'm not." i answer quickly. 

"And Scarlett? Did she go to school?" 

"No, Scarlett is staying here with me." 

Suky looks at me in shock. "You... you made Scarlett to skip school?! How did you make her do that?" 

"Hehe, I'm that good. " 

I look at Suky and nod. "Yeah, I'm really lucky to have parents like that." 

"What do you mean 'like yours'?" i ask him while hesitating. 

"Don't you know already? Your parents work in America right now." he answers after few seconds. I feel how my face turns into embarrassment. 

"Yeah yeah... i know...i just forgot." i reply and scratch my head again. 

"You always forget something..." he says and laughs. 

"Yeah yeah, whatever." i add and roll my eyes with him. 

I get back into my room and see Scarlett sitting on the edge of my bed. She looks at me with a tired face. 

"Hey..." i say while walking over to her. I sit on her bed and look at her. "Did you rest a little bit... or were you already awake while i was away?" 

Scarlett lets out a sigh. "No, i just woke up. And... you're wearing a bathrobe?" she adds. 

"Hehe, yeah. I didn't want to dress today..." i answer with a yawn. 

Scarlett gets up from her side of the bed, walks behind me and sits on my back. She starts to rub my back. 

"I bet you liked my back rub yesterday." she adds in a teasing voice. 

"Hmm...yeah that's why i was moaning in pleasure." i reply to mess with her. 

Scarlett chuckles and continues to rub my back. 

"Ahh, that's nice Scarlett. Keep on rubbing... that spot." i say in a low voice while moaning again. 

Scarlett just shakes her head and leans forward. She starts to kiss and bite my shoulders. 

My face is still lying on my pillow and I'm not moving at all. "Hmm... that feels so good Scarlett. You are so good... oh yeah~" i answer with a deep voice. 

I hear Scarlett chuckling and she's massaging my back even harder. "Hmm... it feels even better when you are rough with me Scarlett~" i tease her a little bit. 

Scarlett notices that I'm not letting her do what she wants. She starts to get a little playful now. "Carter, let me kiss you!" she whispers in my ear. 

"No way, Scarlett." i say in a calm voice. 

I act like i don't like the kisses. "Scarlett, stop it!" i say and move my head away from her. 

Scarlett laughs loudly and keeps on kissing my face again. I keep on turning my head in different directions but Scarlett is not stopping. She keeps on giving me little kisses all over my face. "Scarlett, stop! You're annoying." i say in a teasing voice. I try to hold my laughter. 

Scarlett s phone rings. She stops kissing me and answers "Oh? Diego?... Um yeah i didn't went to school today.. I umm... I'm....Sick". I gets a little jealous that Diego even called her when he noticed that Scarlett didn't came to school ...

I can hear how she talks on her phone, but i am not listening what she is saying, but i can figure out what it is about. 

After few minutes, Scarlett puts her phone away. She gets up from my back and lays down next to me. 

"Who was calling you on the phone?" i ask her with a little jealousy and a fake angry face even tho i know the answer. She gives me more little kisses and says "Oh, Diego was confused why we didn't went to school today". I still pretend to not like the kisses but deep inside me i loved it that Scarlett gave me so much affection right now. She even gave me so many kisses on my throat. 

I'm shocked by what she's saying now. "Diego called you on your phone?!". "Yeah.. I told him I'm sick..". My face is full of Scarlett's kisses and my hair is messy. "Haha, you're such a big liar Scarlett! Why doesn't your voice sound sick?" i say with a smile. Scarlett chuckles again. 

"Yeah, i know...but they don't have to know the truth." says Scarlett while looking on her phone. 

I look at Scarlett and nod. "No, they don't have to know the truth. You're right." my tone sounds a little bit jealous right now. Scarlett just keeps on smiling at me. 

She puts her phone away on my nightstand. I keep on looking at her. "Hmm...you're still not tired?" i ask her and tilt my head. 

"Hm...no. I actually feel better now." she's says and yawns. 

"Then why don't you get up and...make us some tea?" i say with a lazy tone. 

I look down at my chest where she poked. "Yes yes, I'm lazy... and you are my maid. So please, be a good maid and do what i say." i say while acting like I'm serious. I'm still laying in bed and didn't move a body part. I also keep on looking at Scarlett. 

Scarlett smiles sarcastically and sticks out her tongue. I like that face of her. "Uhm... no. Make your own tea." she answers and lays back in my bed again. 

"B-But Scarlett..." i reply with slightly annoyance. 

I try to look as sad and as cute as possible with my sad tone. "Scarlett, be a good maid and make me some tea." i say with a serious face but also sound like a little child. I'm trying to tease her like she always does to me. 

Scarlett just sighs and lays her head back again. "Fine...I'll bring you some tea." she adds in a soft voice. 

"Ahm! And hurry, please." i say and point my finger at her in a very demanding tone. 

I just wait here in bed until Scarlett comes back. I hear her footsteps again after few minutes and she comes back with two cups of tea. 

"There you go, here's your hot, ready tea, my lord!" she says with a sarcastic tone. I see how she rolls her eyes and smiles sarcastically. 

I chuckle and take one of the cups of tea. "Finally the maid did something right." i say and sip the tea. 

"Shut up Carter..." she whispers and sips her own cup. We both just sit in my bed and drink our tea quietly for few minutes.