
My novel I didn't want to experience

Oh? I never imagined this would happen to me. why did it have to be in my novel? reincarnate or whatever. should I do like the other characters in cliché stories? Enjoy the benefits of knowing about the future? Take the protagonist's cheat objects? Train to get strong? Observe the main characters and avoid them? Who said I need to do this...?

Sivi_Agassi · Fantasy
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40 Chs

White and Black (1-10)

Losho, a country with 69 million inhabitants. Its main attraction was the red light houses, casinos. The sale of slaves, weapons, forbidden spells and illegal auctions.

The capital of Losho was Prottochenye.

With the incredible feat of being the most illegal place in all of Recta, however, it was still a country respected by all other kingdoms and empires.

The Overlord of Losho was none other than an ancient dragon. Not just any gecko with wings, but an ancient dragon with great power. It's not that old, it was only 15 million years old.

If you were to compare her with the 4 primordial dragons or rulers of the ancient era, she would be a bacteria.

Diäpei, dragon of disorder, desires and sins. He was trapped in his own dimension, but is now free in Liu Yu's body.

Sitceviei, death and life. He is the much-needed adopted son of Alexander.

Gulfei, above all. She is the only one still alive and hiding in the world of Dalemiasto.

Zawei, dead hope. He was killed by the creator. Alexander has the egg obtained from the 6 challenges dungeon.

It seems coincidental that they are all being collected by Alexander; as a pocket monster?

But that old fox isn't doing this on purpose, the dragons are, for some reason, being attracted to him.

The 4 primordial dragons or rulers of the ancient era were not created as primordial dragons, they were rather the toys of the creator. They didn't like being a powerful child's plaything, and they fled to the [Paths of the Realms] and each ruled a different kingdom.

In this new place they reigned like primordial dragons, however, the powerful child laughed at this hide and seek. He was unwilling to go and catch the fugitives, and this was the beginning of the times when the creator began to throw dangerous things into the Paths of the Realms.

The creator created the 5 heroes to kill the primordial dragons. Everything was resolved, but only Gulfei was not killed because she was the first to be created, she was very strong and her temperament was calm, for that reason, she was spared.

The problem now was the 5 heroes who began to be worshiped as a pagan god.

Again the creator created the 6 spirits to kill the 5 heroes who perished. And the cycle repeated itself, others were created to kill the 6 spirits. After thinking of something quickly, the creator created the 3 swords. These objects were weak and needed a host to use their power.

The only ones who managed to get lucky were two, [Ancele] and [Lugram].

In Dark Planet who died because of him, [Þhio], the only sword that was left without an owner.

The creator who saw that Þhio, the strongest of his creation was abandoned. He made Þhio able to have a spiritual body for the purpose of Þhio himself finding his own owner, but Þhio was useless as a spirit and only those who were really persistent could…


The creator is a child, but not an idiot, he knows very well that Þhio is too strong to be given to anyone for free, even with such an extreme restriction on use, Þhio is still dangerous.

This was just so Þhio wouldn't feel lonely, he could move freely and not be stuck in one place forever. And he didn't know it was a sword when it was a spirit, so he couldn't tell anyone where his body was.

It would stay there without being able to have an owner. As time passes, Þhio will die if he does not have an owner.

This was the creator's plan.

* * *

The group of 5 people jumped off the dragon's beads. The dragon also wanted to do the same, he changed his appearance to human form and disappeared. He was sent to Alexander's house without knowing, the same was with the dragon that appeared in an unknown place.

The 4 of them gently fell to the ground, Night Pigeon held the fifth person in his arms, Crow, the third lord of Losho.

Looking at the prince or lord sleeping in his arms, he had a strange thought that came to his mind.

'Why is every male in Recta handsome?'

He remembered that everything was based on his 1001 chapter novel. But for either Alexander or Night Pigeon, they didn't consider this world as a novel. It could even be considered a novel in a dimension where, coincidentally, someone wrote it as a novel for fun.

There really isn't that shitty coincidence that everyone talks about. For Alexander, there was a shameless anonymous person hiding behind the veil of coincidence.

Night Pigeon was so absorbed in useless thoughts that he died there. It was so sudden, it has to start from the beginning.

* * *

Opening his eyes, Crow felt someone holding him in their arms.

'What a shameful situation this is!!!'

Many invasive feelings came into Crow's mind. He appreciated that pretty face of the person holding him.

It didn't take long for his reverie to turn into despair. He felt the Overlord quickly approaching.

There was no way to explain anything, and he needed to get rid of these people.

He grabbed Night Pigeon's right arm and said, [Decay of souls].

After that attack, Crow in one swift movement kicked Night Pigeon away. Night Pigeon's body fell into his mansion which was destroyed.

'He's a bomb!'

Not having enough time, he attacked the other 3 with the same unique spell, [Decay of Souls].

Seeing that everyone was annihilated, he snorted in satisfaction, but this was not the time for him to boast.

He knelt down and waited for the Overlord to arrive.

Like a bolt of lightning, the Overlord appeared 30 meters away from Crow. The Overlord knew that he was also dangerous and would not risk getting close to Crow.

The unique spell [Decay of Souls] It is a unique spell that destroys the soul of whoever it touches.

That was all the Overlord knew about Crow's ability, but it was a lie. The Crow could use this unique spell on one person on the other side of the world and on multiple people at the same time. He could easily extinguish Recta's life if he wanted to. However, he had his reasons for not taking advantage of this power.

"You're back. The Grand Mage's Book of Spells and the Black Dragon's Egg? Where are?"

"Errr…. I…"

The other 6 lords appeared next and some started to mock the stuttering Crow.

"I couldn't get the items..."

The Overlord's teeth gritted, not in anger, but in pain, she died with her heart pierced by a white female hand.

That female hand was Night Pigeon's. Her body was being replaced by a woman's body. But not completely, this woman's left arm was still Night Pigeon's arm that was resisting.

This woman who will end up possessing Night Pigeon's body is a fragment of her past reincarnation.

* * *

When the fragment gained its freedom, she quickly sent a small gift to Alexander.

She was afraid that guy would show up before she could leave.


She forgot about Alexander's other clone. The fake Jin who was lying on a bed playing games.

Fake Jin noticed this fragment.

He didn't care until she massacred the inhabitants of Losho.

"Sister 7... I forgot I'm not Alexander..."

The fake Jin laughed, when he transformed into something, he was exactly like the chosen target.

He just didn't copy, Ancele and Lyu.

Someone opened the door, it was a maid.

"Get out!"

"But it's your dinner young-"


Like a rabid dog, fake Jin looked at the maid who ran over as if her life depended on it.


Fake Jin returned to his normal self. He stared at the red gloves Jin left behind.


He just slept trying to forget the thoughts Jin had. Being an exact copy of Jin meant having his desires and thoughts. The fake Jin was not at all happy about this.

Everything was so dark that he had to use [Unwavering] fake to suppress Jin's inconveniences.


After sailing through several places, training in martial arts and meditating under a waterfall (he discovered that there was a chemical factory and the water in the waterfall was toxic, he became more sick than healthy.) Losho's arc is muscular, but still sick...

Sivi_Agassicreators' thoughts