
My Note System

Our hero is reincarnated in the body of a person named Nait, after he died in a world of magic and abilities, where miracles happen.  Summoning volcanoes, zero gravity, hurricanes...etc everything is possible in that world. The hero's journey takes us through his suffering, his misery, and his change of thinking. All this in order to find a place in that world of wars, to live in peace. [System] [Your ability has been activated] [It has been noted and a skill is created on it] *[Damage Resistance (level 1)] “Well, all that is required of me is to stop and be severely beaten.”

Dark_Moon_a4 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

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The moment a grunge boss appeared, it was as if time had stopped. Everyone stopped moving, in front of his overwhelming aura. It made their red-armored captain and his team of adventurers shiver.

'Who is this?! Boss special for these dystrophies? From his aura he looks so powerful, somehow I feel like I know him. Smoky arrow, tyrannical aura and charisma. A group sweeps an entire village without fearing the consequences, the village guards, where are they, they died?'

'Smoky Arrow... Smoky Arrow... Smoke?!...Don't tell me this is a grunge Boss. Boss criminal group. A smoky nightmare.'

The owner of the red shield began to feel his bowels contract. And his face changed to a deep bluish, thinking they were in trouble, opening the gates of hell for them.

'We wanted some gratitude and a bag of money that, if not just a dinner party, was enough to save the village. We end up facing a monster in human form that's too much. We won't even live for dinner.'

The red armor leader's head engine started to smoke, thinking of a solution. Which was to run away, as one solution.

But while he was thinking. There was someone who didn't recognize what kind of monster he was directing. On one of the rooftops, that person dared to aim at Boss Grunge with his bow filled with an arrow, and shoot him.

"Huh…" The leader noticed her, but it was too late. "Nooo....dia!!!" When he finished a word. It was, indeed, the arrow had shot towards the grunge boss.

"Hmm…I was going to speak. Why did you dare to interrupt me. pressed smoke plate." The smoke that was representing his scarf moved. And formed in the form of a thin plate of smoke. It barred the arrow, which was colored by a light green glow.

'Damn I can't change the direction of an arrow, despite using my ability.' Few drops of sweat appeared on her white face. Or the reason for its inability to change the direction of an arrow. It was because the smoke that started covering the arrow was preventing it from moving.

'I'm running out of mana...Oh.' Thus, the green glow of an arrow disappeared and fell to the ground, without moving again.

"Annoying...you cut me.You didn't even give up and tried to target me by moving your arrow. Let me show you. I don't even need to control the arrow."

Boss Grunge raised his hand and said, "Hell Smoke Arrow." A face without any expression. Smoke listened to his command, and dispersed from placing a plate. To form an arc filled with an arrow. It was a different arrow than a normal arrow, it was very thin and long and consisted of smoke.

Boss Grunge pulled the chord.

"Boss, are you sure you will kill her, it is Elif. If we sell it we will get a large amount of money, especially to a noble of a large family." Deputy Boss advised. Scott.

"Hbf…I don't care. Nobody dares to interrupt me and escape…Bye." He put a advised behind his head and shot the arrow, with cold eyes.

"Nooo...Dia, run." A leader ran towards Boss Grunge like a madman trying to stop him, wanting to save Dia. Unfortunately, the arrow flew faster than the speed of sound. And pierced her forehead directly in the middle.

She stopped moving and her eyes became bright, dim. Her lip movement, to speak in a very low voice, so that no one would understand her, only those who could read lips. "leader...Glory." Tears descended on her face, and fell from the ceiling. I became a body without a soul, just flesh and blood.

"Diaaa...no...ah-ah-ah-aaah." He fell to the ground with his knees and drowned in bitter tears.

This is the leader they trusted and relied on in critical times. He looked at Boss Grunge with red eyes and anger burning an entire forest.

'Dia and I agreed to quit adventure and get married, to live happily and happily. We did not expect an invasion of this village, which we were only passing on. Who would have expected that everything would be destroyed because of you.'

He got up and started running in anger, imagining himself cutting Boss Grunge into pieces.

"Don't forget I'm here...hehe." Beside him, Scott's fist appeared.

But before the fist reaches him. A burly figure in black colored armor pushed him back. He made him fall to the ground with his ass, his eyes closed.

"Spike…why did you stop me…let me cut tha..…"

leader stopped talking. Because of who he was trying to talk to, it wasn't in front of him as he expected. Just dust in place. He have already moved to another place.

He looked at the direction of the speech that came after his shock. "Amazing act. But you're weak in front of me." He referred to Spike, who is the team's tank.

Scott spoke and his complexion was bright red, steaming from it. The only thing strange about his body without redness. His hand is huge with interesting muscular curves. Which shrank and returned to his hand that applies the other.

"My ability allows me to control my body however I want. Like now I hit an armadillo by strengthening my muscles as hard as my body can actually handle. I bet, I punctured his stomach...hehe." Scott said with a wide, sinister grin from ear to ear.

"You are next…" He pointed to their leader with killing intent. "Hm..." Scott moved suddenly to appear elsewhere. It was as if he had made the transition to me, but in fact it was his speed that was enhanced by his ability to control the body.

"It's not dead...wonderful, it just got more fun." He said to Spike, who had lost a target, at the wave of a thorny hammer, in the place where Scott had been before.

He didn't hold his shield in his hand, because it had turned to dust. In his armor there was a hole the size of a fist, showing a hairy stomach.

"Thank you, I'm not dead yet...All credit goes to someone." Look in the direction of what their reliable treatment. "Leader, go. And avenge her...I know we won't succeed. But doing something is better than dying without doing anything."

"OK." He once again sprinted toward Boss Grunge with confidence in his death. 'Dia.. my dear, to die like this. Unforgivable, I will never forgive him...'

"Fiery Body. Infernal Fire Sword." His red hair turned into an orange borrowed fire with red edges, and orange eyes, fire began to spurt out from the loopholes of his red shield.

He waved his sword whose blade was covered in deep red fire, upon waving it left a red crescent moon.

"How dare you kill my sweetheart.Take this." His sword wave went straight to Boss Grunge's neck.

The smoke was stirred to form a thicker smoke plate and less in size. Sword repelled. They created a collision that made the plate shake a little.

Good. <Fire ability>. 1st generation. How cool, I really envy you. I have the ability <smoke control>. 2nd generation. After 1st generation. <smoke>. I can't conjure smoke out of nowhere, like you where do you bring your fire. The explanation is your ability from the first generation."

"But unfortunately, the efficiency of your ability is too weak. You can't conjure fire in huge quantities. For example if your ability abilities were better. you could form a 10-meter fire field that turns everything charred or an explosion that wipes out an entire village."

"What's wrong with that, shut up and die." He managed to get a sword out of a plate that, he tried to swallow. And waved again.

"What I'm trying to say." Boss Grunge sniffs from his cigarette and puffs on their leader's face. "As for the efficiency of my ability…hehe...you will see."

Stop brandishing a sword. And he started coughing after inhaling smoke. "What is this?!... Argh." Before he finished, he started vomiting blood like a waterfall.

"Arghhh…aaarrghhhh...I can't breathe…argghh..." he fell to the ground and started to go left and right.

"You sure can't breathe I punctured all of your lungs."

"Oh..argh..oh." Their leader's face started turning blue from the lack of oxygen.

Suddenly at this moment a leader's body began to glow a light green, his facial expression calmed down and his breathing returned to normal.

"Huh… Really. True, a healer should be killed first. Why don't you waste your mana, and keep it. You will need to use it later."

Boss Grunge looked at a healer with meanings in his eyes.

"Don't think he'll split for you, ever. He'd rather die than that right?!" He got on his knees, waiting for an opportunity.

"Really? It doesn't look like that to me. Look at him he's so scared he's going to pee on himself."

"opportunity." When Boss Grunge looked toward a healer. I took this opportunity to carry a sword trying to target him.

"Ah... boring, take your seat and stop moving." Very quickly, the smoke moved into the shape of a smokey sword. With cold eyes, Boss Grunge waved at him, before a leader's sword reached towards him.

"AGHHHHHHH..."Without any waiting, his amputated hand, which was holding the sword, flew into the air. To fall to the ground. On the other hand, the cut-off place began to splatter everywhere with blood.

"Thats good." Boss Grunge smiled.

"ARGH...RANUX...ARGH...TREATMENT...RANUX...RANUX." He started screaming while covering with his hand, the injury he had suffered.

"Stop barking, he won't dare treat you now….haha."

"What do you mean?! Ugh…" He looked in Ranox's direction. So he answered himself. There were many smokey arrows targeting Ranox's head. "Uh… an end…" utter despair and tears of misery flooded his face.

"Boss, you're done on my part. It was fun." Scott walked towards Boss Grunge with blood all over him.

"Really too slow…" Boss Grunge sneered at Scott.

"It wasn't a problem, it was a therapist."

"Without excuse, you will pay me a drink on your account..haha." Quarter Boss grunge his hands. "So what happened to him?"

"Appearance is not pleased."

"That's enough to explain everything."

"What do we do with this hopeless?" Boss Grunge said as he looked at the leader.