
My Not So Romantic CEO

You think I am the damsel in distress, sorry to burst your bubble but I am the CEO and from now on you are "MY SLAVE". She was the most famous ,beautiful ,sexy and ruthless CEO. She looks like an angel but actually she is a devil. She purchased him from a black market and she always like to toy with him but at the same time show him his place. He was a handsome guy who was a narcissist first. He was also a CEO but due to some conspiracy he went bankrupt and her own Ex-girlfriend sold him to the black market.Then he met the nightmare of his life. She was doing all the things because of her own reasons. She believes in hatred and not in love as for her " Hatred is a fire that empowers humans to reach their destination. " Meet Jia kapoor, who is not anything like a fragile woman. People always feared her presence. Some wants to stay away from her but some wants to make her theirs and claim her. Who will win at end and what's the reason for her hatred and revenge. Will she ever find love in her revenge game ?

DJ_96 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Game On!

Who the f**k is that woman, she ruined my chance to be with Ava. If she was not there I would have enjoyed that actress and how the hell did she know about big brother. Sam is grumbling while driving.

He then thought to call his brother, so that he will teach that wench a lesson. That nobody dares to f**k with us.

My brother hates women , he even despises there touch. He hated when women try to get fresh with him. Just because of his money, power and looks. They try everything to have there way with him but my brother just disposes them. He is a cold hearted guy. He is ruthless when it comes to our business. Of course as he is the leader of mafia.

I called my brother and said, " brother, I want to tell you that some girl threatened you and our family. She tried to kill me. Brother, you have to catch that girl before she ruin anything. She even punched me and laughed at our upbringing. "

Of course I have to lie , as my brother never hurt the wrong person. He believes that innocent person should never suffer but who thinks like this when they are in mafia and my brother hated when someone criticises our upbringing. I have prepared a grave for you now, miss Jia Kapoor.

"Who the hell is that girl? Give me her details.I have to make sure that she never uses her tongue,like that ever again. " Said Alan in a ruthless tone. He believes in his family , blindly and he show no mercy , when someone try to hurt his family.

Sam replied with a evil grin, as his planned worked, " bro, her name is Jia Kapoor and she is some CEO. I don't know how but she knows your real name. I know that you have always used only, Al and no one knows your real name, apart from our family. "

"Jia Kapoor, I think I heard this name before. Yes, today some Jay asked us to, kidnap this girl. He was saying, she is some tough nut to crack. It's alright now, I will accept his work, to kidnap her. As it will kill two birds ,with one stone " Said Alan with a smirk . After sometime, Sam cut the call and now is waiting to see the fall of Jia with his eyes.

He mumbled, 'Ah, my brother is so easy to manipulate. " Then he started to laugh.

At Shah Mansion

"Have you done the task that I have asked you? " Said Mr Shah with a curious look on his face.

Jay replied, " don't worry, father. I have already ask the best person to kidnap her and then bring her to us. Then I will make her fine , with her wish or without her wish. She have to then agree to marry me, no matter what. I will have the best of both worlds. I will have her, as well as her company also. "

Jay started to laugh that finally he will be able to hold her and she will be only his possession. He won't let her go, ever. He thought that he will play with her body anytime, he desires. Jay was just waiting to hear the good news. When , Jia will be kidnapped by Alan and will be delivered to him. He was thinking that how he will torture her, for all the insults and how he will make her pay for her deeds.

At Jia's Mansion

She was holding her gun and was sitting on her rocking chair. She was smiling and thinking, ' It's time, I think now all the pieces are placed on the chess. Now let's the game begin. Only time will tell that who is the queen in this chess and who is just a pawn. You know, what's my favourite line in chess, of course it's checkmate.' She was moving backward and forward on her rocking chair. She was having a , murderous aura around her.

At morning

Jia looked at her bed. Varun was still sleeping and sleep talking that how he will always protect Jia. she just looked at him and whispers in his ears 'but who will protect you from me, sweetheart. '

Varun didn't respond and he was still sleeping like a log. She asked her maids to , wake him up after sometime as she is having an early meeting. So she is leaving before. Her maids nodded .

Jia started driving, she don't like to disturb his driver, this early in the morning. As there is still sometime, left for the office hours. She was planning to meet some client before going to her office. She sensed that someone is tailing her car. She looked at the rear view mirror and smiled. She stopped her car and came out of it.

She saw some men in black and they were stunned that she was not struggling to run away from them and that only made their work easier. They captured her easily and then called there boss, Allen. They told him that they kidnapped the girl and bringing to his main house.

They then take her to Allen main house. She was just sitting with a smile. They felt that may be this girl is , so traumatized that she is not even asking , why they have kidnapped her. As in most of the cases that's the most genuine reaction , of a person. They then reached , Allen's house.

They ask her to come out and follow them. They are taking her to the basement. She just followed them quietly but when they was about to move out of basement, Jia made her move. She then punched one of the guy's stomach and after that she punched their faces and kicked them on their legs. Even after attacking together they are no match for her.

She then knock out all the men. Except one, she then pulled her gun out ,point at him and then asked him, " bring me one paper, quick. "After that she sat on the chair, like a queen.They all were mostly paralyzed due to her beating. She then write something on the paper and ask the man to give it to, Mr Allen.

After that, she gave some money for their treatment. He was confused , as she was the one who beat the hell out of them at the same time, she is also the one who is giving them money, for their treatment.She then strated to move out of the house, with a satisfying smile. She then said, "Game on ! "

When Allen reached his house, he was shocked to see the condition of his men. Then one of the man, gave him the paper.

He then read the paper. He started to repeat the things , which are written on paper, " next time, I will not be this kind hearted to , leave them alive.This was only a sample. I followed them quietly , so that you will know , just who your , competition is. Next time, if you are so desperate to see my face then take an appointment ,first .As I am not as free as you are."

When he read the paper, he was shocked that for the first time, someone actually challenged him and on the top of it , she was just a woman. He was not desperate before but now he is. To see exactly who is this, Jia Kapoor. So that he can personally cut her wings and make her realise that she have messed with the wrong guy.

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