
My Normal Life In Teyvat

Uhm... this is synposis, by webnovel's words it is supposed to "attract" readers, but y'know... I am lazy. Oh, and also don't expect much, I am on my hiatus after all (since 2022 summer)

LfiAlfana · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Accidentally got sold to become a nanny...

I woke up and laid down in bed while not moving by a single bit, "Ugh... monday."

It has been whole three and half years since I came to mondstadt I understood one thing, "I didn't yet attend a single one of the Akademiya classes yet, all I was doing is just going monthly for the test while 'borrowing' (stealing) books from the library..."

(A/N: 7 years before canon, mc is 13 n half years old)

Sighing I turned to the left side in bed and looked outside the window, closing eyes I tried to fall asleep but couldn't due to the constant chirping of the birds

I placed a pillow on my head, but now it was not enough air to breathe due to pillow. I lazily threw away the pillow and blanket and got slowly up, "I hate mondays... I only slept twelve hours and every single time something has to stop me..."

I sighed and warmed up by stretching while hearing my back crack a bit, "uh-oh" I put on my clothes and went down the stairs while hearing familiar feminine voice, "Good morning, sir Helliot." I waved while not looking back and exiting inn, "You too."

Going outside I went towards the 'Good hunter' restaurant and sat down while ordering my usual, "Tea break pancake please."

While waiting for a order I heard a noise and took out guild card out of the pocket

{Unqiue commission towards Helliot: become a knight of favonius instructor}

{Commissioner: Varka, Reward: 100 million mora}

"Him again?" I looked at it and declined the commission, "He still wants me to join him just because I accidentally dropped card..."

... Half a year ago

On evening when I was sitting on a wall and eating apple while watching a young woman with purple hair and green eyes standing and holding her catalyst towards dummies.

She took a deep breath and started using blasts of lightning which were thin, yet fast. She hit the dummies while keeping distance, stopping her attacks she charged a field and stuck them down, I laughed a bit, "Slow attack while damage done to dummies isn't great either, you could work as support at the best."

I laid myself down sideways mocking her while eating apple, she looked at me while I was on three meter high wall, "Since when you're here."

"Me? Since you weren't even here, I am just eating apples, don't mind me." She ignored me and continued her training, "Keep distance from enemies."

She ignored me again, "Your charge is too slow, you'd be dead in fight." Her eyebrow twitched, she hit the dummy again and I spoke with closed eyes, "Dodge constantly and switch positions over time."

After I said that I stopped hearing attacks and I looked at her, "What's wrong? can't focus?" laughing a bit I saw her glaring at me and she said slowly, "Can. You. Shut. Up." Lightning appeared around her, making her look scary, "Yeah yeah little princess, if you wish to be stagnant without becoming stronger then I will."

"If you're so smart can you then show how should I do that?" I smiled and jumped down the wall and walked slowly near her we were around the same height while I was just a bit higher by few centimeters, "Remember what I will show you, opportunity only once a life."

"This is how you do it." I sighed and raised one hand towards dummies and a similar orb to Lisa's appeared but instead it was in air and I shot into it which ricocheted into all five dummies at once, "See? As for charge you like so much..."

I snapped my finger and walked away while the ball I placed on dummies started glowing up and soon exploded making even one dummy completely destroyed while leaving Lisa completely stunned, "This style of fightning in my opinion is a lot better in matter of defense, you can move around freely while source of all damage isn't from you but the concentration of your energy in one place."

Jumping back on wall I took another apple and took a bite from it, "If you use multiple of them, you can even create a field in which they will get just ricocheted all the time with just one small zap, but the damage would go lower with each ricochet."

"Well, do as you like, listen or to ignore me, bye~" I leaned backwards and fell off the wall and teleported back to inn while leaving Lisa without a word to be said, she looked at the ground and saw a guild card, she picked it up and read name on it, "Helliot?"

[You got title: Wandering teacher (+50% speed of teaching something to someone)]

... Back to present

I got my 'Tea break pancakes' and started eating them, "I wonder what Albedo is doing right now..." I heard again a message from guild card and took it out, "Is it Varka again?"

{Unique help type commission for Helliot - Help to babysit my little child}

{Commissioner: Alice} {Reward: 5 million per hour}

{Description: Recommended for Alice by Albedo}

I almost spat out pancakes as I saw that message, "5 million per hour just for being a nanny? it's not a joke, is it?" I looked at the commissioner name and it was shining in golden color, "Alice... I don't know who you are, but looks I am nanny for your child now."

Immediately I ate the whole pancake in one go and ran towards the adventurers' guild, I saw Albedo there, "I guess you're always in need of money, aren't you."

"I sure am, but why are you here?" I said and he replied, "Well, Alice is my 'moms' great friend so you could say I am just helping her out, I will show you where to go."

"I didn't knew you had friends Albedo" I laughed a bit and he looked at me emotionlessly while I followed him, "You're such a person who would join treasure hoarders or fatui just for a cup of tea, so you're no better."

"tsk" I clicked my tongue and after while I looked where we arrived, a place which I don't like to enter because of Varka, "Knights of Favonius Headquarters? I knew it! It was a secret mission from Varka all along to get me join them!"

I turned away and almost started running away as albedo took me by my cape and entered headquarters while dragging me on ground, "I don't wanna~"

"crybaby..." He dragged me until we arrived till one room where was a sign, {Enter with caution}

"Huh?" He opened the door as I read the sign, I prepared myself while getting up and got serious, Looking around I only saw a girl sleeping peacefully on bed, "A blond little girl?"

Albedo slapped my head from behind and put a finger near his mouth, "Be quiet." he gave me a small note and said, "First of all, dress properly, and then you will have to deal with her all day."

"First of all you have to feed her whenever she wants to, at least few times a day. You have to be quiet and read her lullaby and play with her using any methods to keep her entertained, except dangerous methods of course. As well it is not advised to go outside this room for her safety, while you have to guard her 24/7 and also don't teach her any bad habits." He lectured me while nodding I pushed all this info in and out of my head

'I understood... nothing' I did a final nod and gave a thumbs up, "Don't worry, I am expert in this field." He went outside of the room, but stopped while looking at me, "I forgot to mention, if even one scratch will be on her, the best case scenario is your all limbs being minced and you will be tortured for hundred years straight."

He smiled and left the room leaving me in loss of words, "What the... is she noble or something"

I looked at her ears and smiled, "Looks like I am nanny now..."