
My Ninja Gamer Way

Yuki is just your average 14-year-old boy with no parents or friends. After forgetting that he had a presentation that day. He dies of a sudden heart failure, but he wasn't supposed to die that day. He finds out that he was accidentally killed by an apprentice god. That's why he gets the chance to get reincarnated into an anime of his choice, with the gamer ability. As a fan of Naruto, he obviously chooses to get reborn in the Naruto world. But is he ready to face the challenges that the Naruto world will throw at him? Find out.

budgie_man · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 9: Yuki Retrieval (part 2)

Kurosora:" Thank you."

Minato:" Success, I know you ca-" Minato turned around, just to realize that Kurosora was already gone.

Minato:" So that's how it feels."

_Kurosora's POV_

I was running through the forest. I had already deployed my search team, the Tanshokushi. Furthermore, I told them that if they found a clue or something, they had to use a lightning barrel and shoot one into the sky.

Nothing had happened yet.

'No signs of Yuki, no signs of my son.' I felt myself getting angrier, but calmed down.

'I can't let my emotions get the best of me. I need to use every single thing that I have in my arsenal to find him.' I tried searching for his chakra signature, but even though I could easily sense someone from fifty kilometers away, I found nothing.

'It makes sense that I can't sense him, he's still a baby after all. He hasn't unlocked any of his tenketsu yet. I just have to figure out where they took him. Think, if I were trying to hide after a successful kidnapping, where would I go? I wouldn't hide, I would just keep running. But they didn't just kidnap Yuki, they are trying to use him as a distraction, to get to Kushina. So they would most likely not have gone far.'

'But there are most likely multiple assailants, meaning that it would make more sense to just keep on running or-


A lightning bolt soared through the air, illuminating the dark sky for a split second.

My eyes widened.

'The signal', and just like that I blasted through the forest, reaching the spot in a matter of seconds.

When I arrived, I stayed hidden in the trees. I looked around, finding a dead body belonging to one of my members, penetrated by multiple vines. She still had the lightning barrel in her hand, while the other was detached from her body.

'Nakamura, I'm sorry this happened to you. I'll avenge you and bring your body back to the Uchihas so that they can hold a proper funeral. The perpetrator must still be nearby.'

I then saw a glimpse of something white trying to escape.

*buzz* *swish*

I threw a kunai infused with lightning chakra at it.

Vines spurted out of the ground, trying to block the kunai.

But like a lightning bolt, the kunai pierced through the vines, hitting its target and stunning it.

I jumped towards the thing and slammed its head into the ground.


The ground shattered like glass on impact.

The thing was still breathing, but definitely looked roughed up. Just to be sure, I took four kunais and stabbed them into its arms and legs.

I looked at it and it looked at me.

"What are you?"

???:" I'm a Zetsu, thank you for asking, but shouldn't you be asking, what I might have?"

I pressed my arm against its throat.

A smile formed on its face and it chuckled.

Zetsu²²²³:" Can't you see I don't have him."

"Who don't you have?"

It started laughing, so I slammed it into the ground again.

Zetsu²²²³:" Trying to play it smart? Come on don't you want to know where he-"


Another lightning bolt soared through the air.

Zetsu²²²³:" I think you might want to go ch-"


I slashed its throat.

I sensed a bunch of chakra fluctuations, including Minato's, Kushina's and my wife's. Something was definitely happening in the village, but I had to focus on my new mission now.

"They're trying to stall for time."

I went to the spot and was met with another body.


The Zetsu was trying to get away, but I threw my sword at it, bisecting it.

I landed next to the upper half and stabbed it in the head.

I looked around.

'There must be something. Maybe they're all running away from a specific spot. I don't have enou-'


Another one. I zoomed past the trees, I couldn't let another member of my team die.

I arrived and saw someone running away from vines.

When the vine was about to hit him, I jumped between them and cut it down.

Komuro:" Kuro-sama!"

"Retreat, we underestimated our enemies. They're a lot stronger than you. If you see anyone, tell them to run."

Komuro:" But I can't ju-"


Komuro:" Understood" He disappeared and I focused back on the Zetsu that was now trying to run away.

I ran after it and some vines tried to stop, but I just chucked a kunai at them, easily breaking through them and hitting the Zetsu right in the back of its knee.

It fell to the ground, but didn't give up. It sprouted a dozen vines from the ground trying to create distance between the two of us.

*swish* *swish*

I threw two wired kunais at two trees and used the wires to catapult myself into the air.

Once I hit my max height, I threw a wired kunai at the ground near the Zetsu. I then pulled my swords out of their holsters and coated them with lightning chakra.

The Zetsu's eyes widened and it sprouted more vines out of the ground trying to stop me.

But it didn't matter, I launched myself at the Zetsu, while spinning. Effectively turning myself into a deadly bey-blade and easily cutting through all the vines and the Zetsu.

It was somehow still alive so I held it by the throat and slammed it into the ground.


Zetsu laughed.

Zetsu²³³²:" D-don't you under-stand? There's noth-th-thing you can do. You can strug-gle as much as you like, it won't change what is bound to happen."


A loud explosion sounded and a massive creature appeared.


It stood up.

I could only look up, as I saw a massive, 300 meters tall, tailed beast roaring into the sky.

"The nine tails!"

Zetsu²³³²:" Do you u-understand now!"

*crackle* *ᴄʀᴀᴄᴋʟᴇ* *ᴄʀᴀᴄᴋʟᴇ* *ᶜʳᵃᶜᵏˡᵉ* *ᶜʳᵃᶜᵏˡᵉ* *ᶜʳᵃᶜᵏˡᵉ* °°°°

Multiple lightning bolts flew up into the sky, not only from my search team, but also random people in danger.

Zetsu²³³²:" You ha-a-ave fai-led! You.. can't... save them all. All... hope is lost, you... have lost."

The Zetsu stopped moving, it was dead.

I made some hand signs and seven lightning styled shadow clones appeared.

I looked at them, they nodded and left to go help everyone in need.

I climbed on top of a tree to get a better view.

I saw fire engulfing houses, projectiles flying all over the place, and in the center of it all the nine tails.

My heartbeat was slowly rising, I wasn't going to find him.

I had no clue, no hint, nothing.

The only thing that left my mouth was a silent "no."

A flicker, a single flicker of blue light gave me hope.

It wasn't the fact that it suddenly appeared in the corner of my eye. It was the fact that I knew from where and who it came from.

Furthermore, It was near the place where the nine tails emerged, but it wasn't the nine tails, it was...


My body already reacted before my mind could even process it and I arrived and saw him.

He was lying in the arms of a Zetsu.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

All the hairs on my body spiked up and my hair turned a white-blueish color. Electricity started coursing throughout my entire body and all my senses were heightened.

I used the Body Flicker Technique and appeared in front of the Zetsu. I snatched Yuki away from it, making sure not to touch him with my lightning and kicked the Zetsu in the stomach. It tried to use vines to block my attack, but was still sent flying from the impact.

It crashed on the ground, I expected it to attack, but instead it merged with the ground and disappeared.

I bit both my thumbs and started performing my own variation of the Summoning Jutsu.

Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram → Horse

"Double Summoning Jutsu"

*Poof* *Poof*

A small version of the slug Katsuyu appeared on my left side and the snake Aoda appeared on my right side.

Aoda:" Lord Kurosora, you desire?"

"I need you to kill everyone with this scent." I showed him my swords and he flickered his tongue. He then slithered away, destroying all the trees in his path.

Katsuyu:" It's good to see you again, it has been a long time since you've summoned me."

I didn't respond, I looked at my son, he was lifelessly lying in my arms.

I looked at my son, he was lifelessly lying in my arms.

He had no chakra inside of him, he was like an empty vessel.

"Can you save him?"

Katsuyu:' He has become so cold, the death of his twin affected him even harder than it affected his older sister.'

She encapsulated Yuki and looked at me.

Katsuyu:" H-he doesn't have any chakra left in him. He's completely drained, he-he"

I stopped listening.

'No no no, I-I can save him. I have to save him, he can't be-.'

My mind was filled with thoughts, but also felt blank at the same time.

"No no!" I could feel my body shaking.

I had to think of something.

'No there's a way.'

I started pouring chakra into him, trying to resuscitate him. If I was able to pour enough chakra into his body and if it could then absorb my chakra, he might just survive.

Katsuyu:" It won't work. Only one of his tenketsu points is open, this makes it nearly impossible to even ingest chakra into him. You would need at least 36 times as much chakra as you have now to even raise his chakra percentage by 6%."

'That's it!' An idea popped up and I ran towards the Nine Tails.

Random Naruto (fun) fact, Obito always wanted to have his face on a rock (mountain), but ended up getting a rock on his face. Hope you liked this chapter, this is a double release, beause you guys deserve it. Feel free to comment, if you have anything to say.

But for now,

Budgieman out

budgie_mancreators' thoughts