
My Nightmare Prince

This is about 21-year-old girl named Tanisha (a normal human being) and 574-year-old nine tail Fox named Roy. Tanisha who is living her normal life with a beautiful but a scary nightmare, meet with the person whom she saw in her dream. Roy who was busy to find a way to became a normal human, found some strange things around Tanisha. Roy slowly begins to develop feeling for her............complicating relations between the human and non-human. They both came to know something that both of them had not expected. Can they both uncover the truth behind those things?

Sea_Breeze08 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 23

"1st Meeting With Lady Swan"

After hearing that, I didn't know what to say or reply. I just realised that I was in a awkward place, and I can't think of anything else but run away from there.

I was going to say something, then suddenly Roy interrupted "don't pay attention to her. Let's go from here, Tanisha." He removed Divya's hand, which was wrapped around his arm. From my point of view, I can clearly say that Divya was not ready yet to let him go.

Somehow he get seperated from her, and sign me to follow him. I was too frighten to move a inch, I feel like that girl's stare was gonna kill me. I try to change the atmosphere, I said "Roy i think you should be with your old friend, talk with her and don't pay attention to me. I'll sit here, take your time."

"What a nice timing, miss Tanisha." a know voice said from behind. It became more close, and whispered "Finally,we met again...." I flinch and turn back.

It was that rich boy, from the rooftop (Akash).

'What a nice day, wow.... How much more surprise are left behind for me. Oh please God! Don't bring them one by one,..... But you have to give me all at one's. Is this is my punishment for my past life or what. Just take me out of this world, I don't want to live here any more.'

I just wanna laugh at my situation, how horriblely I'm stuck at this. At one side, the girl is try to kill me and on the other hand, i reunite with the person who try to kill me. Not everyone, take birth with this fortune. Akash looked at three of us, and said "wow, meet again.....what was your name. And who is this girl? Your friend Tanisha? Or of yours, dude?" While pointing towards Roy.

Everyone was quiet, I said "what's your purpose? Why are you putting your nose between other's business? And just tell me what the hell were you talking that day." Akash didn't replied, he look at the them (Roy and Divya) and grab my waist, said in a low voice "Come with me, lady Swan wants to meet with you." And handed me his phone in which Shivangi's picture was there.

For a second, I was pull backed. I was nervous, by my look Roy get that something is off. He move forward towards me and going to say something. Suddenly, Divya tightly cloaked her hand with him and said "Roy it looks like your friend is busy. Tanisha, if you want to talk privately I and Roy will move from here, right Roy?"

I can't think of anything, it was like fog in my brain. I was very much worried about her. I looked at them, temporarily i thaught of telling Roy but from the past memories. I really didn't want him to suffer because of me.

I said "Okey, let's go." Roy makes a high-pitched sound "Tanisha, what are you doing right now!!!?? You!!! Be mindful!!!" By looking at Akash, who was grinding like a Cheshire cat continued his incomplete sentence "just look at him, and I think you didn't forget what happened that--"

He was again in his quarrelsome behaviour, I didn't let him complete the sentence. I said in a loud voice "Stop!!" In my view, Roy was little shock. Even Those tattoo dudes, Divya and including Akasha was surprisingly looking at me.

I adjusted my mind, while turning towards Divya said "Sorry, but I have to leave right now. It was nice to meet you" I turn back to them, without looking back to Roy, I didn't dare to meet eye with him after yelling at him. I walked towards Akash and lift my face which was facing ground till now, said "Let's go, to which lady Swan you are talking about."

After getting out of the club, I was following Aksha without saying a word. He was standing right next to me, even he didn't said a word. After few minutes, a car came and stop in front of us. He looked at me and said to sit at the back.

Almost 30 minutes later, we arrived at front of a large gate, like Royal palace gate. It was indeed a Royal palace, after entering the hallway, i said " Where is Shivangi? At first I want to meet with her." Akash was silently walking in ahead of me, he didn't even bother to answer me.

At the end of the hall way, he stop and open me the gate. Till now I have control over my anger, but by looking at him saying to get in the room i brust out. I stand face to face and said "At first Shivangi!!!!!"

He looked at me with pitiful eyes, "I just saw you the picture of your friend, but didn't said that she is here." He hold the door and while closing it said "I will stand here you go and talk with my lady."

I was standing in a uncomfortable silence room where there was no one but dark, moonlight was coming through the window. I looked here and there for few seconds, figuring out where is that lady he was talking about.

A unknown, chilling voice said "come here and sit."

To Be Continue........