
Different Lives

It's cold and mistreated here. Wait! But I'm in a room. As I can see it is a poor and I'll conditioned room. My big house and my morning kisses are missing me so much. Since I'm here, I have to see how I got here. Ha, I know. I read in a book when a being is transmigrated you can only have one year to fix the errors or trouble of the other person or he won't find his life of before.

Only the person with a comfortable life can help the other person. I always thought it was rubbish, but now look where I am at. I didn't why they said the one with a comfortable life. So they mean transmigration is between rich people and common people? Anyway the comfortable life is me. By the way, the condition of her room can't show she is more comfortable than me.

So it means that girl will have a free ticket for a big deluxe house, kisses, letters, money and dinners from my husband!? But what the heck! I'd better get out from this body quickly. But how? I can't just get out from this body like that with no error to fix . I already solved many problems and puzzles but this one must be the most difficult. I think it will be simple I just got to know the owner of this body and what was her problem.

In my Modern Villa...

5:00 am in the morning.

Babe? Baby wake up! Where am I? Mo Han threw himself at her and hugged her appeased. I knew you wouldn't die. Why is he saying that? She thought.

Why are you like this and what's happening? She said loudly.

I even forgot. What a dumb dumb I am!

You were in reanimation for three days and I brought you back home at 1:00am. Come, it's time to eat. Ow, my legs are paining. Try a little bit. They are so painful. You don't want to walk time for punishment. What do you mean!? Mo Han walked slowly and teared his dresses away. Hai Nui afraid she jumbled from the bed, opened the door and ran away. Damn, I have to get her. She ran with her painful leg till she reached the guests bathroom and closed the door.

Open this door! MO Han said gently. No! She responded quickly. OK! I will use the hard method. He went away for a few minutes. Where is he? I'm behind you.! Ahhh... I entered through a secret door. So you create secret doors without telling your wife? Uh... Nevermind you're still finished. I'll feast on you. Please have pity for a poor woman. Too late. Ahh...

I will go slowly on you for now, next time it will be tough. I'm at least angry against you and don't tell me you don't know what I mean. She said angrily. Revenge for punishing me haha. She thought. Those doors were for security. He went away not saying a word. He's just going like that. Does that Suihing live like that everyday? Mo Han came back dressed in casual and with a blanket. He covered Suihing and carried her in his arms to the bedroom.

I will bring you breakfast. Will you like to eat something else. Yes a drink with no alcohol and bread. Just bread? Yep! She said. If you want it call me hubby and kiss me right now. Don't you think you already touched me enough like that? Your dose is finished. She said. OK! No food for you. I'm really hungry right now. She thought. Oh Hai Nui resist to temptation, resist. I can't resist. I didn't even realize that he's so handsome with his dark hair and seductive eyes.

Seeing him right now is like seeing a painting. What am I saying? I was bullying bullies in my school. I can also bully him. The time is ticking. I'm doing it for you food. Mr... Mr what are trying to do? Making two steps behind. Say it or the time of your punishment will be near. H... H... Hub... Hubby! She cried. Kiss me please!

Yes, with great pleasure.

He kissed her lips emotionally and hold her waists to his stomach.

Why do I feel some sort of emotions for him? You're so beautiful! He said kissing her passionately. This guy is so handsome! His real wife must the luckiest woman in the world. I owe you darling! Let me go and take your orders my queen. Oh! I'm flattered. Haha!

Luxury house, handsome man Wow! How did I got here! I just slept in my little room and I then I got up in a palace. There's something for this phenomenon. What's it again? Transmigration! It says a spirit is transmigrated in the body of the other person. The person with a better life will have to save the other person. This is not my life but the woman, who was here had it.

So she will save me and she only got one year to fix my problem. My problem is to find the truth about my parents. I always prayed to work hard at school and get this type of life but in a magical morning, I just swapped with a rich woman. This handsome husband is someway waiting for the cook to bake fresh bread. Rich people don't eat dormant bread. Can I even take a glance of myself.

I front of a big mirror, she saw a thin and curvy woman with long black hair, a pale skin and a perfectly shaped face. I understand why he loves that woman so badly. Just by seeing her I already like her. She looks like a good person. I have to familiarize with this body and know about the life of Suihing. Isn't there a marriage photo or a document somewhere?

So let me see, <happy marriage Mo Han and Xin Suihing. > So my new name is Xin Suihing. Ay... I pray when I will get to my real life I can get a husband like him. Affectionate, kind, cruel and handsome. Oh, and rich! Lol. Some months in the life of my dreams. I must certainly have a phone! Here, he kept it in this cupboard. Honey, already in your phone? Give it to me! You don't have to get it now. Here this is your food.

Thanks! Will I have to stay here? If it is for how long?

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