
My New Stepbrother is a Hot CEO

*Book contains mature content Olivia, freshly divorced and seeking solace, unexpectedly finds herself on her mother's doorstep at the tender age of 28. In search of a clean slate, she embarks on a journey unwittingly entangling herself in the complex dynamics of the Jameson family, particularly with her new stepbrothers. Among them, Logan emerges as a charming presence, offering laughter and warmth, while Ethan exudes an air of trouble, prompting Olivia to swear off any involvement with him. However, as her past has taught her, promises are often destined to unravel. Excerpt: "I think there must be a punishment for your lack of communication, Olivia." "Ethan, I'm sorry," Olivia began, but Ethan gently placed his finger on her lips to silence her. "Tonight, you are mine. Remove your clothes," he commanded, his voice husky and filled with desire. "The longer you take, the more severe your punishment will be. You've been a naughty girl." Olivia's hands trembled as she slowly began to remove each item of clothing. She could sense the hunger in his gaze, a hunger that mirrored her own.

Shania_Aspen_9422 · Urban
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103 Chs

Stir Up Trouble

The next few weeks whirled by in a blur of activity. Work consumed much of Olivia's time, with projects and deadlines constantly vying for her attention. Meanwhile, Richard and Mary had returned from their European escapade, and Olivia was eager to hear all about their adventures.

As the day waned into the evening, Olivia was excited about catching up with her mom and Richard. Tonight, they were all gathering at their house, a cozy haven where laughter and warmth always abounded.

For Olivia and Ethan, things had settled into a comfortable rhythm. They navigated the delicate balance between professionalism at work and the joy of spending time together outside the confines of the office. Their relationship had blossomed, each day bringing new discoveries and shared moments that deepened their connection.

As they made their way to Richard and Mary's house, Olivia couldn't shake the flutter of excitement in her chest. She cherished these gatherings, where family and love intersected, weaving a tapestry of cherished memories and bonds. And tonight promised to be no exception, filled with laughter, stories, and the simple pleasure of being together.

Ethan navigated the sleek curves of the road with the grace of a seasoned driver, his fancy car gliding effortlessly toward their destination. Soft melodies filled the air, casting a tranquil ambiance over the vehicle's interior. Olivia sank into the plush seats, enveloped in serenity, as they journeyed towards her parents' house. Moments like these made her feel like the world was perfectly aligned, with every piece falling into place with seamless precision.

As they pulled into the driveway, a jarring interruption shattered the tranquility. Ethan's phone pierced the air with its shrill ringtone, prompting an expletive to escape his lips. Olivia glanced at him, concern etched into her features, as he glanced at the caller ID and cursed softly.

"Lauren," he muttered under his breath, a flicker of annoyance clouding his expression. "How did she get my number?"

With a resigned sigh, Ethan answered the call, his voice strained with thinly veiled frustration. "What can I help you with, Lauren?"

The voice on the other end of the line tinkled with false sweetness, Lauren's laughter grating on Ethan's nerves like sandpaper. "Oh, Ethan, is that any way to answer a call?" she cooed. "I just wanted to touch base with you to see if we could catch up and discuss our new partnership."

Ethan's jaw tightened, and his patience was wearing thin. "Lauren, I'd prefer if you called the office to arrange any meetings," he replied curtly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

But Lauren persisted, her words dripping with a saccharine sweetness that made Olivia's stomach churn. "But Ethan, we're such good friends," she protested. "I didn't think it was necessary to go through formal channels."

A flicker of irritation flashed across Ethan's features. "What we had is over, Lauren," he stated firmly, his voice leaving no room for ambiguity. "It's time for you to put that behind you. We are not good friends, and I don't intend for us to be."

As Ethan ended the call, Olivia watched him with concern and understanding. She knew Lauren's specter lingered in their lives like a stubborn shadow, refusing to fade away. But she also knew that Ethan's commitment to her was unwavering.

"Persistent indeed," Olivia remarked, trying to muster a sense of assurance despite the unease gnawing at her.

Ethan's eyes softened as he gazed at Olivia, his hand gently reaching to cup her cheek. "Hey," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm to her frayed nerves. "Don't let her get to you, okay? She's just trying to stir up trouble."

Olivia nodded, trying to push aside the knot of anxiety that had settled in her stomach. "I know," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "It's just... hard, you know?"

Ethan's thumb brushed across her cheek in a tender caress. "I know, Liv," he said softly. "But we're in this together. Whatever comes our way, we'll face it together."

His words were like a lifeline, anchoring her amidst the storm of doubts and fears swirling inside her. With a shaky breath, Olivia leaned into his touch, seeking solace in the warmth of his embrace.

"I trust you, Ethan," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. I trust us, too."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Ethan's lips as he leaned in to kiss her forehead. "That's all that matters," he murmured, his voice filled with quiet determination.

Just as Olivia and Ethan were about to head inside, the front door burst open, and Mary threw herself at Olivia with such enthusiasm that it almost knocked her off her feet.

"Olivia!" Mary exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy. "I missed you so much and have so much to share. Come in, come in!" She tugged at Olivia's arm, practically dragging her inside.

Olivia and Ethan chuckled at Mary's exuberance, exchanging amused glances before following her into the cozy warmth of the house. Richard greeted them with a smile as he approached.

"Don't mind her," he said, his tone affectionate. "She's just had a wonderful time and can't wait to share it."

Once inside, they settled around the dining table, where Mary had prepared a delicious spread of homemade apple pie and freshly brewed coffee. The tantalizing aroma filled the room.

Mary regaled them with tales of their trip to London and Paris as they indulged in the sweet treat. She described the iconic landmarks they had visited—the majestic Big Ben, the historic Tower of London, and the breathtaking Eiffel Tower. She recounted their leisurely strolls along Montmartre's cobblestone streets, the bustling markets' vibrant colors, and the enchanting melodies of street musicians filling the air.

With each vivid detail, Olivia's imagination soared, transporting her to the picturesque streets of Europe. She listened intently, hanging on Mary's every word as she painted a vivid picture of their adventures abroad.

Ethan, too, was captivated by Mary's stories, his eyes alight with fascination as he absorbed every detail of their travels. He savored each bite of the delectable pie, feeling grateful for this moment of togetherness with Olivia and their family.

As the evening unfolded, filled with laughter, reminiscences, and the warmth of familial love, Olivia felt a sense of gratitude for the precious moments they shared. And as she looked around the table at the smiling faces of her loved ones, she knew that these memories would be cherished for years to come.