
My New Stepbrother is a Hot CEO

*Book contains mature content Olivia, freshly divorced and seeking solace, unexpectedly finds herself on her mother's doorstep at the tender age of 28. In search of a clean slate, she embarks on a journey unwittingly entangling herself in the complex dynamics of the Jameson family, particularly with her new stepbrothers. Among them, Logan emerges as a charming presence, offering laughter and warmth, while Ethan exudes an air of trouble, prompting Olivia to swear off any involvement with him. However, as her past has taught her, promises are often destined to unravel. Excerpt: "I think there must be a punishment for your lack of communication, Olivia." "Ethan, I'm sorry," Olivia began, but Ethan gently placed his finger on her lips to silence her. "Tonight, you are mine. Remove your clothes," he commanded, his voice husky and filled with desire. "The longer you take, the more severe your punishment will be. You've been a naughty girl." Olivia's hands trembled as she slowly began to remove each item of clothing. She could sense the hunger in his gaze, a hunger that mirrored her own.

Shania_Aspen_9422 · Urban
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103 Chs

I Live Here

Daniel smiled at Olivia, his warm chuckle breaking the tension in the air. "No pressure here, Olivia. I'm just glad you're doing well," he said. "Do you think we could still be friends? Maybe have dinner from time to time? I don't want to lose you completely from my life."

Olivia hesitated, contemplating the idea. Given the complexities of her new life, especially her budding connection with Ethan, she was still determining if this was a good idea. But she couldn't bear the thought of shutting Daniel out entirely. "I'm not sure if this is a good idea," she finally replied. "But don't worry, I won't shut you out completely. Let's see how things go."

Their conversation shifted to lighter topics, like old friends catching up on each other's lives. Daniel shared stories about his parents, while Olivia talked about her meeting with Richard and the ins and outs of her new job. The conversation was marked by a sense of camaraderie and nostalgia, like an echo of the past.

As the evening drew to a close, Daniel offered to drop Olivia home, but she hesitated, not wanting him to know where she lived. She decided to hail a cab as she said her goodbyes, keeping a certain distance while still maintaining a connection to her past and the uncertain future she was navigating.


Across the street at the pub, Ethan had imbibed far more than he should have. With blurry vision, he couldn't help but watch Olivia and Daniel seated by the window, laughing and interacting. The scene gnawed at him, and his heart sank deeper into a whirlpool of emotions.

Logan sighed heavily when he noticed Ethan in such a state. Neither of them was remotely capable of driving, and it was clear they needed a safe way home. Logan swiftly summoned an Uber to ensure they would arrive safely. He helped Ethan into the car with effort, being extra cautious given his inebriated state. Concern for his brother's well-being hung heavy in the air.

At Logan's request, the driver steered them toward Ethan's address first, prioritizing his brother's safety. As they arrived at the building, Logan intended to assist Ethan all the way to his apartment on the top floor. But Ethan, stubborn even in his intoxication, pushed him away.

"No," he slurred, "I'm fine. I just need to sleep this off."

"Alright," Logan said, giving in, "remember what I said – give Olivia space and time. Things will work out in the end." 

Ethan responded with a somewhat unintelligible grunt and proceeded toward the building's entrance, his unsteady steps carrying the weight of his inebriated heart.

As Logan climbed into the car, he couldn't shake the heavy sigh that escaped his lips. His thoughts revolved around his brother's current state. 

"Ethan has really got it bad," he mused to himself, his concern etched across his face. "I hope for his sake that this goes in the right direction. I've never seen him this taken with anyone before." 

Logan's worry was genuine as he considered the situation's complexity, hoping fervently for the best outcome for his brother.


Olivia arrived at her building, her thoughts still mulling over the dinner with Daniel. She had mixed feelings about the evening, and a sense of nostalgia lingered as she approached her apartment door. It was a strange experience, meeting Daniel again, recalling the shared memories and the life they had once led together.

But as she reached her door, the last thing she expected was to find Ethan sitting on the floor beside it. 

Shock and concern filled her voice as she gasped, "Ethan?" He didn't look to be in good shape, and as he stood up rather unsteadily, she rushed to support his weight. She couldn't ignore the scent of alcohol on his breath.

"You're drunk," she stated, her voice a mixture of worry and annoyance. "What are you doing here?"

Ethan, while intoxicated, managed to form a simple response, "I live here."

Sighing, Olivia opened the door and guided Ethan to her couch. She headed to the kitchen to fetch him some water. However, as she turned away, he unexpectedly grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down, leaving her both surprised and bewildered. 

His hands were large yet gentle as he pulled her down. Her knees pressed to the soft cushion of the couch. Ethan brushed Olivia's lips with his once or twice before capturing them in a slow, heated kiss. The musk of his cologne tickled her nostrils. He smelled of musk, rich and masculine, mixed with the smell of alcohol. It was intoxicating.

Ethan cupped his hand under her chin, pulling her face closer to his. The amber flecks in his eyes sparkled in the dim room. His dark hair fell forward just above his brow, and Olivia couldn't help but be drawn to his sparkling eyes. She reached up to caress his cheek.

The lights were turned off in Olivia's living room, but the floor lamp by the couch was on. The light under the bathroom door was on and cast a long shadow against the wall. The sound of her breath quickened as Ethan's lips grew more demanding. His deep growl sent a shiver down her spine. His heart thundered in his chest, and she could feel the blood pulse in his neck. As his arms encircled her, he pulled her closer.

Pulling away, Olivia said, "Ethan, you are drunk. I don't think this is the right time for this." "I want you, Olivia," Ethan slurred, "Do you want me? Please be mine. I can give you pleasure like you've never known." 

The tone of Ethan''s voice was low and deep, making Olivia want him to do things to her. She sensed a vulnerability in him that was often buried beneath his controlling facade. 

His hands slid down her waist to grab her ass. "I know you want this as much as I do," he whispers hoarsely in her ear. He pulled away and studied her reaction. Desire pooled in his eyes as he slid his hands around her and pulled her against his body.

He felt like her lips were as sweet as her skin. Her kiss was as soft as a feather. The taste of her mouth was like a mingling of strawberries and peppermint, sweet and intoxicating like a fine wine.

The way Ethan's hands caressed her skin made butterflies flutter in her stomach. She could feel the tension on Ethan's body and his pent-up frustration.

The fine hairs on the back of her neck stood up at his touch; her body felt warm and pliant against his, and her breasts peaked against his hard chest. 

Ethan's lips traced a burning path down Olivia's neck and to her chest, his tongue teasing her hardening nipples through her shirt. Her hands desperately sought purchase on Ethan's broad shoulders, and Ethan's hands tangled in her hair, drawing her face to his. As their lips met, Olivia thought she would explode from the sheer passion and intensity of the kiss.

His low voice echoed throughout the room, "Come on, baby," he said, drawing her in with each word. 

She grasped his shoulders, pushing him away. "I don't know, Ethan," Olivia said, "We've only been on one date. I'm not sure I'm ready to move this fast. Didn't you say you wanted to take it slow?"

Cursing under his breath, Ethan said, "I'm sorry," seeming slightly more sober than before. "I've had a lot to drink. I don't know what came over me." 

He lifted her chin, forcing Olivia to look at him. "I know we haven't been together long, but I can't imagine spending many more nights without you. I want you to be mine."

Olivia shivered, feeling Ethan's hungry gaze roam over her. The passion and need in his gaze made Olivia feel like he was undressing her with his mind. His eyes were dark and hooded, and he looked more than a little drunk. He wanted her so bad that it was written all over his face. She could feel his erection pressing hard against her thigh, and she wanted it inside of her. 

Olivia let out a short sigh and stood up. "You better get yourself cleaned up," she said calmly, "I'm going to go get you a glass of water."

As she walked to the kitchen, Olivia let her mind wander. Holy hell, Ethan was a complete turn-on. He had her spinning around so fast she barely had time to think.

Ethan was passed out on the couch when she returned with the glass of water. She placed it on the coffee table along with two aspirin. He was definitely going to need those when he woke up. 

Olivia slipped quietly into her room. She needed a cold shower to wash off Ethan's lingering scent. Her lips still tingled with the last kiss Ethan had given her before he passed out. She could still feel the ghost of his hands on her body.

Olivia dabbed her tongue at the corner of her mouth. Her lips felt parched like she'd spent the last hour in the desert. She would need a long cold shower before sleep could claim her, and Ethan would have some explaining to do tomorrow.