
Chapter 85

The weekend that Janet found out she was pregnant was one of the best weekends for her. Her happiness knew no bounds, her family and Caleb did all they could to help out even if she had not started showing physically.

Caleb recommended his wife's gynaecologist who was also his family's gynaecologist to her. He even volunteered to always take Mark to school everyday. Her mum and her sister took over cooking and cleaning, they would not let her touch anything. She told them that she was going to break the news to Marcus herself since she had less than two weeks to be reunited with Marcus.

It was hard keeping the secret from him and she did not feel good about it but she knew that the surprise was worth the wait, so she tried her best to be discreet about the entire thing.

For her doctor's appointment, Caleb volunteered to take her there and his wife did not mind because she knew how much he cared about Janet. She was also relieved because as he did all those things for Janet, it gave him time to heal from the regrets he held in himself about how he had treated her and her sisters.


Marcus could not wait to see his wife that he flew into town a day before he was supposed to come into town. His plan was to get home, put everything in order and then go and bring her back, so that was what he did. Waiting till the next day before he'd go and pick her up gave him time to celebrate his daughter's birthday and make her feel loved. He reassured her that he loved her and made her promise not to disturb him upstairs. She told him that she just mixed him and that she felt as if he had forgotten about her. She complained that she did not like that the doctors gave her injections whenever she told them that she wanted to see him. She told him that she wanted to come with him and leave up where he leaves. He lied to her that there are bad people out there and he was just trying to protect her.

Marcus noted that his little girl was not as little as she used to be. She was now a fighter and she was so persistent. It might be hard to keep her down here, since convincing now took almost two hours. He did a sign language to Mary, asking her if Martha was disturbing her and if there was anything she needed. Martha knew that if she told Marcus that she had been telling Martha things about him, about the outside world, about how her father was a killer, he might take Martha away from her so she signed back to him that Martha was just being a kid but she was not too much for her to handle. She also sensed that he was Ina good mood and she did not want to ruin it for him. She asked him how he had been and what he was up to these days. He signed back to her that he had gotten married again and he really wanted to make this work. Mary was heartbroken but she was determined to hide every emotion from Marcus because she did not want him to hurt Martha, that was the only reason she had to live.

After a while, Marcus left them and went back upstairs but Martha made sure the guards could not see her while she cried. She was like that for days and she tried to make sure nobody noticed anything wrong with her. She cried harder because she had been trying to tell herself that she was just being protected by Marcus but the truth was, she and her child were both prisoners and they might die as prisoners. Marcus was just a selfish criminal and he would never change. Mary cried because she did not know how to warn whoever the new wife was, to run away from Marcus.

Marcus went back to his room and slept very well, preparing himself to see his beautiful wife. He began to fantasize about how wild their night would be. He would send shiver down to her spine with his oral sexual actions. The more he thought about it, the more he could not stop himself from smiling, he could imagine her gasping and moaning at every touch.

The next morning, he got up and started getting ready to leave. He wore a casual outfit; a grey t-shirt, a black jeans and a black shoe. He was in the best mood ever.

When he got to Janet's family house, he walked up to the door while Michael stayed in the car with another bodyguard.

Jolene opened the door for him and went to get call Janet who was now packing her stuff with her mother. Mark was with her and he was very sad. He asked her why he could not come with her but she told him that she was not going away for a long time, she assured him that she would be back soon. He did not believe her so she left her luggage in the room. She decided to go without it, just to convince Mark.

She carried the text kit and place it in a small gift box, she decided to give Marcus immediately they get him. She envisioned how special everything was going to be.

When she came downstairs and saw Marcus looking more handsome than she remembered, she ran down the stairs and jumped into his arms. She had missed him so much. She grabbed his face and they started making out almost immediately.

When they broke away, Marcus cupped her face and lovingly said, "I have missed you too much, Baby. It feels like I've been gone for years. He hugged her tightly and sniffed her hair.

She was all giggles and then told him she had a surprise for him, she handed him the package and told him not to open it till they got home. 

Then, they bade goodbye to everyone and Marcus had to reassure Mark that he would soon join them in their house. Mark got relieved when he heard this promise. He made them promise that they would come back for him and they did.

When they got back into the car, Janet was still excited to see Marcus, they were still making out and just being cuddly with each other. The journey started and Marcus kept giving Janet butterfly kisses as they started talking about his trip. It was not anything Janet had not heard before since they used to talk about everything and he had told her exactly how he spends each day, but it was to distract herself from telling him the secret.

Then she mentioned how sweet Mark had been to her and how she was so lucky to have him call her mum too. Marcus did not catch the drift at first, he was more engrossed in thinking about the adventure they were going to embark on as soon as they get home.

"Babe, did you hear what I just said?" She asked him again. This time, she stood up from the position she had been in earlier; resting on his chest.

"Yeah, you said you loved how sweet he is to you." He tried to get her head back on his chest but she did not bulge.

"Yeah. I also said that I am lucky that he was calling me mum too" she looked at him as if he should get the hint.

At this point, Michael had understood what she was hinting and he wished she did not. He was turning pale as he sat in the front passenger seat.

Don't Janet. You don't know what you are getting yourself into! Just shut up! He thought to himself as he rubbed his forehead anxiously but almost unnoticeably.

Janet became serious and then said, "Marcus, where is the surprise I gave you"

Marcus pulled it out, he was wondering why she was getting too serious. "Here it is"

"Open it" She ordered him.

He did as he was told and immediately he saw the pregnancy kit, he turned pale instantly. He could not even hide the displeasure on his face. He looked at her and back at what he was holding, then back at her smiling face, and back to his hands, he kept rotating his gaze for about ten seconds.

Janet did not make anything out of his expression, she thought that it was cute that he was shocked. She chuckled happily and said, "Unbelievable right? I thought the same thing when I saw it."

Marcus wanted to throw up immediately. The thoughts that kept going through his head was, How the fuck did this happen?... Why is this happening to us now?... When did it happen? I have been on the pills I was given... Where did I go wrong? Did I forget to take the pill?... Whose child is it because I have been judiciously taking the pills for two freaking years!?... What in the fucking hell am I supposed to do now?...I don't want to lose her! Fuck! This is the worst news! I did not think we would end this soon! Damnit! Damnit!!! What do I do now? Damn, she is looking at me for a response!

He smiled nervously and said, "wow, I'm gonna be a dad!"

''i know right!" Janet replied and hugged his stuff body immediately.

Marcus just looked forward and stole glances with Michael and the other bodyguard who was driving them. Then he nodded slightly and shook his head twice at Michael, indicating that he should fake call him to save him from this situation.

As soon as Marcus's phone started ringing, he pretended to be on a call but Michael ended the call on his side so Marcus kept talking to nobody. He acted like there was an emergency somewhere and he needed to be there as soon as possible.

Marcus wanted to get away from Janet as soon as possible, he wanted to process the information he had just received and find out when the whole thing started. He was repulsed by the whole situation and he just wanted to get himself out of this situation.

When they got home, he lied to her and told her that he would be back soon that he needed to sort out something really quick. She did not suspect anything so she just went inside to the rose petals that he had laid out on the floor, the soft music playing in the background, the chef who was waiting for the to open the door before he lifted the candle and went to bring their dinner and a bottle of wine. Janet was so enchanted by the welcome back treat that he had laid out for her and that was what she focused on.

Marcus was in the car till Janet got into the house then he started cussing loudly. He went on like that for more than ten minutes before ordering Michael to take him back to the doctor's office.

As soon as he got there, he grabbed the doctor by his shirt and said, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

The doctor tried to calm him down by saying, "Marcus, please calm down. Please."

Marcus pushed him away and sat on the chair, with his hands on his face and began to sob uncontrollably.

The doctor did not understand what was going on but he tried to console Marcus. The only time he had seen Marcus this distraught was when his first wife died. After what seemed like fifteen minutes, Marcus looked at him and calmly said, "You son of a bitch! How could you ruin the beautiful thing she and I had?!"

The doctor calmly sat on his table and asked, "What thing?"

"The stupid ass pills you fucking gave me! It didn't work! This last dose you gave me did not work! What did you do?!"

The doctor adjusted his glasses and said, "I don't think... You know what, why don't you bring the pills for me to examine. Bring the entire thing for me to see."

Marcus scoffed and said, "Bring it for you to see? So that what, you'll apologise? She's fucking pregnant! What the fuck am I supposed to do?''

"Bring her here, I'll help you get rid of it. But, don't forget to bring the pills, I need to be sure you got the correct thing."

"You know what I wanna do to you right now? I wanna burst your fucking face open! You had one fucking job! Give me something that kills my swimmers! And what did your dumbass do in return? You fucking idiot!"

With another outburst of emotion, Marcus stood up and punched the wall so hard that it broke his fingers, so he had to be bandaged up.

Janet had waited for him for hours but he was not yet back so she decided to call him, he did not pick up his phone. She texted him severally but it was also not returned. She was hungry so she ate what she could of the dinner and decided to go and shower. After that, she dressed up and robe a robe and went to wait for him.

She stayed on the couch till she fell asleep.

He got back and when he saw her on the couch, he did not even bother to wake her up first, instead he went to their bathroom and took out the bottle of pills and stuffed them in the coat that he wanted to wear to work the next day. After that, he got a blanket and their pillows and came back to the living room. He gently placed her head on top of one of the pillows, and covered her with the blanket. Then, he just stared at her peaceful face for almost an hour. He lived Janet so much and the thought of putting her in the basement was too much for him. He did not know if he could do it. He started thinking of other options.

Options like moving them to a different continent, but he knew that he would be found anywhere he decides to go. It was just going to be a matter of time. Right now, she did not know who she married; a druglord, a psychopathic murderer and a criminal that owned the city at night. He knew his wife well enough to know that he would lose her the moment she finds out all about him and, also that he even tried to mess with her mentally by knowing destroying her chance of being a mother. And if she lets her have this baby and then he puts her in the basement and she finds out about Martha and Mary, Janet would hate him for the rest of her life.