
Chapter 49

Juliette listened to him go off about how wild his night had been and she began to think about how worried she had been knowing that something like that was actually going on. Last night, she was tempted to go over to his place but she decided not to do that. She hoped he was not with any other woman because this time, she will not forgive him. She was worried about contracting any sexually transmitted disease from a promiscuous partner. As she listened, two things crossed her mind: he is a very good liar and knows how to cross his t's or that actually happened and she was worrying herself over nothing. If the latter were the case-which seemed likely from his story- then she needed to tell him to be careful about going black out from something that he should outgrow by now.

"Glad you had fun but you got me very worried and if joint gets you like that, should you be taking it? I'm not saying you should stop having fun or whatever but just maybe keep it at a minimal."

"Fine, I'll do that. I don't plan to make this a habit anyways."

"Okay. So, I have something in mind for us today."

Juliette had decided that it had been a while since they did anything really interesting so she decided that they should go to a nice restaurant and maybe afterwards go to his place or whatever. She missed him and wanted their bodies to catch up with their explorations.

"What is it, Mama?"

"I was thinking that maybe we should go to a nice restaurant today and have a great dinner, then afterwards, we could go get some wine or whatever and probably slow dance and see where the evening takes us-"

"Sold, I'm a hundred percent times sold." Nathan hurriedly said.

Juliette started laughing. She knew he could not refuse a lovely romantic dinner with her. Nathan would do anything that would lead to them being naked.

"You did not even let me finish"

"You don't even need to say more. You got my attention and any other thing you need. You know what, just send me three restaurants that you would like to go to and I'll pay for the reservations."

Juliette knew better than to fight him on this. From the first date till date, Nathan NEVER let's her pay for anything they had to do together. She thought it was cute and never fought him on it. When she told Ashley, she thought it was very gentlemanly and she commended him but advices Juliette to always go on those dates prepared.

"Okay, I'll text you the restaurants and all. We are going to your own place after the dinner."

Nathan smiled. He felt like his luck was very bright this week. He was having another orgasm filled night after the previous wild one. This one was going to be more relaxing.

"And I'll get youtwo bottles of your favorite wine, an updated playlist and this hot ass."

Juliette chuckled at the last thing he said. She found him very attractive and he knew that.

"To think that I have missed that hit ass and the things it could do to me"

Nathan raised a brow. Was she flirting? She almost never flirts with him. Well, except she was very turned on or probably when she was on something.

"You know, I stood some stuff from my buddy yesterday, should I bring it too."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"It will maximise the fun we are going to have tonight."

"I don't know about that...I mean, what if like we...you know what? Fuck it, I'm in. But just this one time. I am not going to be part of this after tonight."

Nathan was excited. He was about to have a blast tonight. He needed to call someone to get him hooked up with some of the stuff. He knew the exact person to call. As a matter of fact, he was going to drive down to the person's place of business now. He will get to work on no time.

"Okay Babe."

"I'm gonna hangup now but I will see you soon."

"Okay love, Bye, love ya"

She hung up and Nathan shook his head. He still did not know why she found it difficult to just say that she loved him but that's not what he was going to focus on, he had something more exciting to think about tonight.

He called his friend, Panda. Panda was not Panda's name but nobody knew his real name so everybody just called him Panda. He ran an underground laboratory that supplies pills and trees around the city. He had some guys working for him but he also had clients who came directly to him. He went to the same college with Nathan and from time to time, supplied him with some enhancing pills. They were not particularly friends but they were also not enemies, they just had things in common and that was a buying and selling attribute.

"Yo bro, what's good?"


"Yeah, it's me. Why? Did you change your number."

"Fam, I haven't heard or seen you in years. What's going on? Why are you calling- you need some tree?"

"You know me! My girl and I need to get to cloud nine, we're having a reunion."

"Ouuuu, showing her your shit all over again, ain't you big dawg?"

"I mean, that's what a reunion is about, isn't it?"

"It sure is. Well, drop by at my station and let me hook you you."

"Already there. I just wanted to make sure the password is still the same."

Panda laughed and said, "It still is"

Nathan got out and went into the small supermarket. It was so small and looked like the owner was a normal guy who possibly didn't graduate college and decided to make ends meet with his little supermarket. Nobody had ever robbed him but there were break-ins in other shops that the other shop owners began to get suspicious but when the word on the street was that Panda used to settle them behind close doors, the other shop owners relaxed.

Nathan got in and there were customers in the shop. He did not want to look suspicious so he walked and started checking out stuff on the shelf. In no time, he made his way to the back. When he go there, the secret basement was guarded by another guy. Immediately he saw Nathan, he asked, "Password"

"You're my bitch!"

The man opened the passageway and then Nathan made his way to the lab. He could see Panda concentrated on the microscope that he was using. Nathan didn't say a word because he didn't want to distract Panda and also because the other guys in there were so quiet that anyone who would enter the room will just follow suit.

When Panda was done with his stuff, he turned around and revealed his innocent face. The face broke into the most genuine smile Nathan had ever seen, then he extended his hand to Nathan who took it and they shook hands for a while.

"How long has it been?"

"I want to say three years but I had your stuff at a friend's party. I knew it was yours immediately I tasted it."

Panda turned to the other boys and said, "That, right there, that's some real ass customer. He knows my shit without even seeing me sell it. That right there, that's loyalty."

Then he turned to Nathan and said, "Welcome my brother. I got something for you."

"Something new?"

"Yeah, don't worry, you will love it."

"I would but my girl is not about this life, I'm not but I just want to be on another cruise while we do our stuff tonight."

"Okay. But this new formula is something I just perfected. You don't have to try it with her, just try it alone and then tell me what you think."

Nathan was thinking about the offer when Panda said, "The first one will be on the house."

Panda knew that the new formula was bound to make Nathan come back for more stuff and he was just going to be there, waiting and ready to get on with business.

"Fine. I hope you got my order though. I'm here for just one and we need to get it right."

"Not an issue." Panda replied and handed Nathan the small brown envelope containing all he needed to do his thing with Juliette.

He took it, paid for it and then left and went to work.

He kept somewhere very safe and began his normal activities for the day.

Juliette could not wait for what she had planned with Nathan. In fact, she was thinking about what she was going to wear and all the things they were going to do after the dinner. She remembered what he had told her to send her the names of her top three restaurants so she started checking the restaurants that she wanted to go to. She found the three and then sent them as a text to him.

Nathan almost spat out his coffee when the first name on the list of restaurants that Juliette sent to him. Staring right at his face was the restaurant that he went with Tiffany. It was a nice place but he could not go back there for at least three or six months.

So, he checked out the other two and then finally settled for the one with more positive ratings and great ambience, at least from the pictures on their Google business profile.

After paying, he sent a message to Juliette of the time, and the one he paid for. She responded and said she had hoped he picked the first one because she heard about the place and wanted to try their new menu. He told her that they could try it out some other time.

When he got home that evening, he looked around his apartment, the cleaner had done a good job, not that much needed to be done but it was extra clean and well organized. He decided to look formal but with a hint of sexiness to his outfit.

He wore a grey suit pants, a black button down shirt with the first three button opened, revealing his gold chain. His hair had an extra shine to it and it was perfectly put together. He wore a nice Louboutin shoe and a pair of ankle black socks. He dabbed his perfumes on and then sat on his sofa waiting for it to be 6:30 before he'd go pick Juliette up.

As he waited, he got a call from Leighton. He had been getting these lately but he had ignored her for a while, mostly because she calls when he's with Tiffany or Juliette or when he is busy with something. Since he was not busy or going to be busy for another forty-five minutes, he decided to answer the call.

She did not expect that he was going to pick up so she was shocked when he did and stuttered at first.

"Um, hi, uh, hello Nathan, it's been a while."

"Three weeks Leighton since I last saw you and I've been hella busy, how are you?"

"Yeah, and it dawn on me that I don't know where you live. Anyways, that's not why I called you. I just wanted to hear from you"

"I've been good. How are you?"


"That's nice."

There was silence for a while and then Leighton suddenly asked, "Is that it? Is that all you're gonna say?"

"What do you mean?"

"Uh, we have a baby on the way and you're gonna ask of just me? What about the baby. Nathan, I thought it was a joke when you said you didn't want the baby and like a cool, I thought you'd eventually do but you still act like it does not exist."

"I didn't say anything."

"You don't have to say shit, Nathan!"

"Look, Leighton, I know you're upset and shit but you're getting everything wrong."

"Yeah? How come I don't know anyone you know? How come I don't know your parents? How come you have never invited me to your home? Look, I know that I'm probably gonna just be a babymama to you and I regret that it had to come to this but Nathan, our child deserves to know his or her father! It deserves to know it's grandparents! God! I don't know what I did you to make you hate me this much! And that now you gotta despise your child too?"

"Leighton! For fucks sake! I am not doing anything!"

"That's the point Nathan! You're not doing anything you should have been doing!"

"Leighton, I care about you, I care about our unborn child and I will be there for both of you. But, are we not working on our relationship? Is that not what we are currently doing? We got to this point because you always wanna nag and make me the bad guy. I just told you that I have been busy with work and shit. You don't even know what has been going on with me and work and all you wanna do is nag and throw tantrum over what you think and believe is the truth. You're now making up scenerios in your head-"

"I'm making up scenerios in my head? Are you shittng me?! Is this a fucking dream? How the fuck do you come over to my place and we chill and have a good time all night and then the moment you step out my door, it's a problem getting you to pick up the fucking phone! How Nathan? Answer me!"

"I'm sorry about that but you of all people know that my ringer is turned off and then when I see the calls and wanna call back, I gotta hink of whether you're resting or sleeping because I read somewhere that women in their first trimester get tired and need to rest as often as possible. So, I cannot just call or something."

"And you cannot respond to my texts? You're a fucking liar! You lie so much that I don't even know if you have ever told me the truth since I met you."

"Look, if it makes you feel better, I'll come over immediately I'm done with this shit that I'm working on. I'm currently at work and me and my team are trying to make sure that we don't get laid off. Do you want a father who is just going to be a deadbeat to my child?"

"I don't think you're gonna be a deadbeat father, I know you're gonna be a deadbeat father! You have proven to me that I or the baby don't matter to you and- You're a liar, an irresponsible piece of shit-"