
My New Marvel Life

Seth McCauley, a "Marvel" nerd that was an ordinary person who hadn't done anything other than just live his life, never doing anything to make him stand out is given a chance to finally do something amazing. He is reincarnated in the MCU with all of his favorite characters with three wishes to change his fate and finally be someone that the world will remember forever NOTICE: I do not own Marvel or any of it's elements only the MC and my fanfic elements P.S. This is my first time writing a novel so I'd appreciate some feedback to how I can make it better

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Chapter 19: Reflections And Revelations

As the celebrations for the victory on Vanaheim commenced, Seth could see that everyone but Thor was enjoying themselves. Thor seemed to smile and enjoy that his friends were enjoying themselves but he couldn't join in their revelry. Seth himself had already won three drinking competitions and his competitors are now too drunk to function and he is still functioning normally.

It isn't surprising that he wasn't drunk when you think about it. with the Adaptive Physiology, Logan's Healing Factor, and his Spider Powers. Seth basically is immune to poison and that includes alcohol and while he may have been affected by the ale that was served at first, he stopped being affected after his Adaptive Physiology and healing factor kicked in. Now Seth is just enjoying the atmosphere when he sees Thor get up and walk upstairs where he has a conversation with Lady Sif.

Seth could hear the whole conversation if he wanted to but he only listened a little bit and the gist of the conversation was that Thor missed Jane.


(Jane at a nice restaurant in London)

Jane Foster, Thor's old love, is just trying to get over him and decided to get herself back out there only to be interrupted by her ex intern Darcy who came with interesting news.

"You know all that scientific equipment you don't look at anymore? You might wanna start looking at it again. "

Darcy hands Jane some sort of monitoring device. "This is the reason we came all the way out here."

Jane looks at the rapidly beeping device. "It's malfunctioning?!?"

"That's what I said."

Jane then proceeded to smack the side of it on the table.

Darcy saw what she did.

"That's what I did. I thought you would do something a little more scientific."

Jane realized that she was still on a date and gave the device back to Darcy.

"I'm sure it's nothing..."

"It doesn't look like nothing, it looks like the readings Erik was rambling about."

Darcy then turned towards Jane's date.

"Our friend Erik, kinda went banana balls...."

"He's not interested."

Her date looked up. "I'm interested."

Jane ignored him "I'm not interested. Time for you to go now."

Darcy looks at Jane then walked away. "Okay."

Jane tried pretending that everything was okay but she was freaking out and couldn't stop saying Sea Bass.

Her date looked at her and said. "Jane? maybe you should stop saying "sea bass" and go after your friend."

Jane immediately perked up and got ready to leave. "This was so fun."

Her date looked kinda sad and said. "Y'know I'll just stay here and say "sea bass" alone."

Jane frowned but she understood why he was upset so she just left before she embarrassed him more. She had gone with Darcy and her new intern to a wharehouse where the signal was strongest. They came upon a bunch of kids who seemed to know something. The kids took them to an open floor with a big truck in the center. One of the kids used two fingers to lift the truck and it floated around like there was no gravity.

The kids then took them up several floors and threw a bottle down and before it could hit the floor, it disappeared into some kind of portal then reappeared from a portal above them and did it repeatedly before the kid grabbed the bottle. Jane was amazed at the complete break of the laws of physics and took an empty soda can and threw it down. The can went into the portal on the bottom but didn't come back out the top.

Jane looked around confused. "What happened?"

One of the kids spoke up. "Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't."

Jane then grabbed the device from the restaurant which is called a phase meter and looked at the readings. Jane looked at the phase meter.

"I haven't seen readings like this since... since."

Darcy interjected. "New Mexico?"

Jane then got an excited look and ran off while following the readings on the Phase Meter.

"Don't touch anything!!"

While Jane was off somewhere, the kids and Darcy and her intern were playing around and dropping random objects into the portal. Darcy's intern then threw a set of keys and they didn't come back.

Darcy looked up at the keys not appearing and asked him. "Were those the car keys?" He winced in realization.

Jane saw some crazy readings from the phase meter and started following them. At the same time there was some strange wind coming out of nowhere. She eventually tracked the readings and saw they were most strong in this hallway.

Jane looked down the hallway and then the wind got even crazier as she was slowly being pulled down the hallway, but the pull got stronger and stronger until she eventually popped through a portal just like the soda can earlier. Jane found herself in some sort of underground location and there was a black square pillar with a small gap that was glowing red.


(Meanwhile with Seth in Asgard)

Mostly out of boredom, Seth had been sending out Telekinetic and Telepathic Pulses to map out both Asgard and pick up any strange thoughts. Just as Seth was going to stop he picked up thoughts that could only be described as being vastly superior to the thoughts of the drunk asgardians he had been listening to for the last hour.

<"What the hell was that, some form of idiosyncratic teleportation? And what is that stone slab with glowing red slit in center? Wait it's moving toward me,shit shit shiiii....">

At this point Seth knew three things. One, that Jane Foster is on Asgard, and two, the Aether was actually on Asgard as well but stored in some sort of underground chamber. The movie never really explained where the Aether was hidden but implied it might've been on Asgard. And three, the Aether is now inside Jane.


(Somewhere in the deep dark of space)

There was a floating black ship and inside you could see many sleeping figures and at the same time that the Aether went inside Jane and she passed out, a pair of eyes opened and you can see the pale skin and pointed ears of a Dark Elf. Malekith was awake.


(Thor and Heimdall also on Asgard)

Thor was walking up to the Bifroat site and sees Heimdall standing watch with his sword in a slot as if waiting to activate the Bifrost.

Without turning around Heimdall says. "You're late." obviously refering to Thor.

"Merriment can sometimes be a heavier burden than battle."

"Then you're doing one of them incorrectly."

Thor chuckled "Perhaps. How fare the stars?"

"Still shining. From here, I can see nine realms and ten trillion souls."

Heimdall then pushed his sword into the slot and activated some sort of mechanism.

"Do you recall what I taught you of the convergence?"

"Yes. The alignment of the worlds. It approaches doesn't it?"

"The universe hasn't seen this marvel since before my watch began. Few can sense it and even fewer can see it. But while it's effects can be dangerous, it is truly beautiful."

Thor looks out into the stars. "I see nothing."

Heimdall smiles. "Or perhaps that is not the beauty you seek."

They both chuckle lightly then Thor asks "How is she?"

"She is clever your mortal. Without even realizing it she studies the convergence as well. Even...."


"I can't see her."

This was right as Jane had went through the portal. The only reason why Seth even knew she was on Asgard was because he could hear her thoughts, but even he stopped hearing them when she seemed to have fallen asleep. it was strange to Seth as even when dreaming, people have thoughts. Seth attributed it to be something to do with the Aether inside her.

Just as Thor was about to freak out, he and Heimdall heard a familiar voice. someone who already knew Thor watched over Jane.

"What do you mean you can't see her? How is that even possible?"

They turned around to see Seth walking up behind them.

Heimdall looked at him. "I'm not sure, this has never happened before. Not with a mortal."


(Jane in the underground chamber)

Jane was floating in the air with the Aether flowing in and around her and her eyes were fully black as if she was possessed. She exhaled as she passed out again.

So I have decided to end my version of the story earlier than in movie as with the MC's powers it is all too easy as long as it isn't dealing directly with an infinity stone.

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